diff --git a/Assets/LoadTester.js b/Assets/LoadTester.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f0a67bf..0000000
--- a/Assets/LoadTester.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,352 +0,0 @@
- For testing the dashboard.
- -Peter
-var messageIndex=0; //Index of what message is currently running through tutor
-var messages=[]; //Every message in class format
-var schedulerBusy=false;
-var pkg;
-var probSet;
-var probName;
-var contextMessage;
-var problemSummary;
-var allMessages; //Every message that is in the replay unit
-var student = 0; //The number of which student file is being worked on
-/** Used to delay the firing of SAI's */
-var d = new Date();
-var startTime = d.getTime();
- getReplayUnitMessages();
- initScheduler();
- $("body").append("
- $("#tablePete").hide();
- Call commShell.gradeSAI with a message from schedule()
-function fireSAI (aMessage)
- console.log(aMessage);
- $("#tablePete").show();
- $("#tablePete").append(''+aMessage.selection +' '+
- "\t"+aMessage.action+" "+aMessage.input+" ");
- //commShell.gradeSAI (aMessage.selection,aMessage.action,aMessage.input);
- console.log('would send this message to commshell now, but cant yet');
- Contains simple mutex to ensure that fireSAI is called only once at a time.
- Determines when to fire an SAI based on the message attributes
-function schedule ()
- if (schedulerBusy==true)
- {
- return;
- }
- if( messageIndex >= messages.length ){
- /*var data = getContextData();
- console.log(data);
- var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
- var url = "process_replay_student_assignment/"+data['pkg']+ "/" +
- data["ps"]+ "/" +data["prob"]+ "?username="+parent.student;
- xmlhttp.open("POST", url, false);
- xmlhttp.send();*/
- parent.finishedWithProblem();
- }
- schedulerBusy=true;
- if( messageIndex < messages.length ){
- var currentMessage = messages[messageIndex];
- }
- else{
- return;
- }
- d = new Date();
- var currTime = d.getTime();
- if (currentMessage.delay/3 < (currTime - startTime) && messageIndex < messages.length)
- {
- fireSAI (messages [messageIndex]);
- messageIndex++;
- }
- schedulerBusy=false;
- Check to see if there is a message that needs to be fired every second.
-function initScheduler ()
- setInterval (function(){schedule();},500);
- /**
- Determine which message file is not being actively used, the return the number of it.
- */
- function getStudentNumber()
- {
- var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
- var numStd = 15;
- var newStudent = 0;
- //determine the number of students by reading the file that has that number
- xhttp.onreadystatechange = function()
- {
- if (xhttp.readyState == 4 && xhttp.status == 200) {
- window.localStorage.setItem("numStudents", xhttp.responseText);
- numStd = parseInt(xhttp.responseText);
- }
- };
- if( window.localStorage.getItem("activeStudents") != null ){
- var s = window.localStorage.getItem("activeStudents").split(",");
- var activeAr = [];
- for( var i = 0; i < s.length; i++ ){
- activeAr[activeAr.length] = parseInt(s[i]);
- }
- for( var i = 0; i < numStd; i++ ){
- if (activeAr[i] != i){
- activeAr[activeAr.length] = i;
- newStudent = i;
- activeAr.sort();
- break;
- }
- }
- var newActive = "";
- for( var i = 0; i < activeAr.length; i++ ){
- newActive = newActive + ''+activeAr[i];
- if( i != activeAr.length-1 ){
- newActive = newActive + ",";
- }
- }
- window.localStorage.setItem("activeStudents" , newActive);
- }
- else{
- window.localStorage.setItem("activeStudents", "0");
- newStudent = 0;
- }
- student = newStudent;
- return newStudent;
- xhttp.open("GET", "/messages/studentNum.txt", false);
- //xhttp.send();
- return newStudent;
- }
- /**
- Sort the messages in this array by when they were performed using the actual
- time that they were executed (milliseconds since 1970). Then calculate the
- delay by subtracting the time of each message by the time of the first message.
- */
-function sortMessages(messages)
- var val; var i; var j;
- for( i = 0; i < messages.length; i++ ){
- val = messages[i];
- for( j = i - 1; j >= 0 && messages[j].delay > val.delay; j-- ){
- messages[j+1] = messages[j];
- }
- messages[j+1] = val;
- }
- var begin = messages[0].delay-5000;
- for( var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++ ){
- messages[i].delay = messages[i].delay - begin;
- }
- return messages
- Get package, problem set, and problem name from parent (master)
-function getContextData()
- return parent.getDataForInterface(contextMessage);
- Get the script of the messages (including context and problem summaries)
- from the parent JS file (master). Save all the messages as classes in
- messages. Then save the context message and problem summary.
-function getReplayUnitMessages()
- console.log("in getReplayUnitMessages()");
- //console.log(typeof(parent.getNextScript));
- if( typeof(parent.getNextScript) != 'function' ){
- console.log("get next script not executed")
- return false;
- }
- allMessages = parent.getNextScript();
- console.log('allmessages='+allMessages);
- var startTime = -1;
- for( var i = 1; i < allMessages.length - 1; i++ )
- {
- var tokens = allMessages[i].split("<");
- var sel; var act; var inp; var timeSinceStart; var filename;
- for ( var j = 0; j < tokens.length; j++ )
- {
- if( tokens[j] == "Selection>"){
- sel = tokens[j+1].split(">")[1];
- }
- if( tokens[j] == "Action>"){
- act = tokens[j+1].split(">")[1];
- }
- if( tokens[j] == "Input>"){
- inp = tokens[j+1].split(">")[1];
- }
- if( tokens[j].length > 6 ){
- if( tokens[j].substring(0,5)== "Time>" ){
- time = tokens[j].split(">")[1];
- var t = new Date(time.substring(0,time.length-4)).getTime();
- if(startTime == -1){
- startTime = t;
- //timeSinceStart = 0;
- timeSinceStart = t;
- }
- else{
- //timeSinceStart = t - startTime;
- timeSinceStart = t;
- }
- }
- }
- if( tokens[j].length > 14 ){
- if( tokens[j].substring(0,14) == "question_file>" ){
- filename = tokens[j].split(">")[1];
- }
- }
- }
- messages[messages.length] = {selection:sel, action:act, input:inp,
- delay:timeSinceStart, file:filename};
- problemSummary = allMessages[allMessages.length - 1];
- contextMessage = allMessages[0];
- }
- messages = sortMessages(messages);
- for( var m = 0; m < messages.length; m++ ){
- console.log(messages[m]);
- }
- console.log("exiting getReplayUnitMessages");
-/** Helper functions */
-function isSAI(s)
- if(s.length < 9){
- return false;
- }
- if(s.substring(0,9) == '')
- {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
-function isProblemSummary(s)
- if( s.length < 15){
- return false;
- }
- if( s.substring(0,15) == '
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- -10-7xeq-1-4x-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- -10 - 7x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- -1 - 4x
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- -10-7xeq-1-4x-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/-12-6xeq-3-3x-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/-12-6xeq-3-3x-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index e49e832..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/-12-6xeq-3-3x-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- -12-6xeq-3-3x-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- -12 - 6x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- -3 - 3x
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- -12-6xeq-3-3x-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/-18-11xeq-3-6x-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/-18-11xeq-3-6x-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 2e470b8..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/-18-11xeq-3-6x-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- -18-11xeq-3-6x-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- -18 - 11x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- -3 - 6x
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- -18-11xeq-3-6x-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/-2xplus2eq-5xplus8-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/-2xplus2eq-5xplus8-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 1132cd4..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/-2xplus2eq-5xplus8-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- -2x+2eq-5x+8-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- -2x + 2
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- -5x + 8
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- -2x+2eq-5x+8-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/-2xplus3eq-6xplus11-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/-2xplus3eq-6xplus11-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index de92375..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/-2xplus3eq-6xplus11-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- -2x+3eq-6x+11-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- -2x + 3
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- -6x + 11
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- -2x+3eq-6x+11-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/-3x-2eq-xplus6-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/-3x-2eq-xplus6-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 6aea493..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/-3x-2eq-xplus6-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- -3x-2eq-x+6-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- -3x - 2
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- -x + 6
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- -3x-2eq-x+6-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/-3xplus1eq-7xplus13-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/-3xplus1eq-7xplus13-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 73758c5..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/-3xplus1eq-7xplus13-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- -3x+1eq-7x+13-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- -3x + 1
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- -7x + 13
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- -3x+1eq-7x+13-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/-4xplus2eq-5xplus6-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/-4xplus2eq-5xplus6-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f61cb8..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/-4xplus2eq-5xplus6-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- -4x+2eq-5x+6-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- -4x + 2
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- -5x + 6
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- -4x+2eq-5x+6-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/-5xplus6eq-2x-9-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/-5xplus6eq-2x-9-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 28d4b80..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/-5xplus6eq-2x-9-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- -5x+6eq-2x-9-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- -5x + 6
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- -2x - 9
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- -5x+6eq-2x-9-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/-6x-2eq-3xplus7-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/-6x-2eq-3xplus7-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 66fc265..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/-6x-2eq-3xplus7-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- -6x-2eq-3x+7-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- -6x - 2
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- -3x + 7
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- -6x-2eq-3x+7-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/-8-5xeq-2-3x-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/-8-5xeq-2-3x-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index b0a17c9..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/-8-5xeq-2-3x-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- -8-5xeq-2-3x-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- -8 - 5x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- -2 - 3x
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- -8-5xeq-2-3x-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/-xplus3eq-4xplus15-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/-xplus3eq-4xplus15-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index bd58bd4..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/-xplus3eq-4xplus15-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- -x+3eq-4x+15-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- -x + 3
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- -4x + 15
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- -x+3eq-4x+15-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/-xplus3eq11.brd b/FinalBRDs/-xplus3eq11.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index a178bec..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/-xplus3eq11.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- -x+3eq11
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- -x + 3
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 11
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- -x+3eq11
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/-xplus6eq15.brd b/FinalBRDs/-xplus6eq15.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 434363e..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/-xplus6eq15.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- -x+6eq15
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- -x + 6
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 15
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- -x+6eq15
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/-xplus7eq18.brd b/FinalBRDs/-xplus7eq18.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index c0d7e23..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/-xplus7eq18.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- -x+7eq18
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- -x + 7
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 18
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- -x+7eq18
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/10eq-xplus5.brd b/FinalBRDs/10eq-xplus5.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 60e87ef..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/10eq-xplus5.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 10eq-x+5
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 10
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- -x + 5
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 10eq-x+5
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/10eq1plus3parx-4par-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/10eq1plus3parx-4par-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index d5ad2b7..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/10eq1plus3parx-4par-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 10eq1+3parx-4par-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 10
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 1 + 3(x - 4)
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 10eq1+3parx-4par-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Distribute
- LDashb
- Multiply_simple_terms
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/10eq2par2xplus1par-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/10eq2par2xplus1par-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c70d48..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/10eq2par2xplus1par-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 10eq2par2x+1par-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 10
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 2(2x + 1)
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 10eq2par2x+1par-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Distribute
- LDashb
- Multiply_simple_terms
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/10eq2x.brd b/FinalBRDs/10eq2x.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index ec9abd3..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/10eq2x.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 10eq2x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 10
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 2x
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 10eq2x
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/10eq3par2xplus2par-8-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/10eq3par2xplus2par-8-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index efc8f80..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/10eq3par2xplus2par-8-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 10eq3par2x+2par-8-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 10
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 3(2x + 2) - 8
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 10eq3par2x+2par-8-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Distribute
- LDashb
- Multiply_simple_terms
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/10eq5plusx.brd b/FinalBRDs/10eq5plusx.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 1f89726..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/10eq5plusx.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 10eq5+x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 10
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 5 + x
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 10eq5+x
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/10x-6eq4x-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/10x-6eq4x-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 3d9a6b2..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/10x-6eq4x-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 10x-6eq4x-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 10x - 6
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 4x
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 10x-6eq4x-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/11eq2xplus5.brd b/FinalBRDs/11eq2xplus5.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a6db48..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/11eq2xplus5.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 11eq2x+5
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 11
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 2x + 5
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 11eq2x+5
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/12xeq2xplus20-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/12xeq2xplus20-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index ddd8092..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/12xeq2xplus20-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 12xeq2x+20-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 12x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 2x + 20
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 12xeq2x+20-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/13eq-xplus6.brd b/FinalBRDs/13eq-xplus6.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index efe104e..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/13eq-xplus6.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 13eq-x+6
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 13
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- -x + 6
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 13eq-x+6
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/15eq3par1plusxpar-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/15eq3par1plusxpar-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 9e89c06..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/15eq3par1plusxpar-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 15eq3par1+xpar-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 15
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 3(1 + x)
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 15eq3par1+xpar-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Distribute
- LDashb
- Multiply_simple_terms
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/15eq4xplus3.brd b/FinalBRDs/15eq4xplus3.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 6a3c943..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/15eq4xplus3.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 15eq4x+3
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 15
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 4x + 3
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 15eq4x+3
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/16eq2x.brd b/FinalBRDs/16eq2x.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f79f99..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/16eq2x.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 16eq2x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 16
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 2x
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 16eq2x
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/16eq4parxplus2par-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/16eq4parxplus2par-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index ee59310..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/16eq4parxplus2par-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 16eq4parx+2par-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 16
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 4(x + 2)
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 16eq4parx+2par-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Distribute
- LDashb
- Multiply_simple_terms
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/16eq8x.brd b/FinalBRDs/16eq8x.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index fe378c5..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/16eq8x.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 16eq8x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 16
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 8x
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 16eq8x
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/18eq-2plus4parx-1par-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/18eq-2plus4parx-1par-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 9718d40..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/18eq-2plus4parx-1par-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 18eq-2+4parx-1par-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 18
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- -2 + 4(x - 1)
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 18eq-2+4parx-1par-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Distribute
- LDashb
- Multiply_simple_terms
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/18eq3x.brd b/FinalBRDs/18eq3x.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index fe1c175..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/18eq3x.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 18eq3x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 18
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 3x
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 18eq3x
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/1eq2par3x-4parplus15-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/1eq2par3x-4parplus15-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index cc3d1d1..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/1eq2par3x-4parplus15-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 1eq2par3x-4par+15-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 1
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 2(3x - 4) + 15
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 1eq2par3x-4par+15-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Distribute
- LDashb
- Multiply_simple_terms
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/1eq9-x.brd b/FinalBRDs/1eq9-x.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 0de2674..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/1eq9-x.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,878 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 1eq9-x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 1
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 9 - x
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 1eq9-x
- 1
- 246
- 30
- state1
- 2
- 266
- 157
- state2
- 3
- 266
- 267
- state3
- 4
- 266
- 377
- state4
- 5
- 266
- 487
- state5
- 6
- 266
- 597
- state6
- 7
- 266
- 707
- Done
- 8
- 193
- 372
- 1
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- fa4aefa4-a76a-b80e-8828-208a5d2081e1
- solveLeft1
- UpdateTextField
- 1-9
- No, this is not correct.
- Please enter '1-9' in the highlighted field.
- Correct Action
- Correct Action
- ExactMatcher
- solveLeft1
- UpdateTextField
- 1-9
- Student
- No-Applicable
- unnamed
- -1
- 1
- 2
- 0
- 3
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- c342f1a9-7cb6-3d91-254a-fb841c341d4f
- solveRight1
- UpdateTextField
- -x
- No, this is not correct.
- Please enter '-x' in the highlighted field.
- Correct Action
- Correct Action
- ExactMatcher
- solveRight1
- UpdateTextField
- -x
- Student
- Never Checked
- unnamed
- -1
- 2
- 3
- 0
- 5
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 59a61e5d-d1c0-3a14-ed20-98d00153fc78
- solveLeft2
- UpdateTextField
- alsdfkj;
- No, this is not correct.
- Please enter 'alsdfkj;' in the highlighted field.
- Correct Action
- Correct Action
- Never Checked
- ExactMatcher
- solveLeft2
- UpdateTextField
- alsdfkj;
- Student
- No-Applicable
- unnamed
- -1
- 3
- 4
- 0
- 7
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9749aa1c-4e33-fd84-70c9-63cbeb48daca
- solveRight2
- UpdateTextField
- ;js;sd
- No, this is not correct.
- Please enter ';js;sd' in the highlighted field.
- Correct Action
- Correct Action
- Never Checked
- ExactMatcher
- solveRight2
- UpdateTextField
- ;js;sd
- Student
- No-Applicable
- unnamed
- -1
- 4
- 5
- 0
- 9
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- dcd40a0c-4914-f007-a893-1b93eff98a92
- solveLeft3
- UpdateTextField
- lkaf;sdf
- No, this is not correct.
- Please enter 'lkaf;sdf' in the highlighted field.
- Correct Action
- Correct Action
- Never Checked
- ExactMatcher
- solveLeft3
- UpdateTextField
- lkaf;sdf
- Student
- No-Applicable
- unnamed
- -1
- 5
- 6
- 0
- 11
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 670b321e-b561-734b-9d14-3ad07c5bbe83
- solveRight3
- UpdateTextField
- klasdfsj;f
- No, this is not correct.
- Please enter 'klasdfsj;f' in the highlighted field.
- Correct Action
- Correct Action
- Never Checked
- ExactMatcher
- solveRight3
- UpdateTextField
- klasdfsj;f
- Student
- No-Applicable
- unnamed
- -1
- 6
- 7
- 0
- 13
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 437c2e38-d3e5-bf7e-4d36-6d1ef36db508
- done
- ButtonPressed
- -1
- No, this is not correct.
- Please click on the highlighted button.
- Correct Action
- Correct Action
- ExactMatcher
- done
- ButtonPressed
- -1
- Student
- unnamed
- -1
- 3
- 8
- 0
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/1plus2par2x-1pareq7-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/1plus2par2x-1pareq7-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index f63af14..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/1plus2par2x-1pareq7-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 1+2par2x-1pareq7-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 1 + 2(2x - 1)
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 7
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 1+2par2x-1pareq7-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Distribute
- LDashb
- Multiply_simple_terms
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/20eq4x.brd b/FinalBRDs/20eq4x.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 71a1fc8..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/20eq4x.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 20eq4x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 20
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 4x
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 20eq4x
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/20eq5parx-1par-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/20eq5parx-1par-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index d097c85..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/20eq5parx-1par-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 20eq5parx-1par-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 20
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 5(x - 1)
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 20eq5parx-1par-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Distribute
- LDashb
- Multiply_simple_terms
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/2par-3plus7xpareq8-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/2par-3plus7xpareq8-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index fb986e3..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/2par-3plus7xpareq8-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 2par-3+7xpareq8-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 2(-3 + 7x)
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 8
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 2par-3+7xpareq8-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Distribute
- LDashb
- Multiply_simple_terms
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/2par2xplus1pareq6-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/2par2xplus1pareq6-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 7177034..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/2par2xplus1pareq6-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 2par2x+1pareq6-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 2(2x + 1)
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 6
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 2par2x+1pareq6-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Distribute
- LDashb
- Multiply_simple_terms
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/2parx-3parplus6eq14-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/2parx-3parplus6eq14-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 7810990..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/2parx-3parplus6eq14-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 2parx-3par+6eq14-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 2(x - 4) + 6
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 14
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 2parx-3par+6eq14-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Distribute
- LDashb
- Multiply_simple_terms
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/2parxplus1pareq6-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/2parxplus1pareq6-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 23aab77..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/2parxplus1pareq6-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 2parx+1pareq6-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 2(x + 1)
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 6
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 2parx+1pareq6-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Distribute
- LDashb
- Multiply_simple_terms
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/2plus3parxplus2pareq11-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/2plus3parxplus2pareq11-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 2a5374e..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/2plus3parxplus2pareq11-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 2+3parx+2pareq11-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 2 + 3(x + 2)
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 11
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 2+3parx+2pareq11-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Distribute
- LDashb
- Multiply_simple_terms
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/2x-1eq5xplus10-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/2x-1eq5xplus10-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 916245c..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/2x-1eq5xplus10-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 2x-1eq5x+10-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 2x + 1
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 5x + 10
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 2x-1eq5x+10-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/2x-5eq5.brd b/FinalBRDs/2x-5eq5.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 6810d97..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/2x-5eq5.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 2x-5eq5
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 2x - 5
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 5
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 2x-5eq5
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/2xeq6.brd b/FinalBRDs/2xeq6.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index bbe3591..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/2xeq6.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 2xeq6
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 2x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 6
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 2xeq6
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/2xplus3eq7.brd b/FinalBRDs/2xplus3eq7.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index a2482ff..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/2xplus3eq7.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 2x+3eq7
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 2x + 3
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 7
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 2x+3eq7
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/2xplus4eq0.brd b/FinalBRDs/2xplus4eq0.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index b657b7d..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/2xplus4eq0.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 2x+4eq0
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 2x + 4
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 0
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 2x+4eq0
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/2xplus6eq3x-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/2xplus6eq3x-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index f192df1..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/2xplus6eq3x-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 2x+6eq3x-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 2x + 6
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 3x
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 2x+6eq3x-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/3eq7-x.brd b/FinalBRDs/3eq7-x.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c20985..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/3eq7-x.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 3eq7-x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 3
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 7 - x
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 3eq7-x
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/3par-2plusxpareq9-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/3par-2plusxpareq9-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c7c657..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/3par-2plusxpareq9-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 3par-2+xpareq9-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 3(-2 + x)
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 9
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 3par-2+xpareq9-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Distribute
- LDashb
- Multiply_simple_terms
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/3par3xplus1pareq21-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/3par3xplus1pareq21-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 72e2a96..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/3par3xplus1pareq21-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 3par3x+1pareq21-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 3(3x + 1)
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 21
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 3par3x+1pareq21-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Distribute
- LDashb
- Multiply_simple_terms
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/3parx-2pareq3-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/3parx-2pareq3-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 9922485..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/3parx-2pareq3-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 3parx-2pareq3-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 3(x - 2)
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 3
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 3parx-2pareq3-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Distribute
- LDashb
- Multiply_simple_terms
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/3x-1eq-10.brd b/FinalBRDs/3x-1eq-10.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e4008f..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/3x-1eq-10.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 3x-1eq-10
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 3x - 1
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- -10
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 3x-1eq-10
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/3x-4eqxplus6-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/3x-4eqxplus6-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b4404a..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/3x-4eqxplus6-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 3x-4eqx+6-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 3x - 4
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- x + 6
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 3x-4eqx+6-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/3x-9eq6x-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/3x-9eq6x-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index ffb697f..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/3x-9eq6x-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 3x-9eq6x-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 3x - 9
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 6x
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 3x-9eq6x-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/3xeq9.brd b/FinalBRDs/3xeq9.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 9aae98b..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/3xeq9.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 3xeq9
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 3x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 9
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 3xeq9
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/3xplus10eq5x-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/3xplus10eq5x-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index e76594d..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/3xplus10eq5x-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 3x+10eq5x-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 3x + 10
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 5x
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 3x+10eq5x-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/3xplus13eq2xplus6-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/3xplus13eq2xplus6-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 6338d14..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/3xplus13eq2xplus6-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 3x+13eq2x+6-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 3x + 13
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 2x + 6
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 3x+13eq2x+6-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/3xplus1eq10.brd b/FinalBRDs/3xplus1eq10.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 83a8a50..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/3xplus1eq10.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 3x+1eq10
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 3x + 1
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 10
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 3x+1eq10
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/4par2x-3pareq4-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/4par2x-3pareq4-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 476494e..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/4par2x-3pareq4-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 4par2x-3pareq4-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 4(2x - 3)
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 4
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 4par2x-3pareq4-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Distribute
- LDashb
- Multiply_simple_terms
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/4plus3par-1plusxpareq7-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/4plus3par-1plusxpareq7-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 83b8dee..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/4plus3par-1plusxpareq7-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 4+3par-1+xpareq7-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 4 + 3(-1 + x)
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 7
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 4+3par-1+xpareq7-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Distribute
- LDashb
- Multiply_simple_terms
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/4xeq2xplus6-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/4xeq2xplus6-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 24983b9..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/4xeq2xplus6-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 4xeq2x+6-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 4x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 2x + 6
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 4xeq2x+6-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/4xplus11eqxplus2-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/4xplus11eqxplus2-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 8dcf2a4..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/4xplus11eqxplus2-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 4x+11eqx+2-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 4x + 11
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- x + 2
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 4x+11eqx+2-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/4xplus1eq9.brd b/FinalBRDs/4xplus1eq9.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a2b7ac..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/4xplus1eq9.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 4x+1eq9
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 4x + 1
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 9
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 4x+1eq9
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/4xplus1eqxplus10-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/4xplus1eqxplus10-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 63eb9f4..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/4xplus1eqxplus10-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 4x+1eqx+10-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 4x + 1
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- x + 10
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 4x+1eqx+10-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/4xplus2eq6x-8-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/4xplus2eq6x-8-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 09ebc7d..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/4xplus2eq6x-8-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 4x+2eq6x-8-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 4x + 2
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 6x - 8
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 4x+2eq6x-8-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/4xplus3eq7x-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/4xplus3eq7x-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 7891f84..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/4xplus3eq7x-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 4x+3eq7x-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 4x + 3
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 7x
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 4x+3eq7x-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/4xplus5eq1.brd b/FinalBRDs/4xplus5eq1.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 7fe3731..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/4xplus5eq1.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 4x+5eq1
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 4x + 5
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 1
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 4x+5eq1
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/5eq3plus2parx-2par-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/5eq3plus2parx-2par-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 509925c..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/5eq3plus2parx-2par-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 5eq3+2parx-2par-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 5
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 3 + 2(x - 2)
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 5eq3+2parx-2par-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Distribute
- LDashb
- Multiply_simple_terms
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/5eq6-x.brd b/FinalBRDs/5eq6-x.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 3c6f37b..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/5eq6-x.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 5eq6-x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 5
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 6 - x
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 5eq6-x
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/5par-2plus2xpareq20-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/5par-2plus2xpareq20-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 66d9c8e..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/5par-2plus2xpareq20-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 5par-2+2xpareq20-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 5(-2 + 2x)
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 20
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 5par-2+2xpareq20-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Distribute
- LDashb
- Multiply_simple_terms
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/5par-6plusxpar-1eq-16-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/5par-6plusxpar-1eq-16-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index e071bff..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/5par-6plusxpar-1eq-16-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 5par-6+xpar-1eq-16-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 5(-6 + x) - 1
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- -16
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 5par-6+xpar-1eq-16-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Distribute
- LDashb
- Multiply_simple_terms
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/5xeq15.brd b/FinalBRDs/5xeq15.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index cf36841..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/5xeq15.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 5xeq15
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 5x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 15
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 5xeq15
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/5xeq3xplus10-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/5xeq3xplus10-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 697c939..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/5xeq3xplus10-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 5xeq3x+10-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 5x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 3x + 10
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 5xeq3x+10-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/5xplus10eq0.brd b/FinalBRDs/5xplus10eq0.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 0353cdc..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/5xplus10eq0.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 5x+10eq0
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 5x + 10
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 0
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 5x+10eq0
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/5xplus2eq2xplus8-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/5xplus2eq2xplus8-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index beb89e3..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/5xplus2eq2xplus8-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 5x+2eq2x+8-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 5x + 2
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 2x + 8
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 5x+2eq2x+8-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/6-xeq3.brd b/FinalBRDs/6-xeq3.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 35803cc..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/6-xeq3.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 6-xeq3
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 6 - x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 3
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 6-xeq3
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/6eq2x.brd b/FinalBRDs/6eq2x.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index abed4df..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/6eq2x.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 6eq2x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 6
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 2x
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 6eq2x
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/6eq3plusx.brd b/FinalBRDs/6eq3plusx.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 15cff67..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/6eq3plusx.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 6eq3+x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 6
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 3 + x
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 6eq3+x
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/6par1plusxparplus8eq-4-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/6par1plusxparplus8eq-4-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 80dde1e..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/6par1plusxparplus8eq-4-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 6par1+xpar+8eq-4-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 6(1 + x) + 8
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- -4
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 6par1+xpar+8eq-4-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Distribute
- LDashb
- Multiply_simple_terms
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/6xeq12.brd b/FinalBRDs/6xeq12.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index f8fde2b..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/6xeq12.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 6xeq12
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 6x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 12
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 6xeq12
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/6xeq18.brd b/FinalBRDs/6xeq18.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 43b76b7..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/6xeq18.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 6xeq18
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 6x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 18
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 6xeq18
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/6xeq2xplus8-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/6xeq2xplus8-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 0373cb6..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/6xeq2xplus8-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 6xeq2x+8-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 6x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 2x + 8
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 6xeq2x+8-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/6xplus16eqxplus1-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/6xplus16eqxplus1-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index abb35d1..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/6xplus16eqxplus1-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 6x+16eqx+1-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 6x + 16
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- x + 1
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 6x+16eqx+1-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/6xplus3eqxplus13-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/6xplus3eqxplus13-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index bb94562..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/6xplus3eqxplus13-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 6x+3eqx+13-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 6x + 3
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- x + 13
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 6x+3eqx+13-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/7-xeq2.brd b/FinalBRDs/7-xeq2.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index a171856..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/7-xeq2.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 7-xeq2
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 7 - x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 2
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 7-xeq2
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/7eq-1plus2x.brd b/FinalBRDs/7eq-1plus2x.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 7477b40..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/7eq-1plus2x.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 7eq-1+2x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 7
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- -1 + 2x
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 7eq-1+2x
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/7parx-6parplus4eq-24-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/7parx-6parplus4eq-24-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 049d2c3..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/7parx-6parplus4eq-24-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 7parx-6par+4eq-24-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 7(x - 6) + 4
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- -24
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 7parx-6par+4eq-24-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Distribute
- LDashb
- Multiply_simple_terms
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/7xeq14.brd b/FinalBRDs/7xeq14.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 2fd0126..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/7xeq14.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 7xeq14
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 7x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 14
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 7xeq14
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/7xeq2x-10-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/7xeq2x-10-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index ba401c4..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/7xeq2x-10-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 7xeq2x-10-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 7x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 2x - 10
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 7xeq2x-10-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/7xplus10eq5xplus2-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/7xplus10eq5xplus2-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index a9b7c46..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/7xplus10eq5xplus2-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 7x+10eq5x+2-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 7x + 10
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 5x + 2
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 7x+10eq5x+2-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/7xplus15eq1.brd b/FinalBRDs/7xplus15eq1.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 9281397..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/7xplus15eq1.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 7x+15eq1
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 7x + 15
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 1
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 7x+15eq1
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/8-xeq1.brd b/FinalBRDs/8-xeq1.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 2451f3a..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/8-xeq1.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 8-xeq1
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 8 - x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 1
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 8-xeq1
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/8eq-xplus2.brd b/FinalBRDs/8eq-xplus2.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 78d314c..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/8eq-xplus2.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 8eq-x+2
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 8
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- -x + 2
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 8eq-x+2
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/8x-9eq5x-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/8x-9eq5x-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 9294d6c..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/8x-9eq5x-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,158 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 8x-9eq5x-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 8x - 9
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 5x
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 8x-9eq5x-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/8xplus1eq2xplus13-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/8xplus1eq2xplus13-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index d651858..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/8xplus1eq2xplus13-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 8x+1eq2x+13-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 8x + 1
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 2x + 13
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 8x+1eq2x+13-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/9eq4plusx.brd b/FinalBRDs/9eq4plusx.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dc1a05..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/9eq4plusx.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 9eq4+x
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 9
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 4 + x
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 9eq4+x
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/9xplus3eq3xplus21-post.brd b/FinalBRDs/9xplus3eq3xplus21-post.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index 84a7497..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/9xplus3eq3xplus21-post.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- 9x+3eq3x+21-post
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- 9x + 3
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 3x + 21
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- 9x+3eq3x+21-post
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_variable_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_variable_terms
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
- Divide_both_sides_by_the_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_variable_coefficient
- LDashb
- Compute_quotient_for_constant
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/x 2eq6.brd b/FinalBRDs/x 2eq6.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index d0a22fa..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/x 2eq6.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- x+2eq6
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- x + 2
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 6
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- x+2eq6
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
diff --git a/FinalBRDs/x 7eq2.brd b/FinalBRDs/x 7eq2.brd
deleted file mode 100644
index cd278d2..0000000
--- a/FinalBRDs/x 7eq2.brd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +0,0 @@
- NotePropertySet
- StartProblem
- x+7eq2
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 6871320589C21B28
- startLeft
- UpdateTextField
- x + 7
- NotePropertySet
- InterfaceAction
- 9582DC6EDE63B86A
- startRight
- UpdateTextField
- 2
- NotePropertySet
- StartStateEnd
- x+7eq2
- 1
- 246
- 30
- Add/subtract_constant_from_both_sides
- LDashb
- Combine_constant_terms
- LDashb
diff --git a/HTML/Assets/CTAT.css b/HTML/Assets/CTAT.css
deleted file mode 100644
index dc5ba32..0000000
--- a/HTML/Assets/CTAT.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,816 +0,0 @@
-This file defines the default look and feel of CTAT components.
-Table of Contents:
-** Global Utility
- #unselectable
-** CTAT General
- #CTAT Generated Components
-** Button Based Components
- #CTAT Generated button components
-** CTAT Text Based Components
- #CTAT table components
- #CTAT text components
- #CTATNumericStepper
-** CTAT Stateful Components
- #CTAT checkbox
- #CTAT radio button
- #CTAT combobox
- #CTAT jumble
- #CTAT drag-n-drop
-** CTAT SVG Based Component
- #CTAT SVG Component
- #CTAT SVG button
- #CTAT number line
- #CTAT pie chart
- #CTAT fraction bar
-** Feedback Components
- #CTAT Hint Button
- #CTAT hint window
- #CTAT Skill Window
-** Container Components
- #CTAT Scroll Pane Component
-** Multimedia Components
- #CTAT video
-** Disabling
- #CTAT button disabled
-** Grading
- #CTAT--incorrect
- #CTAT--hint
- #CTAT--correct
-/******************************* Global Utility ******************************/
- #unselectable
- General class for making entities unselectable.
-.unselectable {
- user-select: none;
- -moz-user-select: none;
- -khtml-user-select: none;
- -webkit-user-select: none;
- -ms-user-select: none;
-/******************************** CTAT General *******************************/
- #CTAT Generated Components
- Base class for CTAT generated components
-.CTAT-gen-component {
- /* assume generated component is always within a div and
- that it should occupy the entire div */
- width: 100%;
- height: 100%;
- padding: 0px;
-.CTAT-gen-component:focus {
- outline: none; /* No focus highlighting */
-/******************* CTAT Tutor Panel Defaults *******************************/
-.CTATTutor { width: 900px; height: 600px; display: flex; flex-flow: column; }
-.CTATProblemSolving { flex: 1 0 auto; display: flex; }
-.CTATProblem, .CTATSolution { border: 1px solid #CCCCCC; border-radius: 5px; padding: 5px; }
-.CTATProblem { flex: 1; }
-.CTATSolution { flex: 2; }
-.CTATTools { height: 140px; display: flex; flex: none; }
-.CTATButtons { height: 140px; display: flex; flex-flow: column; justify-content: space-between; }
-/*********************** CTAT Component Size Defaults ************************/
-.CTATAudioButton { display: inline-block; } /* size to the content of the button */
-.CTATButton, .CTATSubmitButton { display: inline-block; } /* inline to act like */
-.CTATComboBox { display: inline-block; }
-.CTATDoneButton, .CTATHintButton { width: 68px; height: 68px; }
-.CTATDragNDrop { width: 160px; height: 100px; }
-.CTATFractionBar { width: 240px; height: 70px; } /* default size */
-.CTATGroupingComponent {}
-.CTATGroupingComponent[data-ctat-use-componentlist="true"] { visibility: hidden; }
-.CTATHintWindow { width: 240px; height: 140px; }
-.CTATImageButton {}
-.CTATJumble {}
-.CTATNumberLine { width: 360px; height: 90px; }
-.CTATNumericStepper { display: inline-block; width: 60px; }
-.CTATPieChart { width: 100px; height: 100px; } /* default size */
-.CTATSkillWindow { width: 240px; height: 140px; }
-.CTATTextArea { display: inline-block; }
-.CTATTextField {}
-.CTATTextInput { width: 100px; display: inline-block; }
-/************************** Button Based Components **************************/
- #CTAT Generated Button Components
- Covers CTATAudioButton, CTATButton, CTATDoneButton, CTATHintButton
-.CTAT-button { /* For the generated */
- font: inherit;
- width: inherit;
- height: inherit;
-.CTAT-button:hover {} /* when the mouse is hovering over the */
-.CTAT-button--clicked {} /* when the is being clicked */
-.CTAT-button:disabled {} /* when the is disabled */
-/******************** CTAT Text Based Components ***********************/
-/* Note: see CTAT Grading for modifying how text based components look
- for grading */
- #CTAT Table Components
-.CTATTable {
- display: flex;
- flex-direction: column;
- align-items: stretch;
-.CTATTable--cell textarea {
- width: 95%;
- height: 100%;
- outline: none;
- box-shadow: none;
- border: none;
- background-color: inherit;
-.CTATTable--cell[data-ctat-enabled=false] {
- background-color: lightgray;
-.CTATTable--cell textarea.CTAT--hint {
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px 5px yellow;
- background-color: yellow;
-.CTATTable--row {
- display: flex;
- justify-content: flex-start;
- flex-direction: row;
- flex: none;
-.CTATTable--cell {
- flex: none;
- border: 1px solid black;
- overflow: hidden;
- width: 4em; /* cell width */
- height: 1.2em; /* cell size */
-.CTATTable--headers {
- flex: none;
-.CTATTable .CTATTable--header {
- background-color: linen; /* set header background color */
-.CTATTable--header textarea {
- text-align: center;
- font-weight: bold; /* change header font */
- #CTAT Text Components
-.CTATTextArea > textarea {
- overflow: hidden;
- resize: none;
- width: inherit;
- height: inherit;
- font: inherit;
-.CTATTextInput > input[type="text"] {
- width: inherit;
- height: inherit;
- font: inherit;
- background-color: inherit;
- #CTATNumericStepper
-.CTATNumericStepper > input {
- width: inherit;
- height: inherit;
- font: inherit;
-/************************* CTAT Stateful Components ***************************/
- #CTAT CheckBox
- #CTAT Radio Button
-.CTATCheckBox, .CTATRadioButton { /* Container for the button and label. */
- display: inline-flex; /* this should be either inline-flex or flex */
- align-items: center;
- flex-direction: row;
-/* extra styling for the sub entities */
-.CTATCheckBox--button, .CTATRadioButton--button {} /* Added to the generated */
-.CTATCheckBox--label, .CTATRadioButton--label {} /* Added to the generated */
- #CTAT ComboBox
-.CTATComboBox > select { /* inherit from Component */
- width: inherit;
- height: inherit;
- color: inherit;
- font: inherit;
- #CTAT Jumble
-.CTATJumble { /* general jumble component styling, (eg) the bounding box */
- border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
- border-radius: 5px;
- display: inline-flex;
-.CTATJumble--item { /* for each individual item in the jumble */
- user-select: none;
- -moz-user-select: none;
- -khtml-user-select: none;
- -webkit-user-select: none;
- -ms-user-select: none;
- padding: 0.5ch;
- cursor: default;
- border: 1px solid transparent;
-.CTATJumble--item[draggable="true"] { /* for items that are being dragged */
- -khtml-user-drag: element;
- -webkit-user-drag: element;
- cursor: move;
-.CTATJumble--item--home {
- opacity: 0.4;
-.CTATJumble--item--over { /* for items that are under the dragged item and
- would be moved by dropping the item */
- border-style: dashed;
- border-color: blue;
- #CTAT Drag-N-Drop
-.CTATDragNDrop { /* Basic DragNDrop box look */
- border: 1px solid grey;
- border-radius: 5px;
-.CTATDragNDrop--valid-drop { /* Added when the CTATDragNDrop is a valid drop */
- border: 1px dashed blue;
-.CTATDragNDrop--item {} /* styling to apply to all dragable items */
-/******************** CTAT SVG Based Component *************************/
- #CTAT SVG Component
-.CTAT-svg {
- background-color: white;
- border-radius: 5px;
- box-sizing: border-box;
- #CTAT Number Line
-.CTATNumberLine--container {
- padding: 10px;
- border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
-.CTATNumberLine--cursor {
- fill: black;
- fill-opacity: 0.5;
- stroke-width: 0px;
- stroke: black;
- stroke-opacity: 0.5;
-.CTATNumberLine--point {
- fill: black;
- stroke-width: 0px;
- /* r: 7px; only supported in Chrome */
-.CTATNumberLine--axis {
- stroke: black;
- stroke-linecap: round;
- stroke-width: 2px;
- fill-opacity: 0;
-.CTATNumberLine--tickmark {
- stroke: black;
- stroke-width: 2px;
-.CTATNumberLine--tickmark-label {
- stroke: none;
- fill: black;
-.CTATNumberLine--large-tickmark {
- stroke-width: 4px;
-.CTATNumberLine--large-tickmark-label {
- transform: translate(0px, -3px);
-.CTATNumberLine--small-tickmark {}
-.CTATNumberLine--small-tickmark-label {
- stroke: none;
- fill: black;
- transform: translate(0px, -2px);
-.CTATNumberLine--denominator-tickmark {
- stroke: purple;
-.CTATNumberLine--denominator-tickmark-label {
- display: none;
- #CTAT Pie Chart
- #CTAT Fraction Bar
-.CTATPieChart--container { /* pie chart container */
- padding: 0px;
- border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
- border-radius: 5px;
- overflow: visible;
- /*--explode: 10px; only supported in moz */
-.CTATFractionBar--container { /* fraction bar container */
- border: 2px solid #CCCCCC;
- border-radius: 5px;
-.CTATPieChart--piece { /* pie chart wedge */
- stroke: black;
- stroke-width: 1px;
- fill: purple;
- overflow: visible;
-/* Can specify .CTAT-pie-chart--piece[data-value="1/4"] to change color based on values */
-.CTATPieChart--piece[data-selected="false"] { /* deselected pie chart wedge */
- fill-opacity: 0.2;
-.CTATFractionBar--piece { /* fraction bar piece */
- padding: 2px;
- stroke-width: 1px;
- stroke: black;
- fill: purple;
-.CTATFractionBar--piece[data-selected="false"] { /* deselected fraction bar piece */
- fill-opacity: 0.2;
-.CTATFractionBar--label { /* fraction bar piece value labels */
- display: none;
- pointer-events: none;
-/************************** Feedback Components *******************************/
- #CTAT Hint Button
-/* Also used for in CTATHintWindow to increase connection */
-/* Should .CTATHintWindow--button--* be added so that they can be modified
- independently? */
-/* This is in the SVG section because of the option to have SVG buttons as
- part of the component. If this feature is dropped, then this should be
- moved to its own section */
-.CTATHintButton { /* for that classic CTAT look and feel */
- font: 15px Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
-.CTAT-hint-button { /* on the */
- overflow: hidden;
- padding: 0;
- font: inherit;
- border-radius: 5px;
- background-color: gold; /*#FFCC33;*/
- border: 1px solid orange;
- cursor: pointer;
- width: inherit;
- height: inherit;
-.CTAT-hint-button:focus { outline: none; }
-.CTAT-hint-button--icon { /* on the ? */
- font-size: 44px;
- pointer-events: none;
- position: relative;
- top: -10px;
- height: 60%;
- font-weight: bold;
-.CTAT-hint-button--text { /* on the text (eg) "Hint" */
- pointer-events: none;
-.CTAT-hint-button--hover { /* added when moused over */
- background-color: #E6C200 /*#FFED3A*/;
-.CTAT-hint-button--clicked { /* added when it is clicked */
- background-color: #FFDB19 /*#FFED3A*/;
- #CTAT Done Button
-.CTATDoneButton { /* default Done button font for that classic CTAT feel */
- font: 15px Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;
-.CTAT-done-button { /* for the inside the CTATDoneButton */
- padding: 0;
- font: inherit;
- border-radius: 5px;
- background-color: #669900;
- border: 1px solid green;
- cursor: pointer;
- width: inherit;
- height: inherit;
-.CTAT-done-button:focus { outline: none; }
-.CTAT-done-button--content { /* for the inside the
- pointer-events: none;
- height: inherit;
- width: inherit;
- display: flex;
- flex-direction: column;
- justify-content: flex-end;
-.CTAT-done-button--icon { /* for the checkmark */
- font-size: 44px;
- pointer-events: none;
- height: 75%;
-.CTAT-done-button--text { /* for the text (eg) Done */
- flex: none;
- pointer-events: none;
- margin-bottom: 5px;
-.CTAT-done-button--hover { /* added when hovering over the button */
- background-color: #5C8A00;
-.CTAT-done-button--clicked { /* added when clicking the button */
- background-color: #85AD33;
- #CTAT Hint Window
-/* Hint window styling, assumes single instance */
-.CTATHintWindow { /* hint window container styling */
- border-radius: 5px;
- border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
- user-select: none;
- -moz-user-select: none;
- -khtml-user-select: none;
- -webkit-user-select: none;
- -ms-user-select: none;
- padding: 5px;
- box-sizing: border-box;
- background-color: #DDDDDD;
- display: flex;
- flex-direction: column;
- justify-content: flex-end;
-.CTATHintWindow--hint-content { /* Hint window content (eg) hints */
- text-align: left;
- padding: 2px;
- overflow: auto;
- background: white;
- border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
- cursor: default;
- margin-bottom: 5px;
- flex: auto;
-.CTATHintWindow--hint-button-area { /* area containing the buttons */
- flex: none;
- display: flex;
- justify-content: space-between;
-.CTATHintWindow--button { /* hint window buttons, also uses CTAT hint button style, mostly for coloring */
- border-radius: 5px;
- font: 11px Helvetica Neue, Helvetical, Arial, sans-serif;
- width: 82px;
- height: 20px;
- line-height: 16px;
- outline: none; /* No focus highlighting */
-.CTATHintWindow--button-icon { /* the arrows in the buttons */
- margin-left: 3px;
- margin-right: 3px;
- vertical-align: middle;
- font-weight: bold;
-.CTATHintWindow--previous {} /* hint window previous button */
-.CTATHintWindow--next {} /* hint window next button */
- #CTAT Skill Window
-.CTATSkillWindow { /* skill window container */
- font-size: 12px;
- padding: 5px;
- border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
- border-radius: 5px;
- box-sizing: border-box;
- background-color: #FAFAFA;
- overflow-x: hidden;
- overflow-y: auto;
- display: flex;
- flex-direction: column;
-.CTATSkillWindow--skill { /* container for meter + label */
- flex: none;
- display: flex;
- justify-content: flex-start;
-.CTATSkillWindow--bar { /* skill meter bar */
- border: 1px solid #CCCCCC;
- border-radius: 0.5em;
- height: 1em;
- width: 50%;
- overflow: hidden;
- flex: none;
- background-color: white;
-.CTATSkillWindow--bar--nonmastered { /* skill meter bar non-mastery fill */
- background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #A69030 0%, #FCDE54 50%, #A69030 100%);
- height: 100%;
-.CTATSkillWindow--bar--mastery { /* skill meter bar mastery fill */
- background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #35B30F 0%, lime 50%, #35B30F 100%);
- height: 100%;
-.CTATSkillWindow--label { /* skill meter label */
- margin-left: 5px;
- overflow: hidden;
- height: 1.5em;
- text-align: left;
- white-space: nowrap;
-/***************************** Container Components ***************************/
- #CTAT Scroll Pane Component
-/* For the scroll pane component, probably not the best way to specify it
- given how html authoring will happen, but it works for now. */
-[data-ctat-component="CTATScrollPaneComponent"] {
- overflow-y: scroll;
- overflow-x: hidden;
- border: 4px;
- display: block;
-/*********************** Multimedia Components ********************************/
- #CTAT Video
-video.CTAT-gen-component {
- background-color: inherit;
-/********************************* Disabling **********************************/
- #CTAT Button Disabled
-button.CTATHintWindow--button:disabled {
- background-color: #EDEDED;
- border: 1px solid darkgrey;
- color: #9A9A9A;
- cursor: default;
-/********************** Grading **************************/
- #CTAT--incorrect
-.CTAT--incorrect {
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px 5px red;
-input.CTAT--incorrect[type="text"] {
- box-shadow: none;
- color: red;
-label.CTAT--incorrect {
- box-shadow: none;
- text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px red;
-input.CTAT--incorrect[type="radio"] {
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 0px red;
-.CTATNumberLine--point.CTAT--incorrect {
- fill: red;
- fill-opacity: 0.7;
- #CTAT--hint
-.CTAT--hint {
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px 5px yellow;
-label.CTAT--hint {
- box-shadow: none;
- text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px yellow;
-input.CTAT--hint[type="text"] {
- -webkit-appearance: none;
- -moz-appearance: none;
-input.CTAT--hint[type="radio"] {
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 0px yellow;
- #CTAT--highlight
-.CTAT--highlight {
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px 5px yellow;
-label.CTAT--highlight {
- box-shadow: none;
- text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px yellow;
-input.CTAT--highlight[type="text"] {
- -webkit-appearance: none;
- -moz-appearance: none;
-input.CTAT--highlight[type="radio"] {
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 0px yellow;
- #CTAT--correct
-.CTAT--correct { /* general correct highlighting */
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 15px 5px limegreen;
-input.CTAT--correct[type="text"] { /* font color change for text components */
- box-shadow: none;
- color: limegreen;
-label.CTAT--correct { /* labels for checkboxes and radio buttons */
- box-shadow: none;
- text-shadow: 0px 0px 5px limegreen;
-input.CTAT--correct[type="radio"] {
- box-shadow: 0px 0px 5px 0px limegreen;
-.CTATNumberLine--point.CTAT--correct {
- fill: limegreen;
- Used by the Scrim
- background-color: rgba(128, 128, 128, 0.5);
- position: fixed;
- width: 100%;
- height: 100%;
- top: 0px;
- left: 0px;
- z-index: 1000;
-.css3-windows-7 .fenster {
- border-radius: 7px;
- box-shadow: 0 0 0 1px #EEEEEE inset, 0 0 15px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.9);
- background-color: rgba(160, 160, 160, 0.4);
- border: 1px solid black;
- padding-bottom: 46px;
- position: absolute;
- width: 389px;
- height: 146px;
- top: 50%;
- left: 50%;
- transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
-.css3-windows-7 .fenster .titel {
- color: black;
- /*cursor: move;*/
- font: normal 12px/16px "Segoe UI", Arial, sans-serif;
- height: 16px;
- overflow: hidden;
- padding: 6px 0 6px 28px;
- text-overflow: ellipsis;
- text-shadow: 0 0 1px white, 3px 3px 5px white, -3px -3px 5px white, -3px 3px 5px white, 3px -3px 5px white;
- white-space: nowrap;
- margin: 0px;
-.css3-windows-7 .fenster .inhalt {
- border-radius: 1px;
- box-shadow: 0 0 0px 1px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.65);
- background-color: white;
- border: 1px solid #666666;
- color: black;
- font: bold 16px arial, sans-serif;
- height: 100%;
- margin: 0 6px;
- overflow: auto;
- padding: 5px;
- position: relative;
- text-align: center;
- vertical-align: middle;
-.css3-windows-7 .inhalt p {
- margin-bottom: 10px;
-.css3-windows-7 .inhalt img {
- background-color: #F1F1F1;
- border: 0px solid #DDDDDD;
- margin: 0 20px 10px 0;
- padding: 1px;
-/* Resizeable */
-.ui-resizable-handle { display: block; position: absolute; }
-.ui-resizable-disabled .ui-resizable-handle,
-.ui-resizable-autohide .ui-resizable-handle { display: none; }
-.ui-resizable-n, .ui-resizable-s { height: 7px; left: 0; width: 100%; }
-.ui-resizable-n { cursor: n-resize; top: -5px; }
-.ui-resizable-s { bottom: -5px; cursor: s-resize; }
-.ui-resizable-e, .ui-resizable-w { height: 100%; top: 0; width: 7px; }
-.ui-resizable-e { cursor: e-resize; right: -5px; }
-.ui-resizable-w { cursor: w-resize; left: -5px; }
-.ui-resizable-se, .ui-resizable-sw,
-.ui-resizable-nw, .ui-resizable-ne { height: 12px; width: 12px; }
-.ui-resizable-se { bottom: 0; cursor: se-resize; right: 0; }
-.ui-resizable-sw { bottom: 0; cursor: sw-resize; left: 0; }
-.ui-resizable-nw { cursor: nw-resize; left: 0; top: 0; }
-.ui-resizable-ne { cursor: ne-resize; right: 0; top: 0; }
-.scrimButton {
- box-shadow: inset 0px 1px 0px 0px white;
- background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #F9F9F9 5%, #E9E9E9 100%);
- border-radius: 6px;
- border: 1px solid #000000;
- display: inline-block;
- cursor: pointer;
- color: #666666;
- font-family: Arial;
- font-size: 15px;
- font-weight: bold;
- padding: 6px 24px;
- margin: 2px;
- text-decoration: none;
- text-shadow: 0px 1px 0px white;
-.scrimButton:hover {
- background: linear-gradient(to bottom, #E9E9E9 5%, #F9F9F9 100%);
-.scrimButton:active {
- position: relative;
- top: 1px;
diff --git a/HTML/Assets/LoadTester.js b/HTML/Assets/LoadTester.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3124998..0000000
--- a/HTML/Assets/LoadTester.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
- For testing the dashboard.
- -Peter
-var speedFactor=1; //how many times faster than the actual student action
-var messageIndex=0; //Index of what message is currently running through tutor
-var messages=[]; //Every message in class format
-var schedulerBusy=false;
-var pkg;
-var probSet;
-var probName;
-var contextMessage;
-var problemSummary;
-var allMessages; //Every message that is in the replay unit
-var student = 0; //The number of which student file is being worked on
-/** Used to delay the firing of SAI's */
-var d = new Date();
-var startTime = d.getTime();
- getReplayUnitMessages();
- initScheduler();
- Call commShell.gradeSAI with a message from schedule()
-function fireSAI (aMessage)
- console.log(aMessage);
- //setTimeout(function(){
- // parent.parent.parent.addSAItoTable(aMessage.selection,aMessage.action,aMessage.input);
- //},5000);
- CTATCommShell.commShell.gradeSAI (aMessage.selection,aMessage.action,aMessage.input);
- parent.parent.parent.addSAItoTable(aMessage.selection,aMessage.action,aMessage.input);
- Contains simple mutex to ensure that fireSAI is called only once at a time.
- Determines when to fire an SAI based on the message attributes
-startPauseTime = -1;
-totalPauseTime = 0;
-function schedule ()
- if (schedulerBusy==true)
- {
- return;
- }
- var paus = parent.parent.parent.isPaused();
- console.log( paus );
- if( paus ){//parent.parent.parent.isPaused() ){
- if (startPauseTime < 0){
- d = new Date();
- startPauseTime = d.getTime();
- }
- console.log("PAUSED");
- return;
- }
- else{
- console.log("PLAYING");
- if (startPauseTime > 0){
- d = new Date();
- totalPauseTime += d.getTime() - startPauseTime;
- }
- startPauseTime = -1;
- }
- if( messageIndex >= messages.length ){
- console.log('changing problem');
- parent.parent.parent.changeProblem();
- console.log('changed problem');
- }
- schedulerBusy=true;
- if( messageIndex < messages.length ){
- var currentMessage = messages[messageIndex];
- }
- else{
- return;
- }
- d = new Date();
- var currTime = d.getTime() - totalPauseTime;
- console.log("waitstuff");
- console.log(currTime-startTime);
- console.log(currentMessage.delay/speedFactor);
- if (currentMessage.delay/speedFactor < (currTime - startTime) && messageIndex < messages.length)
- {
- fireSAI (messages [messageIndex]);
- messageIndex++;
- }
- schedulerBusy=false;
- Check to see if there is a message that needs to be fired every second.
-function initScheduler ()
- setInterval (function(){schedule();},1000);
- /**
- Sort the messages in this array by when they were performed using the actual
- time that they were executed (milliseconds since 1970). Then calculate the
- delay by subtracting the time of each message by the time of the first message.
- */
-function sortMessages(messages)
- var val; var i; var j;
- for( i = 0; i < messages.length; i++ ){
- val = messages[i];
- for( j = i - 1; j >= 0 && messages[j].delay > val.delay; j-- ){
- messages[j+1] = messages[j];
- }
- messages[j+1] = val;
- }
- var begin = messages[0].delay-5000;
- for( var i = 0; i < messages.length; i++ ){
- messages[i].delay = messages[i].delay - begin;
- }
- return messages
- Get package, problem set, and problem name from parent (master)
-function getContextData()
- return parent.parent.parent.getDataForInterface(contextMessage);
- Get the script of the messages (including context and problem summaries)
- from the parent JS file (master). Save all the messages as classes in
- messages. Then save the context message and problem summary.
-function getReplayUnitMessages()
- if( typeof(parent.parent.parent.getNextScript) != 'function' ){
- return false;
- }
- allMessages = parent.parent.parent.getNextScript();
- var startTime = -1;
- for( var i = 1; i < allMessages.length - 1; i++ )
- {
- var tokens = allMessages[i].split("<");
- var sel; var act; var inp; var timeSinceStart; var filename;
- for ( var j = 0; j < tokens.length; j++ )
- {
- if( tokens[j] == "Selection>"){
- sel = tokens[j+1].split(">")[1];
- }
- if( tokens[j] == "Action>"){
- act = tokens[j+1].split(">")[1];
- }
- if( tokens[j] == "Input>"){
- inp = tokens[j+1].split(">")[1];
- }
- if( tokens[j].length > 6 ){
- if( tokens[j].substring(0,5)== "Time>" ){
- time = tokens[j].split(">")[1];
- var t = new Date(time.substring(0,time.length-4)).getTime();
- if(startTime == -1){
- startTime = t;
- timeSinceStart = t;
- }
- else{
- timeSinceStart = t;
- }
- }
- }
- if( tokens[j].length > 14 ){
- if( tokens[j].substring(0,14) == "question_file>" ){
- filename = tokens[j].split(">")[1];
- }
- }
- }
- messages[messages.length] = {selection:sel, action:act, input:inp,
- delay:timeSinceStart, file:filename};
- problemSummary = allMessages[allMessages.length - 1];
- contextMessage = allMessages[0];
- }
- //Sort the messages and change the delay to how long after the first sai
- //they were executed.
- messages = sortMessages(messages);
- When the tutor is finished, call up to the parent to send the problem summary
- and change the problem.
- parent.parent.parent.endProblem(problemSummary);
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/HTML/Assets/ctat.min.js b/HTML/Assets/ctat.min.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 0b0ebb7..0000000
--- a/HTML/Assets/ctat.min.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1153 +0,0 @@
- MIT License - https://bitbucket.org/pellepim/jstimezonedetect/src/default/LICENCE.txt
- For usage and examples, visit:
- http://pellepim.bitbucket.org/jstz/
- Copyright (c) Jon Nylander
-var $jscomp={scope:{}};$jscomp.defineProperty="function"==typeof Object.defineProperties?Object.defineProperty:function(a,b,e){if(e.get||e.set)throw new TypeError("ES3 does not support getters and setters.");a!=Array.prototype&&a!=Object.prototype&&(a[b]=e.value)};$jscomp.getGlobal=function(a){return"undefined"!=typeof window&&window===a?a:"undefined"!=typeof global&&null!=global?global:a};$jscomp.global=$jscomp.getGlobal(this);$jscomp.SYMBOL_PREFIX="jscomp_symbol_";
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-$jscomp.initSymbolIterator=function(){$jscomp.initSymbol();var a=$jscomp.global.Symbol.iterator;a||(a=$jscomp.global.Symbol.iterator=$jscomp.global.Symbol("iterator"));"function"!=typeof Array.prototype[a]&&$jscomp.defineProperty(Array.prototype,a,{configurable:!0,writable:!0,value:function(){return $jscomp.arrayIterator(this)}});$jscomp.initSymbolIterator=function(){}};$jscomp.arrayIterator=function(a){var b=0;return $jscomp.iteratorPrototype(function(){return b=c}},"es6-impl","es3");$jscomp.owns=function(a,b){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,b)};
-$jscomp.polyfill("WeakMap",function(a){function b(a){$jscomp.owns(a,g)||$jscomp.defineProperty(a,g,{value:{}})}function e(a){var c=Object[a];c&&(Object[a]=function(a){b(a);return c(a)})}if(function(){if(!a||!Object.seal)return!1;try{var b=Object.seal({}),c=Object.seal({}),d=new a([[b,2],[c,3]]);if(2!=d.get(b)||3!=d.get(c))return!1;d["delete"](b);d.set(c,4);return!d.has(b)&&4==d.get(c)}catch(m){return!1}}())return a;var g="$jscomp_hidden_"+Math.random().toString().substring(2);e("freeze");e("preventExtensions");
-e("seal");var d=0,c=function(a){this.id_=(d+=Math.random()+1).toString();if(a){$jscomp.initSymbol();$jscomp.initSymbolIterator();a=$jscomp.makeIterator(a);for(var b;!(b=a.next()).done;)b=b.value,this.set(b[0],b[1])}};c.prototype.set=function(a,c){b(a);if(!$jscomp.owns(a,g))throw Error("WeakMap key fail: "+a);a[g][this.id_]=c;return this};c.prototype.get=function(a){return $jscomp.owns(a,g)?a[g][this.id_]:void 0};c.prototype.has=function(a){return $jscomp.owns(a,g)&&$jscomp.owns(a[g],this.id_)};c.prototype["delete"]=
-function(a){return $jscomp.owns(a,g)&&$jscomp.owns(a[g],this.id_)?delete a[g][this.id_]:!1};return c},"es6-impl","es3");$jscomp.ASSUME_NO_NATIVE_MAP=!1;
-$jscomp.polyfill("Map",function(a){if(!$jscomp.ASSUME_NO_NATIVE_MAP&&function(){if(!a||!a.prototype.entries||"function"!=typeof Object.seal)return!1;try{var b=Object.seal({x:4}),c=new a($jscomp.makeIterator([[b,"s"]]));if("s"!=c.get(b)||1!=c.size||c.get({x:4})||c.set({x:4},"t")!=c||2!=c.size)return!1;var f=c.entries(),d=f.next();if(d.done||d.value[0]!=b||"s"!=d.value[1])return!1;d=f.next();return d.done||4!=d.value[0].x||"t"!=d.value[1]||!f.next().done?!1:!0}catch(n){return!1}}())return a;$jscomp.initSymbol();
-$jscomp.initSymbolIterator();var b=new WeakMap,e=function(a){this.data_={};this.head_=c();this.size=0;if(a){a=$jscomp.makeIterator(a);for(var b;!(b=a.next()).done;)b=b.value,this.set(b[0],b[1])}};e.prototype.set=function(a,b){var c=g(this,a);c.list||(c.list=this.data_[c.id]=[]);c.entry?c.entry.value=b:(c.entry={next:this.head_,previous:this.head_.previous,head:this.head_,key:a,value:b},c.list.push(c.entry),this.head_.previous.next=c.entry,this.head_.previous=c.entry,this.size++);return this};e.prototype["delete"]=
-function(a){a=g(this,a);return a.entry&&a.list?(a.list.splice(a.index,1),a.list.length||delete this.data_[a.id],a.entry.previous.next=a.entry.next,a.entry.next.previous=a.entry.previous,a.entry.head=null,this.size--,!0):!1};e.prototype.clear=function(){this.data_={};this.head_=this.head_.previous=c();this.size=0};e.prototype.has=function(a){return!!g(this,a).entry};e.prototype.get=function(a){return(a=g(this,a).entry)&&a.value};e.prototype.entries=function(){return d(this,function(a){return[a.key,
-a.value]})};e.prototype.keys=function(){return d(this,function(a){return a.key})};e.prototype.values=function(){return d(this,function(a){return a.value})};e.prototype.forEach=function(a,b){for(var c=this.entries(),f;!(f=c.next()).done;)f=f.value,a.call(b,f[1],f[0],this)};e.prototype[Symbol.iterator]=e.prototype.entries;var g=function(a,c){var d;d=c&&typeof c;"object"==d||"function"==d?b.has(c)?d=b.get(c):(d=""+ ++f,b.set(c,d)):d="p_"+c;var e=a.data_[d];if(e&&$jscomp.owns(a.data_,d))for(var h=0;h<
-e.length;h++){var g=e[h];if(c!==c&&g.key!==g.key||c===g.key)return{id:d,list:e,index:h,entry:g}}return{id:d,list:e,index:-1,entry:void 0}},d=function(a,b){var c=a.head_;return $jscomp.iteratorPrototype(function(){if(c){for(;c.head!=a.head_;)c=c.previous;for(;c.next!=c.head;)return c=c.next,{done:!1,value:b(c)};c=null}return{done:!0,value:void 0}})},c=function(){var a={};return a.previous=a.next=a.head=a},f=0;return e},"es6-impl","es3");$jscomp.ASSUME_NO_NATIVE_SET=!1;
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-$jscomp.initSymbol();$jscomp.initSymbolIterator();var b=function(a){this.map_=new Map;if(a){a=$jscomp.makeIterator(a);for(var b;!(b=a.next()).done;)this.add(b.value)}this.size=this.map_.size};b.prototype.add=function(a){this.map_.set(a,a);this.size=this.map_.size;return this};b.prototype["delete"]=function(a){a=this.map_["delete"](a);this.size=this.map_.size;return a};b.prototype.clear=function(){this.map_.clear();this.size=0};b.prototype.has=function(a){return this.map_.has(a)};b.prototype.entries=
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-a};this.toHHMMSS=function(a){var c=parseInt(a,10);a=Math.floor(c/3600);var b=Math.floor((c-3600*a)/60),c=c-3600*a-60*b;10>a&&(a="0"+a);10>b&&(b="0"+b);10>c&&(c="0"+c);return a+":"+b+":"+c};this.ctatdebug=function(a){if(f){var b=a;useDebuggingBasic?c.ctatdebugInternal(b,"UnknownClass"):(null===a&&(b="No message provided"),useDebugging&&c.ctatdebugInternal(b,c.getClassName()))}};this.ctatdebugObject=function(a){var c=0,b;for(b in a)this.ctatdebug("("+c+")"+b+": "+a[b]),c++};this.ctatdebugInternal=function(a,
-b){var f=a;if(null===f||void 0===f)f="No message!";""===f&&(f="Empty message!");if(useDebuggingBasic)f=e("Unknown","undefined",f),CTATBase.customconsole||(CTATBase.customconsole=getSafeElementById("customconsole")),CTATBase.customconsole?(CTATBase.customconsole.innerHTML+=f+" ",CTATBase.customconsole.scrollTop=CTATBase.customconsole.scrollHeight):console.log(f);else{null===b&&(b="UndefinedClass");null===f&&(f="No message");f=e(b,c.getName(),f);try{console.trace(f)}catch(q){}"google"==CTATConfig.platform?
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-Object.defineProperty(CTATBase,"DebuggingFilter",{enumerable:!1,configurable:!1,writable:!0,value:[]});"undefined"!==typeof module&&(module.exports=CTATBase);var CTATProblem=function(){CTATBase.call(this,"CTATProblem","problem");var a="",b="",e="tutor",g="",d="",c="notstarted";this.setState=function(a){c=a};this.getState=function(){return c};this.setLabel=function(c){a=c};this.getLabel=function(){return a};this.setDescription=function(a){b=a};this.getDescription=function(){return b};this.setTutorFlag=function(a){e=a};this.getTutorFlag=function(){return e};this.setProblemFile=function(a){g=a};this.getProblemFile=function(){return g};this.setStudentInterface=
-function(a){d=a};this.getStudentInterface=function(){return d}};CTATProblem.prototype=Object.create(CTATBase.prototype);CTATProblem.prototype.constructor=CTATProblem;var CTATProblemSet=function(){CTATBase.call(this,"CTATProblemSet","problemset");var a=[];this.addProblem=function(b){a.push(b)};this.getProblems=function(){return a};this.getProblemSize=function(){return a.length};this.getFirstProblem=function(){pointer.ctatdebug("getFirstProblem ()");return 0==a.length?null:a[0]}};CTATProblemSet.prototype=Object.create(CTATBase.prototype);CTATProblemSet.prototype.constructor=CTATProblemSet;var CTATXML=function(){CTATBase.call(this,"CTATXML","xmlparser");this.parse=function(a){return this.parseXML(a)};this.parseXML=function(a){this.ctatdebug("parseXML ()");var b=null;try{"undefined"!==typeof $?b=$.parseXML(a):"undefined"!==typeof XMLParser?b=(new XMLParser).parseFromString(a):this.ctatdebug("Bottoming out, no parser configured!")}catch(e){return null!=b?this.ctatdebug("JQuery could not process the provided XML: "+e.message+" ("+b.parseError.errorCode+") ("+b.parseError.reason+") ("+
-b.parseError.line+")"):this.ctatdebug("JQuery could not process the provided XML (xmlDoc==null): "+e.message),null}return null==b?(this.ctatdebug("Unspecified error parsing xml message. xmlDoc is null"),null):b.documentElement};this.getElementName=function(a){return a.nodeName};this.getElementValue=function(a){return a.nodeValue};this.getElementChildren=function(a){for(var b=[],e=0;e "+typeof CTATLanguagePack);if("undefined"!==typeof CTATLanguagePack){if(CTATLanguagePack[b])return CTATLanguagePack[b]}else a.ctatdebug("No custom language pack defined, using default...");return CTATDefaultLangagePack[b]};this.filterString=function(b){a.ctatdebug("filterString ("+b+") -> "+typeof CTATLanguagePack);if("undefined"!==typeof CTATLanguagePack){if(CTATLanguagePack[b])return a.ctatdebug("Found tag in provided language pack, returning: "+
-CTATLanguagePack[b]),CTATLanguagePack[b]}else a.ctatdebug("No custom language pack defined, using default...");return"undefined"!==typeof CTATDefaultLangagePack&&CTATDefaultLangagePack[b]?(a.ctatdebug("Found tag in default language pack, returning: "+CTATDefaultLangagePack[b]),CTATDefaultLangagePack[b]):b}};CTATLanguageManager.prototype=Object.create(CTATBase.prototype);CTATLanguageManager.prototype.constructor=CTATLanguageManager;CTATLanguageManager.theSingleton=new CTATLanguageManager;var scrimIsUp=!1,errorScrim=!1,waitScrim=!0,warnScrim=!1,connectionScrim=!1,authorTimeSet=!0,inAuthorTime=!0,CTATScrim=function(){function a(){warnScrim=!1;p.scrimDown()}function b(a){"google"!=CTATConfig.platform&&(!0===scrimIsUp&&p.scrimDownForced(),p.ctatdebug("errScrimUp ("+a+")"),!0===errorScrim?!0===f&&(f=!1,getSafeElementById(ctatcontainer).removeChild(r)):!0===warnScrim&&(f=!0),p.scrimUp(a))}function e(a,c){p.ctatdebug("makeHTMLButton ()");var b=document.createElement("input");b.type="button";
-b.value=c;a?(p.ctatdebug("clickHandle!=null"),b.onclick=a):(p.ctatdebug("clickHandle==null"),b.onclick=p.defaultClickHandler);b.id=c;b.setAttribute("class","scrimButton");return b}CTATBase.call(this,"CTATScrim","__undefined__");var g="",d=!1,c=!1,f=!1,h=null,l=null,m=new CTATCanvasComponent("CTAT Scrim"),q=[],n=null,w=null,r=null,t=null,p=this;this.scrimUp=function(b){if("google"!=CTATConfig.platform)if(p.ctatdebug("scrimUp ()"),b=CTATGlobals.languageManager.filterString(b),p.ctatdebug("Message: "+
-b),!0===scrimIsUp?(g=!0===waitScrim?b:g+(" \n "+b),m.removeComponent(),p.removeHTMLElements()):(g=b,scrimIsUp=!0),p.ctatdebug("scrimUp() to call drawScrim() scrimIsUp "+scrimIsUp),p.ctatdebug("drawScrim ()"),"google"==CTATConfig.platform)p.ctatdebug("This is not available for now when we're in this environment");else if($('
').appendTo("body"),$("#scrim").css("z-index",1E3),"google"!=CTATConfig.platform&&($("#scrimpanel").empty(),$("#scrim").append('"),!0===f&&(waitScrim=!1,r=e(a,"close"),$(r).appendTo("#scrimpanel")),!0===d&&(waitScrim=!1,n=e(h,"yes"),$(n).appendTo("#scrimpanel"),d=!1),!0===c&&(waitScrim=!1,w=e(l,"no"),$(w).appendTo("#scrimpanel"),c=!1),!0===waitScrim)){p.ctatdebug("Adding spinner ...");$("#scrimpanel").append(" ");b=$('');b.css("width","100%");b.css("position","relative");$("#scrimpanel").append(b);try{var t=(new Spinner({className:"scrim_spinner"})).spin();$("#scrim_spin").append(t.el)}catch(y){(y instanceof
-ReferenceError||y instanceof TypeError)&&p.ctatdebug('Spinner is not available, please include it in the build or add
Please solve for x