Installs the fish shell and oh-my-fish with the bobthefish theme.
You'll have to enable the shell yourself (requires root):
- Add
- Change shell for current user:
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish
Basic git installation, global git configuration, and gitignore.
Personal directories and bins.
Installs iterm2, a much better terminal for OS X, including a configuration with Hack as font and nova as color theme.
A tiling window manager. Not a real replacement for i3, but pretty close.
Improve OS X security and privacy settings.
Loosely based on OS-X-Yosemite-Security-and-Privacy-Guide.
Requires sudo/root.
tmux with custom key bindings (C-b to C-a) and theming (matches vim airline).
Vim with a lot of extensions defined in plug.vim
Run PlugInstall
inside vim afterwards, then:
cd ~/.vim/plugged/YouCompleteMe