Owned by the community of LN supporters, who created a network of active members working to promote and finalise world-wide adoption. They call themselves the LightningNetwork Network. Their creation: The LightningNetwork Foundation (who immediately renamed itself to LightningNetwork Network) not to be confused with the original genesis group: the LightningNetwork Network.
Badges show your commitment and lightning network adoption zeal. The point is to show the smaller subset of LN enthusiasts that "you are onboard" or on your way to being onboard to have your clients use LN on your platform. The following images are available from this github in large, medium, small as well as vector format.
- Newb to LN, want to get started, but stuck at step 0, please help [contact info] . (Badge: Black&White)
- Read a lot, tried setting up LN with myself, and got one channel working between myself, need help connecting to others and setting up a node [contact info]. (Badge: Yellow)
- Setup LN with hops to to myself, want to try with others [contact info]. (Badge: Orange)
- Got node running well, tested with others ready to connect to some other bigger nodes for testing [contact info]. (Badge: Light Green)
- Connected to other 2+ nodes, app/service has beta level readiness to accept testers on Mainnet, basically READY for announcement of deployment with everyone else [contact info]. (Badge: DARK GREEN for GO!)
To help coordinate mass adoption and maximizing media impact accross the flat plane, we will help every major Bitcoin service (wallet, exchange, explorer, price index etc.) in their efforts to be ready.