diff --git a/FinalBRDs/detectorAdaptivityDemo1.brd b/FinalBRDs/detectorAdaptivityDemo1.brd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0eca110
--- /dev/null
+++ b/FinalBRDs/detectorAdaptivityDemo1.brd
@@ -0,0 +1,2032 @@
+ SendNoteProperty
+ StartProblem
+ 1416
+ NotePropertySet
+ InterfaceAction
+ firstNumGiven
+ UpdateTextArea
+ 1
+ NotePropertySet
+ InterfaceAction
+ 3F45C5A9DBEF00AC
+ firstDenGiven
+ UpdateTextArea
+ 4
+ NotePropertySet
+ InterfaceAction
+ BA263816C75B0445
+ secNumGiven
+ UpdateTextArea
+ 1
+ NotePropertySet
+ InterfaceAction
+ 6AB90811187A2DE9
+ secDenGiven
+ UpdateTextArea
+ 6
+ SendNoteProperty
+ StartStateEnd
+ 1416
+ 1
+ 402
+ 47
+ state1
+ 2
+ 398
+ 157
+ state2
+ 3
+ 322
+ 152
+ state3
+ 4
+ 474
+ 152
+ state4
+ 5
+ 633
+ 115
+ state5
+ 6
+ 584
+ 143
+ state6
+ 7
+ 398
+ 267
+ state7
+ 8
+ 398
+ 377
+ state8
+ 9
+ 398
+ 487
+ state9
+ 10
+ 398
+ 597
+ state10
+ 11
+ 394
+ 707
+ state11
+ 12
+ 394
+ 817
+ state12
+ 13
+ 394
+ 927
+ Done
+ 14
+ 401
+ 1037
+ state14
+ 15
+ 318
+ 262
+ state15
+ 16
+ 318
+ 372
+ state16
+ 17
+ 318
+ 482
+ state17
+ 18
+ 318
+ 592
+ state18
+ 19
+ 318
+ 702
+ state19
+ 20
+ 318
+ 812
+ state20
+ 21
+ 318
+ 922
+ Done_2
+ 22
+ 317
+ 1032
+ state22
+ 23
+ 47
+ 69
+ state23
+ 24
+ 45
+ 121
+ state24
+ 25
+ 56
+ 169
+ state25
+ 26
+ 100
+ 292
+ state26
+ 27
+ 76
+ 217
+ state27
+ 28
+ 565
+ 102
+ state28
+ 29
+ 127
+ 350
+ 1
+ NotePropertySet
+ InterfaceAction
+ firstDenConv
+ UpdateTextArea
+ 12
+ No, this is not correct.
+ What could you do with the fractions so that they have the same denominator?
+ Choose a denominator both denominators go into.
+ Enter '12', the least common denominator
+ Correct Action
+ Correct Action
+ Never Checked
+ ExactMatcher
+ firstDenConv
+ ExactMatcher
+ UpdateTextArea
+ ExactMatcher
+ 12
+ Student
+ No-Applicable
+ determine-lcd fraction-addition
+ -1
+ 1
+ 2
+ 0
+ 2
+ NotePropertySet
+ InterfaceAction
+ firstDenConv
+ UpdateTextArea
+ 24
+ No, this is not correct.
+ Good job!
+ What is the least common multiple of 4 and 6?
+ What is 4 x 6?
+ Please enter '24' in the highlighted field.
+ Correct Action
+ Correct Action
+ Never Checked
+ ExactMatcher
+ firstDenConv
+ ExactMatcher
+ UpdateTextArea
+ ExactMatcher
+ 24
+ Student
+ No-Applicable
+ multiply-denominators fraction-addition
+ -1
+ 1
+ 3
+ 0
+ 3
+ NotePropertySet
+ InterfaceAction
+ firstDenConv
+ UpdateTextArea
+ 10
+ Instead of trying to add the denominators, choose a denominator both denominators go into.
+ Please enter '10' in the highlighted field.
+ Buggy Action
+ Correct Action
+ Never Checked
+ ExactMatcher
+ firstDenConv
+ ExactMatcher
+ UpdateTextArea
+ ExactMatcher
+ 10
+ Student
+ No-Applicable
+ unnamed
+ -1
+ 1
+ 4
+ 0
+ 4
+ NotePropertySet
+ InterfaceAction
+ secDenConv
+ UpdateTextArea
+ 10
+ Instead of trying to add the denominators, choose a denominator both denominators go into.
+ Please enter '10' in the highlighted field.
+ Buggy Action
+ Correct Action
+ Never Checked
+ ExactMatcher
+ secDenConv
+ ExactMatcher
+ UpdateTextArea
+ ExactMatcher
+ 10
+ Student
+ No-Applicable
+ unnamed
+ -1
+ 1
+ 5
+ 0
+ 5
+ NotePropertySet
+ InterfaceAction
+ ansNum1
+ UpdateTextArea
+ 2
+ You can't add the numerators until you've converted the fractions.
+ Please enter '2' in the highlighted field.
+ Buggy Action
+ Correct Action
+ Never Checked
+ ExactMatcher
+ ansNum1
+ ExactMatcher
+ UpdateTextArea
+ ExactMatcher
+ 2
+ Student
+ No-Applicable
+ unnamed
+ -1
+ 1
+ 6
+ 0
+ 6
+ NotePropertySet
+ InterfaceAction
+ secDenConv
+ UpdateTextArea
+ 12
+ No, this is not correct.
+ What could you do with the fractions so that they have the same denominator?
+ Choose a denominator both denominators go into.
+ Enter '12', the least common denominator between both fractions, in the highlighted field.
+ Correct Action
+ Correct Action
+ Never Checked
+ ExactMatcher
+ secDenConv
+ ExactMatcher
+ UpdateTextArea
+ ExactMatcher
+ 12
+ Student
+ No-Applicable
+ determine-lcd fraction-addition
+ -1
+ 2
+ 7
+ 0
+ 7
+ NotePropertySet
+ InterfaceAction
+ ansDen1
+ UpdateTextArea
+ 12
+ No, this is not correct.
+ Once you've found the least common denominator, you can put in the highlighted field.
+ Find a common denominator for both fractions. Choose a denominator both denominators go into.
+ Please enter the least common denominator, '12', in the highlighted field.
+ Correct Action
+ Correct Action
+ Never Checked
+ ExactMatcher
+ ansDen1
+ ExactMatcher
+ UpdateTextArea
+ ExactMatcher
+ 12
+ Student
+ No-Applicable
+ copy-answer-denominator fraction-addition
+ -1
+ 7
+ 8
+ 0
+ 8
+ NotePropertySet
+ InterfaceAction
+ firstNumConv
+ UpdateTextArea
+ 3
+ No, this is not correct.
+ Divide the fraction's denominator into the common denominator.
+ Multiply the numerator with the number you got.
+ Multiply 1 and 3. Put this numerator, 3, in the highlighted cell.
+ Correct Action
+ Correct Action
+ Never Checked
+ ExactMatcher
+ firstNumConv
+ ExactMatcher
+ UpdateTextArea
+ ExactMatcher
+ 3
+ Student
+ No-Applicable
+ convert-numerator fraction-addition
+ -1
+ 8
+ 9
+ 0
+ 9
+ NotePropertySet
+ InterfaceAction
+ secNumConv
+ UpdateTextArea
+ 2
+ No, this is not correct.
+ Divide the fraction's denominator into the common denominator.
+ Multiply the numerator with the number you got.
+ Multiply 1 and 2. Put this numerator, 2, in the highlighted cell.
+ Correct Action
+ Correct Action
+ Never Checked
+ ExactMatcher
+ secNumConv
+ ExactMatcher
+ UpdateTextArea
+ ExactMatcher
+ 2
+ Student
+ No-Applicable
+ convert-numerator fraction-addition
+ -1
+ 9
+ 10
+ 0
+ 10
+ NotePropertySet
+ InterfaceAction
+ ansNum1
+ UpdateTextArea
+ 5
+ No, this is not correct.
+ When fractions have the same denominator they can be added.
+ Go ahead and add the numerator; the denominator stays the same.
+ Please enter '5' in the highlighted field.
+ Correct Action
+ Correct Action
+ Never Checked
+ ExactMatcher
+ ansNum1
+ ExactMatcher
+ UpdateTextArea
+ ExactMatcher
+ 5
+ Student
+ No-Applicable
+ add-numerators fraction-addition
+ -1
+ 10
+ 11
+ 0
+ 11
+ NotePropertySet
+ InterfaceAction
+ ansNumFinal1
+ UpdateTextArea
+ 5
+ No, this is not correct.
+ Please enter '5' in the highlighted field.
+ Correct Action
+ Correct Action
+ Never Checked
+ ExactMatcher
+ ansNumFinal1
+ ExactMatcher
+ UpdateTextArea
+ ExactMatcher
+ 5
+ Student
+ No-Applicable
+ reduce-numerator fraction-addition
+ -1
+ 11
+ 12
+ 0
+ 12
+ NotePropertySet
+ InterfaceAction
+ ansDenFinal1
+ UpdateTextArea
+ 12
+ No, this is not correct.
+ Please enter '12' in the highlighted field.
+ Correct Action
+ Correct Action
+ Never Checked
+ ExactMatcher
+ ansDenFinal1
+ ExactMatcher
+ UpdateTextArea
+ ExactMatcher
+ 12
+ Student
+ No-Applicable
+ reduce-denominator fraction-addition
+ -1
+ 12
+ 13
+ 0
+ 13
+ NotePropertySet
+ InterfaceAction
+ done
+ ButtonPressed
+ -1
+ No, this is not correct.
+ You're done with the problem; your answer is in its simplest form.
+ Click the highlighted 'Done' button to finish.
+ Correct Action
+ Correct Action
+ Never Checked
+ ExactMatcher
+ done
+ ExactMatcher
+ ButtonPressed
+ ExactMatcher
+ -1
+ Student
+ No-Applicable
+ unnamed
+ -1
+ 13
+ 14
+ 0
+ 14
+ NotePropertySet
+ InterfaceAction
+ secDenConv
+ UpdateTextArea
+ 24
+ No, this is not correct.
+ What is the a common multiple of 4 and 6?
+ What is 4 x 6?
+ Please enter '24' in the highlighted field.
+ Correct Action
+ Correct Action
+ Never Checked
+ ExactMatcher
+ secDenConv
+ ExactMatcher
+ UpdateTextArea
+ ExactMatcher
+ 24
+ Student
+ No-Applicable
+ multiply-denominators fraction-addition
+ -1
+ 3
+ 15
+ 0
+ 15
+ NotePropertySet
+ InterfaceAction
+ secNumConv
+ UpdateTextArea
+ 4
+ No, this is not correct.
+ Divide each denominator into the common denominator. Then multiply the number you got with the numerator.
+ 6 goes in to 24 4 times; so multiply 1 and 4.
+ Enter '4', the converted numerator, in the highlighted field.
+ Correct Action
+ Correct Action
+ Never Checked
+ ExactMatcher
+ secNumConv
+ ExactMatcher
+ UpdateTextArea
+ ExactMatcher
+ 4
+ Student
+ No-Applicable
+ convert-numerator fraction-addition
+ -1
+ 15
+ 16
+ 0
+ 16
+ NotePropertySet
+ InterfaceAction
+ firstNumConv
+ UpdateTextArea
+ 6
+ No, this is not correct.
+ Divide the denominator into the common denominator. Then multiply the number you got with the numerator.
+ 4 goes in to 24 6 times; so multiply 1 and 6.
+ Enter '6', the converted numerator, in the highlighted field.
+ Correct Action
+ Correct Action
+ Never Checked
+ ExactMatcher
+ firstNumConv
+ ExactMatcher
+ UpdateTextArea
+ ExactMatcher
+ 6
+ Student
+ No-Applicable
+ convert-numerator fraction-addition
+ -1
+ 16
+ 17
+ 0
+ 17
+ NotePropertySet
+ InterfaceAction
+ ansNum1
+ UpdateTextArea
+ 10
+ No, this is not correct.
+ If you've already converted the fractions, you can add the converted numerators and put the sum over the common denominator.
+ The converted numerators are 6 and 4. What is 6 + 4?
+ Enter '10' in the highlighted field.
+ Correct Action
+ Correct Action
+ Never Checked
+ ExactMatcher
+ ansNum1
+ ExactMatcher
+ UpdateTextArea
+ ExactMatcher
+ 10
+ Student
+ No-Applicable
+ add-numerators fraction-addition
+ -1
+ 17
+ 18
+ 0
+ 18
+ NotePropertySet
+ InterfaceAction
+ ansDen1
+ UpdateTextArea
+ 24
+ No, this is not correct.
+ When you've converted fractions to have an identical denominator, you use that same denominator in the answer.
+ Just carry the denominator, 24, down to the highlighted field.
+ Please enter '24' in the highlighted field.
+ Correct Action
+ Correct Action
+ Never Checked
+ ExactMatcher
+ ansDen1
+ ExactMatcher
+ UpdateTextArea
+ ExactMatcher
+ 24
+ Student
+ No-Applicable
+ copy-answer-denominator fraction-addition
+ -1
+ 18
+ 19
+ 0
+ 19
+ NotePropertySet
+ InterfaceAction
+ ansDenFinal1
+ UpdateTextArea
+ 12
+ No, this is not correct.
+ You need to simplify your fraction.
+ 2 goes into both the numerator and denominator. How many times can 2 go into 24?
+ Please enter '12' in the highlighted field.
+ Correct Action
+ Correct Action
+ Never Checked
+ ExactMatcher
+ ansDenFinal1
+ ExactMatcher
+ UpdateTextArea
+ ExactMatcher
+ 12
+ Student
+ No-Applicable
+ reduce-denominator fraction-addition
+ -1
+ 19
+ 20
+ 0
+ 20
+ NotePropertySet
+ InterfaceAction
+ ansNumFinal1
+ UpdateTextArea
+ 5
+ No, this is not correct.
+ You need to simplify your fraction.
+ 2 goes into both the numerator and denominator. How many times can 2 go into 10?
+ Please enter '5' in the highlighted field.
+ Correct Action
+ Correct Action
+ Never Checked
+ ExactMatcher
+ ansNumFinal1
+ ExactMatcher
+ UpdateTextArea
+ ExactMatcher
+ 5
+ Student
+ No-Applicable
+ reduce-numerator fraction-addition
+ -1
+ 20
+ 21
+ 0
+ 21
+ NotePropertySet
+ InterfaceAction
+ done
+ ButtonPressed
+ -1
+ No, this is not correct.
+ You're all done with the problem!
+ Click the Done button.
+ Correct Action
+ Correct Action
+ Never Checked
+ ExactMatcher
+ done
+ ExactMatcher
+ ButtonPressed
+ ExactMatcher
+ -1
+ Student
+ No-Applicable
+ unnamed
+ -1
+ 21
+ 22
+ 0
+ 30
+ SendNoteProperty
+ CorrectAction
+ No_Selection
+ No_Action
+ No_Value
+ 66079e13-da1e-4bd9-0090-d9a12f4eaf74
+ ← Hey, try asking for a hint! You've made a lot of errors on this step.
+ Please provide your answer 'No_Value' in the highlighted element.
+ Buggy Action
+ Correct Action
+ Never Checked
+ AnyMatcher
+ AnyMatcher
+ ExpressionMatcher
+ greaterThan(current_attempt_count,2)
+ boolean
+ Student
+ No-Applicable
+ unnamed
+ -1
+ 1
+ 23
+ 0
+ 33
+ SendNoteProperty
+ CorrectAction
+ No_Selection
+ No_Action
+ 7af3c7db-b968-edc9-f468-80be7d449329
+ Nice job giving this step a try! If you'd like a hint, you can try clicking the button on the left.
+ Please provide your answer 'No_Value' in the highlighted element.
+ Buggy Action
+ Correct Action
+ Never Checked
+ AnyMatcher
+ AnyMatcher
+ ExpressionMatcher
+ equals(help_model_try_if_low,"preferred")
+ boolean
+ Student
+ No-Applicable
+ unnamed
+ -1
+ 1
+ 24
+ 0
+ 35
+ SendNoteProperty
+ CorrectAction
+ No_Selection
+ No_Action
+ No_Value
+ 7af3c7db-b968-edc9-f468-80be7d449329
+ Please take your time to work through the problem.
+ Please provide your answer 'No_Value' in the highlighted element.
+ Buggy Action
+ Correct Action
+ Never Checked
+ AnyMatcher
+ AnyMatcher
+ ExpressionMatcher
+ equals(help_model_try_if_low,"not acceptable/not deliberate")
+ boolean
+ Student
+ No-Applicable
+ unnamed
+ -1
+ 1
+ 25
+ 0
+ 73
+ SendNoteProperty
+ CorrectAction
+ No_Selection
+ No_Action
+ No_Value
+ 16fc98f5-0840-bce6-5cdf-5324dd12edc6
+ Please take it easy with those hints, there...
+ Please provide your answer 'No_Value' in the highlighted element.
+ Buggy Action
+ Correct Action
+ Never Checked
+ AnyMatcher
+ AnyMatcher
+ ExpressionMatcher
+ equals(help_model_try_if_low,"not acceptable/hint abuse")
+ boolean
+ Student
+ No-Applicable
+ unnamed
+ -1
+ 1
+ 26
+ 0
+ 75
+ SendNoteProperty
+ CorrectAction
+ No_Selection
+ No_Action
+ No_Value
+ 16fc98f5-0840-bce6-5cdf-5324dd12edc6
+ Try asking for a hint!
+ Please provide your answer 'No_Value' in the highlighted element.
+ Buggy Action
+ Correct Action
+ Never Checked
+ AnyMatcher
+ AnyMatcher
+ ExpressionMatcher
+ equals(help_model_try_if_low,"not acceptable/hint avoidance")
+ boolean
+ Student
+ No-Applicable
+ unnamed
+ -1
+ 1
+ 27
+ 0
+ 80
+ SendNoteProperty
+ CorrectAction
+ No_Selection
+ No_Action
+ No_Value
+ 71007e45-ed56-2e2d-0cf3-2818f8b23db1
+ No, this is not correct.
+ Please provide your answer 'No_Value' in the highlighted element.
+ Correct Action
+ Correct Action
+ Never Checked
+ ExactMatcher
+ No_Selection
+ ExactMatcher
+ No_Action
+ ExactMatcher
+ No_Value
+ Student
+ No-Applicable
+ unnamed
+ -1
+ 1
+ 28
+ 0
+ 82
+ SendNoteProperty
+ CorrectAction
+ No_Selection
+ No_Action
+ No_Value
+ 71007e45-ed56-2e2d-0cf3-2818f8b23db1
+ Please ask your teacher for help!
+ Please provide your answer 'No_Value' in the highlighted element.
+ Buggy Action
+ Correct Action
+ Never Checked
+ AnyMatcher
+ AnyMatcher
+ ExpressionMatcher
+ equals(help_model_try_if_low,"ask teacher for help/try step")
+ boolean
+ Student
+ No-Applicable
+ unnamed
+ -1
+ 1
+ 29
+ 0
+ copy-answer-denominator
+ fraction-addition
+ reduce-denominator
+ fraction-addition
+ determine-lcd
+ fraction-addition
+ What could you do with the fractions so that they have the same denominator?
+PS You have been idle for %(stagnation)% seconds...
+ Choose a denominator both denominators go into.
+ Enter '12', the least common denominator between both fractions, in the highlighted field.
+ convert-numerator
+ fraction-addition
+ reduce-numerator
+ fraction-addition
+ add-numerators
+ fraction-addition
+ multiply-denominators
+ fraction-addition
diff --git a/HTML/Assets/mail-worker_updateVarTable.js b/HTML/Assets/mail-worker_updateVarTable.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0e9c0b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTML/Assets/mail-worker_updateVarTable.js
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+var process_transactions_url = null;
+var process_detectors_url = null;
+var authenticity_token = "";
+var txAssembler = null;
+var detectors = [];
+var trans_Q = [];
+var detector_Q = [];
+//called when data is received from txAssembler
+function receive_transaction( e ){
+ //e is the data of the transaction from mailer from transaction assembler
+ console.log("receiving transaction in mail-worker:", e, e.data);
+ trans_Q.push(e.data);
+ for( var i = 0; i < detectors.length; i++ ){
+ detectors[i].postMessage(e.data);
+ }
+//called when data is received from the detectors
+function receive_detector_results( e ){
+ var data = e.data;
+ console.log("receiving detector results in mail-worker");
+ if (data != undefined)
+ {
+ detector_Q.push(data);
+ }
+//Connect mailer to txAssembler and Detectors
+self.onmessage = function ( e ) {
+ console.log("mail-worker self.onmessage:", e, e.data, e.data.commmand, e.ports);
+ switch( e.data.command )
+ {
+ case "process_transactions_url":
+ process_transactions_url = e.data.process_transactions_url;
+ process_detectors_url = e.data.process_detectors_url;
+ authenticity_token = e.data.authenticity_token;
+ break;
+ case "connectTransactionAssembler":
+ txAssembler = e.ports[0];
+ txAssembler.onmessage = receive_transaction;
+ break;
+ case "connectDetector":
+ var t = e.ports[0];
+ t.onmessage = receive_detector_results;
+ detectors.push(t);
+ }
+/** Send all of the data to the server when in this interval */
+ /* Send Transactions in queue */
+ if (trans_Q.length != 0)
+ {
+ console.log("sending trans to server from mail-worker");
+ var trans = {"authenticity_token": authenticity_token, "transactions":[]};
+ trans.transactions = trans_Q;
+ trans_Q = [];
+ var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
+ if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
+ //console.log( xhttp.responseText );
+ }
+ };
+ //xhttp.open("POST", "GET THIS FROM OCTAV", true);
+ //xhttp.send( JSON.stringify(trans) );
+ xhttp.open("POST", process_transactions_url, true); // fake_server.php
+ xhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json");
+ xhttp.send( JSON.stringify(trans) );
+ }
+ else{
+ //console.log("trans_Q is empty in mail_worker");
+ }
+ /* Send Detector results in queue */
+ if (detector_Q.length != 0)
+ {
+ console.log("sending detector results to server from mail-worker");
+ detect = {"authenticity_token": authenticity_token, "detector_results":[]};
+ detect.detector_results = detector_Q;
+ detector_Q = [];
+ var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
+ xhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
+ if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) {
+ //console.log( xhttp.responseText );
+ }
+ };
+ //xhttp.open("POST", "GET THIS FROM OCTAV", true);
+ //xhttp.send( JSON.stringify(detect) );
+ xhttp.open("POST", process_detectors_url, true); // fake_server.php
+ xhttp.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json");
+ xhttp.send( JSON.stringify(detect) );
+ }
+ else{
+ //console.log("detector_Q is empty in mail-worker");
+ }
diff --git a/HTML/Assets/transaction_mailer_users_updateVarTable.js b/HTML/Assets/transaction_mailer_users_updateVarTable.js
index 50b8a10..28ea8e2 100644
--- a/HTML/Assets/transaction_mailer_users_updateVarTable.js
+++ b/HTML/Assets/transaction_mailer_users_updateVarTable.js
@@ -3,15 +3,12 @@ TransactionMailerUsers =
process_transactions_url: "",
process_detectors_url: "",
authenticity_token: "",
- mailerURL: "mail-worker.js",
+ mailerURL: "mail-worker_updateVarTable.js",
mailer: null,
mailerPort: null,
- scripts: ["Detectors/Lumilo/idle.js",
- "Detectors/Lumilo/system_misuse.js",
- "Detectors/Lumilo/struggle__moving_average.js",
- "Detectors/Lumilo/student_doing_well__moving_average.js",
- "Detectors/Lumilo/critical_struggle.js",
- "Detectors/Lumilo/invisible_hand_raise.js"],
+ scripts: ["Detectors/currentAttemptCount.js",
+ "Detectors/Lumilo/idle.js",
+ "Detectors/help_models/help_model_try_if_low.js"],
active: []
diff --git a/HTML/detectorAdaptivityDemo1.html b/HTML/detectorAdaptivityDemo1.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..738f576
--- /dev/null
+++ b/HTML/detectorAdaptivityDemo1.html
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+ Fraction Addition