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Data abstraction enables us to separate how data is used from the particulars of how it is constructed and represented. Our programs can operate on "abstract data," with the concrete data implementation hidden. Selectors and constructors read from and write to the concrete data representation. They form abstraction barriers, beyond which implementation details can be ignored.

Compound data ("glued" together as a conceptual unit) relies on the closure property, in which the results of an operation can themselves be combined using the same operation (e.g., a cons pair can be an element in another pair). (Here, "closure" is unrelated to the more familiar scope-related term.)


Church numerals, from the lambda calculus, represent numbers via functions. (Indeed, the lambda calculus can express all computation via functions.) A church numeral has the signature f -> x -> any, where f is an arbitrary function and x is an arbitrary value. A numeral representing the value n simply invokes f n times, starting with x as the input and passing the result through the remaining calls to f. (The final return value is any because we have no notion of what (f x) returns in the first place, let alone (f (f x)) or larger numbers.)

For example:

(define zero (lambda (f)
    (lambda (x) x))) ; No calls to `f`

(define one (lambda (f)
    (lambda (x)
        (f x)))) ; One call to `f`

(define two (lambda (f)
    (lambda (x)
        (f (f x))))) ; Two calls to `f`

See 2.6.scm for the book's code challenges, plus more-lambda-arithmetic.scm for multiplication/subtraction and more-lambda-booleans.scm for booleans and control flow.

SICP notes—and the lambda calculus demonstrates—that higher-order functions (and closures, in the modern sense) are enough of a basis to model compound data.


SICP uses the term "transducer," from signal processing, as a metaphor for how map transforms elements of a list. This is interesting, because "transducer" has picked up additional meaning over the years. I detoured from the book a little to implement transducers (in the modern sense) in Scheme.

In large parts thanks to Scheme and other Lisps, we're all familar with map:

(define (square x) (* x x))
(map square '(1 2 3 4 5)) ; (1 4 9 16 25)

and filter:

(define (is-even? x) (= (remainder x 2) 0))
(filter is-even? '(1 2 3 4 5)) ; (2 4)

One of the interesting things about map is that you can express a pipeline of successive map operations (say, first multiplying all entries by ten, then adding one) as a single map operation that combines all operations. Here we feed the result of the first map into the second:

(map plus-one (map times-ten '(1 2 3))) ; (11 21 31)

And here (with the help of a compose utility that feeds the result of one function into the next) we perform a single map pass:

(map (compose plus-one times-ten) '(1 2 3)); (11 21 31)

That guarantee comes from category theory, which states that, given transformations a -> b and b -> c, the single transformation a -> c is equivalent. All you need is to make sure the types line up.

But what if you want to compose map and filter operations?

(map (compose plus-one is-even?) '(1 2 3))

This breaks immediately, because is-even? returns a boolean and plus-one expects an integer. The types can't be chained: integer -> boolean, integer -> integer.

That's where transducers come in: they express map and filter in terms of reduce, in a way that lets you compose all the operations into a single pass over the list. As a result, transducers are a good fit for lists that are extremely large, or even asynchronous/lazy. Check out transducers.scm to see how they work.


This section implements sets first as unordered lists, then as ordered lists, then as binary search trees—each time with an improvement in performance. The tree implementation is particularly cool because (as a footnote mentions) we're implementing sets in terms of trees, and trees in terms of lists—a testament to the power of data abstraction. See problems 2.61 through 2.65.


After describing sets and trees as abstractions on top of lists, the book uses Huffman encoding as the basis for several exercises (2.67, 2.68, 2.69). The use case is fascinating; I wrote about it here.