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Frequently asked questions

Alessandro Daducci edited this page Aug 6, 2020 · 2 revisions

Which tractograms can I use with COMMIT?

Any tractogram can be fed to the COMMIT framework, as long as each tract is represented as a polyline, i.e. sequence of consecutive segments. At the moment, however, COMMIT only reads tractograms in the .TRK and .TCK file formats. For other formats, several converters are available, e.g. DIPY.

Where is the old MATLAB version?

The old MATLAB version is still available as a tag in the repository. Please note, however, that this version is no longer mantained.

Why this transition to Python?

We decided to re-implement our tool in Python with the aim to be more compatible with existing tools and libraries in the field, in particular DIPY, and allow an easier integration in existing pipelines.