go get -u github.com/couchbase/cbft/...
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/couchbase/cbft
make prereqs
make test
To get local coverage reports with heatmaps...
make coverage
To get more coverage reports that include dependencies like the bleve library...
go test -coverpkg github.com/couchbase/cbft,github.com/blevesearch/bleve,github.com/blevesearch/bleve/index \
-coverprofile=coverage.out \
-covermode=count && \
go tool cover -html=coverage.out
Generating documentation...
We use the MkDocs tool to help generate an HTML
docs website from the markdown files in the ./docs
To generate the REST API markdown documentation...
make gen-docs
For a local development testing web server that automatically
re-generates the HTML website of ./docs
changes, run...
mkdocs serve
Then browse to to see the HTML docs website.
To deploy the HTML docs website to github's gh-pages, run...
mkdocs gh-deploy
You must pass go fmt
Error message conventions...
In the cbft project, fmt.Errorf() and log.Printf() messages follow a rough formatting convention, like...
<source_file_base_name>: <short static msg string>, <arg0>: <val0>, <arg1>: <val1>
The "short static msg string" should be unique enough so that git grep
works well.
We require a contributor license agreement (CLA) to be signed before we can merge any pull requests. To sign this agreement, please register at the couchbase code review site. The cbft project currently does not use this code review app, but it is still used to track acceptance of the CLA.
All types of contributions are welcome, but please keep the following in mind:
Existing tests should continue to pass ("make test"), and new tests for contributions are quite nice to have.
All code should have pass "go fmt ./..." and "go vet ./...".
To do a full release with a new (semver) tag, see the Makefile's "release" target.
For running using Couchbase Server's cluster_run (in watson and beyond)...
cd (your dev directory where you ran 'repo sync' for couchbase server watson.xml)
make -j 9
mkdir -p install/lib/fts
rm -rf install/lib/fts/static
rm -rf install/lib/fts/static-bleve-mapping
rm -rf install/lib/fts/staticx
ln -s ../../../goproj/src/github.com/couchbase/cbft/staticx/ install/lib/fts
ln -s ../../../goproj/src/github.com/couchbase/cbgt/rest/static/ install/lib/fts
ln -s ../../../godeps/src/github.com/blevesearch/bleve-mapping-ui/static-bleve-mapping/ install/lib/fts
cp goproj/src/github.com/couchbase/cbft/ns_server_static/fts/* install/lib/fts
cd ns_server
./cluster_run --pluggable-config="../build/goproj/src/github.com/couchbase/cbft/pluggable-ui-fts.cluster_run.json"