- Module-first setup #125
- Breaking: drop react < 18 support #124
- fix(react-native): metro without exports support #118
- fix: react-native entry point #116
- fix: unimplemented scheduler like RN #114
- fix(build): build script for React Native #83
- experimental suspense/transition support #80
- Fix types for @types/react@18 (#75)
- Fix build config (obsoleting v1.3.8 which isn't built correctly)
- Fix package.json properly for ESM
- Refactor version check with triple equal (#54)
- Fix extra commits introduced in v1.3.6 (#39)
- Fix cases rendered from parent (#38)
- More strict type for useContextUpdate return value
- Preact support with scheduler=false (#36)
- Refactor useBridgeValue because it does not depend on changedBits=0
- Fix an edge case with render bail out (with useContextUpdate)
- Fix useBridgeValue typing
- Refactor for efficiency and bundle size
- Check typeof process for
- No longer depends on changedBits=0 behavior
- Tearing with parent can't be avoided
- Migrate to TypeScript
- Re-implement without latest ref for value/selected to fix edge cases
- Fix default context value
- Peer dependencies for React Native
- Fix compile script for ESM build
- Fix incomplete useBridgeValue implementation
- Fix missing useBridgeValue type
- useBridgeValue for BridgeProvider
- Again fix bundle for React Native (#27)
- Fix bundle for React Native (#26)
- Fix back porting bug in v1.2.0-v1.2.2
- useIsomorphicLayoutEffect for SSR (#25)
- Type definition for useContextUpdate
- useContextUpdate for state branching support
- BridgeProvider for multiple react roots
- useIsoLayoutEffect for SSR
- Modern build
- Avoid React render warning in test (#15)
- A workaround for React render warning (#13)
- Shave more bytes in the production environment (#6)
- Fix API v1
- Shave bytes (#2)
- No useLayoutEffect for invoking listeners (which leads de-opt sync mode)
- Use microbundle
- Initial release