Common Crawl is a non-profit organization that maintains a large index of the web that is updated on a bi-monthly basis and freely available.
- Official Site:
- Common Crawl Index Server:
- GitHub Repositories: - A few of the repositories are listed below, but there are many more.
- Common Crawl WARC Examples - "This repository contains both wrappers for processing WARC files in Hadoop MapReduce jobs and also Hadoop examples to get you started."
- Jupyter Notebooks to Analyze Common Crawl Data - This includes several different notebooks, some may be especially interested in running a notebook on AWS EMR.
- Common Crawl PySpark Examples - "This project provides examples [of] how to process the Common Crawl dataset with Apache Spark and Python".
- Common Crawl Index Server - "This project is a deployment of the pywb web archive replay and index server to provide an index query mechanism for datasets provided by Common Crawl".
- cdx_toolkit - Star: 127 - Updated: 3/2022 - Checked: 5/2023 - "a set of tools for working with CDX indices of web crawls and archives, including those at CommonCrawl and the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine."
- rokasramas' fork of comcrawl - Stars: 0 - Updated: 4/2020 - Checked: 5/2023 - Includes a fix that hasn't been applied to the original comcrawl library that allows it to work.
- getallurls - Stars: 2.8k - Updated: 2/2023 - Checked: 5/2023 - Can fetch urls from Common Crawl as well as Open Threat Exchange, the Wayback Machine, and URLScan.
- CommonCrawlDocumentDownload - Stars: 50 - Updated: 4/2023 - Checked: 5/2023 - Downloads documents by file/mime type from CC.
- WARCannon - Stars: 212 - Updated: 9/2022 - Checked: 5/2023 - Uses AWS to at scale search Common Crawl data with regex patterns.
- NewsFetch - Stars: 13 - Updated: 10/2022 - Checked: 5/2023 - Can fetch news articles from the Common Crawl API.
- news-please - Stars: 1.6k - Updated: 4/2023 - Checked: 5/2023 - Along with significant other functionality it can fetch articles from Common Crawl.
- PWA Store - Stars: 5 - Updated: 9/2022 - Checked: 5/2023 - Uses Common Crawl and EMR to find as many PWA apps on the web as possible.
- C4 Dataset - Text data extracted from Common Crawl.
- CDX - Capture/Crawl inDeX - Standard index format for WARCs.
- Edward Ross. CommonCrawl Category. skeptric.
- Ross has published a number of well-written articles on Common Crawl. A great place to start if you are looking to go through the basics and beyond.
- Searching 100 Billion Webpages With Capture Index. 6/2020.
- Explains how to use the web interface (slow) as well as the CDX Toolkit, comcrawl, and directly in Python without using a custom CommonCrawl library. Unfortunately both comcrawl and the CDX Toolkit require some tweaks to get running.
- Read Commonm Crawl Parquet Metadata with Python. 4/2022.
- Covers reading Parquet metadata using PyArrow, fastparquet, manually (in Python), and using asyncio to speed things up.
- So you're ready to get started.
- Covers a lot of ground, perhaps not the best for true beginners. Covers data locations, file formats (WARC, WAT, WET), indexes, as well as processing the files.
- Examples using Common Crawl Data.
- Unfortunately the vast majority of the examples available here are quite old.
- Sebastian Nagel. Index to WARC Files and URLs in Columnar Format. commoncrawl, 3/2018.
- Stanislas Girard. Parse Petabytes of data from CommonCrawl in seconds., 1/2020.
- Simple and straightforward, short, fairly basic, but good place to start.
- Athul Jayson. Extracting Data from Common Crawl Dataset. qburst, 7/2020.
- Also has an associated GitHub repository.
- Ryan Elkins. Search the html across 25 billion websites for passive reconnaissance using common crawl. 7/2020.
- While written from a security perspective it provides solid guidance to using AWS Athena with Common Crawl. It also utilizes Amazon SageMaker, S3, and AWS IAM. There is an associated repo.
- Basil Latif. Measuring Internet Links: Accessing the Common Crawl Dataset Using EMR and Pyspark in AWS. 6/2020.
- Common Crawl EMR Tutorial - Stars: 9 - Updated: 3/2021 - Checked: 5/2023 - "This guide walks you through submitting a Scala Spark application to EMR that queries 500k job urls from Common Crawl and saves the results to an S3 bucket in CSV format."
- Chris Madden, Aaron Bawcom. Analyzing Performance and Cost of Large-Scale Data Processing with AWS Lambda. 6/2019.
- Covers the high-level process with associated GitHub repository.
- Jader Dias. One-click to download all the web pages you may want. 6/2022.
- Builds on using Athena to get data from Common Crawl and AWS Lambda to download it.
- Venkat Sekar. Querying TB sized External Tables with Snowflake. 2/1/2022.
- David Mackey. Basic Information About CommonCrawl. 5/2023.
- David Mackey. How To Manually Access CommonCrawl. 5/2023.
- Chillar Anand. Common Crawl On Laptop - Extracting Subset of Data. 11/2022.
- Colin Dellow. S3 Throughput: Scans vs Indexes. 2/2020.
- Is it fasters to scan entire WARC files and attempt to pull just the data required from each WARC file utilizing the index?