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Clean Slate

Eric Phetteplace edited this page Jun 13, 2018 · 14 revisions

work in progress

Creating a Clean Slate

  1. clone last year's GitHub repo
  2. delete the ".git" folder

3. Clean _data directory


  • examples dir, contains the templates for future files


  • conf.yml, the sites configuration file
    1. Remove all of the old urls and links
    2. turn all toggles to false
  • past-keynotes.yml
    1. Copy the keynote speaker information from the speakers.yml file into this file
    2. Add their year
    3. Move their images from /assets/img/speakers to /assets/img/past-keynotes/
    4. Update their image-src


  • day*_menu.yml
  • dinner.yml
  • duty_officers*.yml
  • locations.yml
  • *-proposals.yml files
  • scheduke
  • speakers.yml
  • sponsors.yml

4. Delete unneeded media files

  • these often live in assets/img, for instance past year's speakers images
  • do not delete the past-keynotes images, "nopics", "badges", "clockface" or "persistent" directories

5. Remove all the presentations and workshops

  • Keynote speaker posts should be in the /_posts/keynotes/ dir, edit their frontmatter to follow this format:
layout: presentation
speaker: kate-krauss
categories: past-keynote
  • Note that "speakers" plural property is changed to "speaker"
  • Remove all the html files from _posts
  • do not remove the keynotes or examples dir or their contents

6. Comment out or delete content from html file

Excluding "assets" and any "_*" dirs, work through all of the other directories and files. Either comment out or remove any information that is no longer valid.

7. Create a new Google Analytics property & add new web committee members

  • ensure you're a member of the Code4Lib Website Working Group in Google Analytics
  • create a new property named "YYYY Conference" with the URL format of
  • update the tracking code in "_includes/analytics.html" with the new property's ID (e.g. the ga('create', 'UA-12345678-9', 'auto'); line)
  • add any new members of the website group to the analytics account under the User Management section
    • they need to have Google-related emails :(
    • give everyone read & analyze, edit, collaborate permissions
    • adding user's to the web property rather than the root of the group might make the most sense

8. Commit to the new conf site's repo

  • Once all the cleaning is complete, make a new repo within the code4lib organization
  • Within the root dir:
    • git init
    • git remote add origin $NEW_REPO_SRC
    • git add .
    • git commit -m "init"
    • git push origin master

9. Migrate last year's GitHub wiki from one repository to another

# clone the 2 wikis
git clone
git clone
# copy last year into this year, overwriting whatever exists
# add changes & push to github
git add .
git commit -m 'copy wiki from last year'
git push

Note that a lot of the internal links within the wiki (e.g. in the menu) will still reference the last year's URL and so will need to be updated. A search-and-replace of the old year for the new should do it.

10. Setup the CNAME


Clone this wiki locally