diff --git a/HTML/Assets/Detectors/Lumilo/Critical_Struggle/critical_struggle.js b/HTML/Assets/Detectors/Lumilo/Critical_Struggle/critical_struggle.js
index a4bde8d..c06de40 100644
--- a/HTML/Assets/Detectors/Lumilo/Critical_Struggle/critical_struggle.js
+++ b/HTML/Assets/Detectors/Lumilo/Critical_Struggle/critical_struggle.js
@@ -325,10 +325,10 @@ function clone(obj) {
-function secondsSince(initTime){
+function secondsSince(initTime){
var currTime = new Date();
diff = currTime.getTime() - initTime.getTime();
- console.log("time elapsed: ", diff/1000);
+ console.log("time elapsed: ", diff/1000)
return (diff / 1000);
@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@ function checkTimeElapsed(initTime) {
var timeDiff = secondsSince(initTime);
if( timeDiff > (300-seedTime) ){
detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow, skillLevelsAttempts, initTime, onboardSkills]);
- detector_output.value = "1, > 5 min"
+ detector_output.value = "1, > 5 min, " + elaborationString;
detector_output.time = new Date();
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ function checkTimeElapsed(initTime) {
else if( timeDiff > (120-seedTime) ){
detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow, skillLevelsAttempts, initTime, onboardSkills]);
- detector_output.value = "1, > 2 min"
+ detector_output.value = "1, > 2 min, " + elaborationString;
detector_output.time = new Date();
@@ -352,15 +352,15 @@ function checkTimeElapsed(initTime) {
else if( timeDiff > (60-seedTime) ){
detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow, skillLevelsAttempts, initTime, onboardSkills]);
- detector_output.value = "1, > 1 min"
+ detector_output.value = "1, > 1 min, " + elaborationString;
detector_output.time = new Date();
console.log("output_data = ", detector_output);
- else if( timeDiff > (45-seedTime) ){
+ else if( timeDiff > (45-seedTime) ){
detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow, skillLevelsAttempts, initTime, onboardSkills]);
- detector_output.value = "1, > 45 s"
+ detector_output.value = "1, > 45 s, " + elaborationString;
detector_output.time = new Date();
@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ function checkTimeElapsed(initTime) {
detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow, skillLevelsAttempts, initTime, onboardSkills]);
- detector_output.value = "1, > " + seedTime.toString() + " s"
+ detector_output.value = "1, > " + seedTime.toString() + " s, " + elaborationString;
detector_output.time = new Date();
@@ -454,19 +454,11 @@ function receive_transaction( e ){
var isWheelSpinning = detect_wheel_spinning(e, onboardSkills, stepCounter[currStep]);
- if (isWheelSpinning){
- elaborationString = "not improving on some skills";
- }
- else if (help_model_output == "ask teacher for help/try step"){
- elaborationString = "hints aren't helping";
- }
- else{
- elaborationString = "";
- }
attemptWindow.push( (help_model_output == "ask teacher for help/try step" || isWheelSpinning) ? 1 : 0 );
var sumAskTeacherForHelp = attemptWindow.reduce(function(pv, cv) { return pv + cv; }, 0);
@@ -483,21 +475,36 @@ function receive_transaction( e ){
detector_output.transaction_id = e.data.transaction_id;
//custom processing (insert code here)
- if (detector_output.value=="0, > 0 s" && (sumAskTeacherForHelp >= threshold)){
+ // elaboration string
+ if (sumAskTeacherForHelp>=threshold){
+ if (isWheelSpinning){
+ elaborationString = "slow to master some skills";
+ }
+ else{
+ elaborationString = "hints aren't helping";
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ elaborationString = "";
+ }
+ if (detector_output.value.split(',')[0]=="0" && (sumAskTeacherForHelp >= threshold)){
initTime = new Date();
detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow, skillLevelsAttempts, initTime, onboardSkills]);
- detector_output.value = "1, > " + seedTime.toString() + " s";
+ detector_output.value = "1, > " + seedTime.toString() + " s, " + elaborationString;
detector_output.time = new Date();
intervalID = setInterval( function() { checkTimeElapsed(initTime);} , 3000);
- else if (detector_output.value!="0, > 0 s" && (sumAskTeacherForHelp >= threshold)){
+ else if (detector_output.value.split(',')[0]!="0" && (sumAskTeacherForHelp >= threshold)){
detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow, skillLevelsAttempts, initTime, onboardSkills]);
detector_output.time = new Date();
- detector_output.value = "0, > 0 s";
+ detector_output.value = "0, > 0 s, " + elaborationString;
detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow, skillLevelsAttempts, initTime, onboardSkills]);
detector_output.time = new Date();
@@ -568,7 +575,7 @@ self.onmessage = function ( e ) {
initTime = new Date(all_history[2]);
onboardSkills = all_history[3];
- if(detector_output.value!="0, > 0 s"){
+ if(detector_output.value.split(',')[0]!="0"){
intervalID = setInterval( function() { checkTimeElapsed(initTime);} , 3000);
diff --git a/HTML/Assets/Detectors/Lumilo/Struggle/struggle__moving_average.js b/HTML/Assets/Detectors/Lumilo/Struggle/struggle__moving_average.js
index 8501388..ec3dd8c 100644
--- a/HTML/Assets/Detectors/Lumilo/Struggle/struggle__moving_average.js
+++ b/HTML/Assets/Detectors/Lumilo/Struggle/struggle__moving_average.js
@@ -20,12 +20,66 @@ var mailer;
//based on "remembered" values across problem boundaries, here
// (initialize these at the bottom of this file, inside of self.onmessage)
var attemptWindow;
+var intervalID;
//declare and/or initialize any other custom global variables for this detector here
var attemptCorrect;
var windowSize = 7;
var threshold = 1;
-var timerId; var timerId2; var timerId3; var timerId4; var timerId5;
+var initTime;
+var elaborationString;
+var seedTime = 25;
+function secondsSince(initTime){
+ var currTime = new Date();
+ diff = currTime.getTime() - initTime.getTime();
+ console.log("time elapsed: ", diff/1000)
+ return (diff / 1000);
+function checkTimeElapsed(initTime) {
+ var timeDiff = secondsSince(initTime);
+ if( timeDiff > (300-seedTime) ){
+ detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow, initTime]);
+ detector_output.value = "1, > 5 min, " + elaborationString;
+ detector_output.time = new Date();
+ mailer.postMessage(detector_output);
+ postMessage(detector_output);
+ console.log("output_data = ", detector_output);
+ }
+ else if( timeDiff > (120-seedTime) ){
+ detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow, initTime]);
+ detector_output.value = "1, > 2 min, " + elaborationString;
+ detector_output.time = new Date();
+ mailer.postMessage(detector_output);
+ postMessage(detector_output);
+ console.log("output_data = ", detector_output);
+ }
+ else if( timeDiff > (60-seedTime) ){
+ detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow, initTime]);
+ detector_output.value = "1, > 1 min, " + elaborationString;
+ detector_output.time = new Date();
+ mailer.postMessage(detector_output);
+ postMessage(detector_output);
+ console.log("output_data = ", detector_output);
+ }
+ else if( timeDiff > (45-seedTime) ){
+ detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow, initTime]);
+ detector_output.value = "1, > 45 s, " + elaborationString;
+ detector_output.time = new Date();
+ mailer.postMessage(detector_output);
+ postMessage(detector_output);
+ console.log("output_data = ", detector_output);
+ }
+ else{
+ detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow, initTime]);
+ detector_output.value = "1, > " + seedTime.toString() + " s, " + elaborationString;
+ detector_output.time = new Date();
+ mailer.postMessage(detector_output);
+ postMessage(detector_output);
+ console.log("output_data = ", detector_output);
+ }
function receive_transaction( e ){
@@ -63,58 +117,35 @@ function receive_transaction( e ){
detector_output.transaction_id = e.data.transaction_id;
//custom processing (insert code here)
- if (detector_output.value=="0, > 0 s" && (sumCorrect <= threshold)){
- detector_output.history = JSON.stringify(attemptWindow);
- detector_output.value = "1, > 25 s"
+ // elaboration string
+ if (sumCorrect<=threshold){
+ elaborationString = "lots of errors";
+ }
+ else{
+ elaborationString = "";
+ }
+ if (detector_output.value.split(',')[0]=="0" && (sumCorrect <= threshold)){
+ initTime = new Date();
+ detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow, initTime]);
+ detector_output.value = "1, > " + seedTime.toString() + " s, " + elaborationString;
detector_output.time = new Date();
- timerId = setTimeout(function() {
- detector_output.history = JSON.stringify(attemptWindow);
- detector_output.value = "1, > 45 s"
- detector_output.time = new Date();
- mailer.postMessage(detector_output);
- postMessage(detector_output);
- console.log("output_data = ", detector_output); },
- 20000)
- timerId2 = setTimeout(function() {
- detector_output.history = JSON.stringify(attemptWindow);
- detector_output.value = "1, > 1 min"
- detector_output.time = new Date();
- mailer.postMessage(detector_output);
- postMessage(detector_output);
- console.log("output_data = ", detector_output); },
- 35000)
- timerId3 = setTimeout(function() {
- detector_output.history = JSON.stringify(attemptWindow);
- detector_output.value = "1, > 2 min"
- detector_output.time = new Date();
- mailer.postMessage(detector_output);
- postMessage(detector_output);
- console.log("output_data = ", detector_output); },
- 95000)
- timerId4 = setTimeout(function() {
- detector_output.history = JSON.stringify(attemptWindow);
- detector_output.value = "1, > 5 min"
- detector_output.time = new Date();
- mailer.postMessage(detector_output);
- postMessage(detector_output);
- console.log("output_data = ", detector_output); },
- 275000)
+ intervalID = setInterval( function() { checkTimeElapsed(initTime);} , 3000);
- else if (detector_output.value!="0, > 0 s" && (sumCorrect <= threshold)){
- detector_output.history = JSON.stringify(attemptWindow);
+ else if (detector_output.value.split(',')[0]!="0" && (sumCorrect <= threshold)){
+ detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow, initTime]);
detector_output.time = new Date();
- detector_output.value = "0, > 0 s";
- detector_output.history = JSON.stringify(attemptWindow);
+ detector_output.value = "0, > 0 s, " + elaborationString;
+ detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow, initTime]);
detector_output.time = new Date();
- clearTimeout(timerId);
- clearTimeout(timerId2);
- clearTimeout(timerId3);
- clearTimeout(timerId4);
+ clearInterval(intervalID);
@@ -166,7 +197,13 @@ self.onmessage = function ( e ) {
attemptWindow = Array.apply(null, Array(windowSize)).map(Number.prototype.valueOf,1);
- attemptWindow = JSON.parse(detector_output.history);
+ var all_history = JSON.parse(detector_output.history);
+ attemptWindow = all_history[0];
+ initTime = new Date(all_history[1]);
+ if(detector_output.value.split(',')[0]!="0"){
+ intervalID = setInterval( function() { checkTimeElapsed(initTime);} , 3000);
+ }
diff --git a/HTML/Assets/Detectors/Lumilo/System_Misuse/system_misuse.js b/HTML/Assets/Detectors/Lumilo/System_Misuse/system_misuse.js
index 32414ca..48315cc 100644
--- a/HTML/Assets/Detectors/Lumilo/System_Misuse/system_misuse.js
+++ b/HTML/Assets/Detectors/Lumilo/System_Misuse/system_misuse.js
@@ -19,6 +19,9 @@ var mailer;
//based on "remembered" values across problem boundaries, here
// (initialize these at the bottom of this file, inside of self.onmessage)
var attemptWindow;
+var initTime;
+var lastTrigger;
+var intervalID;
//declare and/or initialize any other custom global variables for this detector here...
var stepCounter = {};
@@ -29,7 +32,7 @@ var help_variables = {"lastAction": "null",
"lastHintLength": "",
"lastSenseOfWhatToDo": false
-var timerId; var timerId2; var timerId3; var timerId4; var timerId5;
+var elaborationString;
//[optional] single out TUNABLE PARAMETERS below
var windowSize = 7; //arbitrary: need to tune
@@ -39,8 +42,61 @@ var newStepThreshold = 1; //currently arbitrary
var familiarityThreshold = 0.4;
var senseOfWhatToDoThreshold = 0.6;
var hintIsHelpfulPlaceholder = true; //currently a dummy value (assumption that hint is always helpful...)
+var seedTime = 25;
+function secondsSince(initTime){
+ var currTime = new Date();
+ diff = currTime.getTime() - initTime.getTime();
+ console.log("time elapsed: ", diff/1000)
+ return (diff / 1000);
+function checkTimeElapsed(initTime) {
+ var timeDiff = secondsSince(initTime);
+ if( timeDiff > (300-seedTime) ){
+ detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow, initTime]);
+ detector_output.value = "1, > 5 min, " + elaborationString;
+ detector_output.time = new Date();
+ mailer.postMessage(detector_output);
+ postMessage(detector_output);
+ console.log("output_data = ", detector_output);
+ }
+ else if( timeDiff > (120-seedTime) ){
+ detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow, initTime]);
+ detector_output.value = "1, > 2 min, " + elaborationString;
+ detector_output.time = new Date();
+ mailer.postMessage(detector_output);
+ postMessage(detector_output);
+ console.log("output_data = ", detector_output);
+ }
+ else if( timeDiff > (60-seedTime) ){
+ detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow, initTime]);
+ detector_output.value = "1, > 1 min, " + elaborationString;
+ detector_output.time = new Date();
+ mailer.postMessage(detector_output);
+ postMessage(detector_output);
+ console.log("output_data = ", detector_output);
+ }
+ else if( timeDiff > (45-seedTime) ){
+ detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow, initTime]);
+ detector_output.value = "1, > 45 s, " + elaborationString;
+ detector_output.time = new Date();
+ mailer.postMessage(detector_output);
+ postMessage(detector_output);
+ console.log("output_data = ", detector_output);
+ }
+ else{
+ detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow, initTime]);
+ detector_output.value = "1, > " + seedTime.toString() + " s, " + elaborationString;
+ detector_output.time = new Date();
+ mailer.postMessage(detector_output);
+ postMessage(detector_output);
+ console.log("output_data = ", detector_output);
+ }
function is_gaming(e){
return false;
@@ -333,58 +389,47 @@ function receive_transaction( e ){
detector_output.transaction_id = e.data.transaction_id;
//custom processing (insert code here)
- if (detector_output.value=="0, > 0 s" && (sumAskTeacherForHelp >= threshold)){
- detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow]);
- detector_output.value = "1, > 25 s"
+ if(isGaming){lastTrigger="isGaming"}
+ else if(isAbusingHints){lastTrigger="isAbusingHints"}
+ else{lastTrigger="isNotDeliberate?"}
+ // elaboration string
+ if (sumAskTeacherForHelp>=threshold){
+ if (lastTrigger=="isGaming"){
+ elaborationString = "frequent guessing, not trying?";
+ }
+ else if (lastTrigger=="isAbusingHints"){
+ elaborationString = "abusing hints?";
+ }
+ else{
+ elaborationString = "fast attempts in a row, not deliberate?";
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ elaborationString = "";
+ }
+ if (detector_output.value.split(',')[0]=="0" && (sumAskTeacherForHelp >= threshold)){
+ initTime = new Date();
+ detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow, initTime]);
+ detector_output.value = "1, > " + seedTime.toString() + " s, " + elaborationString;
detector_output.time = new Date();
- timerId = setTimeout(function() {
- detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow]);
- detector_output.value = "1, > 45 s"
- detector_output.time = new Date();
- mailer.postMessage(detector_output);
- postMessage(detector_output);
- console.log("output_data = ", detector_output); },
- 20000)
- timerId2 = setTimeout(function() {
- detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow]);
- detector_output.value = "1, > 1 min"
- detector_output.time = new Date();
- mailer.postMessage(detector_output);
- postMessage(detector_output);
- console.log("output_data = ", detector_output); },
- 35000)
- timerId3 = setTimeout(function() {
- detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow]);
- detector_output.value = "1, > 2 min"
- detector_output.time = new Date();
- mailer.postMessage(detector_output);
- postMessage(detector_output);
- console.log("output_data = ", detector_output); },
- 95000)
- timerId4 = setTimeout(function() {
- detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow]);
- detector_output.value = "1, > 5 min"
- detector_output.time = new Date();
- mailer.postMessage(detector_output);
- postMessage(detector_output);
- console.log("output_data = ", detector_output); },
- 275000)
+ intervalID = setInterval( function() { checkTimeElapsed(initTime);} , 3000);
- else if (detector_output.value!="0, > 0 s" && (sumAskTeacherForHelp >= threshold)){
- detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow]);
+ else if (detector_output.value.split(',')[0]!="0" && (sumAskTeacherForHelp >= threshold)){
+ detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow, initTime]);
detector_output.time = new Date();
- detector_output.value = "0, > 0 s";
- detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow]);
+ detector_output.value = "0, > 0 s, " + elaborationString;
+ detector_output.history = JSON.stringify([attemptWindow, initTime]);
detector_output.time = new Date();
- clearTimeout(timerId);
- clearTimeout(timerId2);
- clearTimeout(timerId3);
- clearTimeout(timerId4);
+ clearInterval(intervalID);
@@ -445,6 +490,12 @@ self.onmessage = function ( e ) {
var all_history = JSON.parse(detector_output.history);
attemptWindow = all_history[0];
+ initTime = new Date(all_history[1]);
+ lastTrigger = all_history[2];
+ if(detector_output.value.split(',')[0]!="0"){
+ intervalID = setInterval( function() { checkTimeElapsed(initTime);} , 3000);
+ }