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2277 lines (1604 loc) · 72.6 KB

File metadata and controls

2277 lines (1604 loc) · 72.6 KB



AboutApp module



Request a roll or display concentration checks when damage is taken.


Form application for managing mapping of Conditions to Icons and JournalEntries


Enhanced Condition Macro Config Application


Enhanced Condition Trigger Config Application


Builds a mapping between status icons and journal entries that represent conditions


Pan/Select Gadget


Rerolls initiative for all combatants


Provides helper methods for use elsewhere in the module (and has your back in a melee)


Initiates module classes (and shines a light on the dark night sky)


Handles triggers for other gadgets in the module... or does it?!


From Valentin "Moerill" Henkys the code is licensed under LGPL v3. Original is implemented in his module "Mess": LICENSE:



Stores information about well known game systems. All other systems will resolve to "other"



Create the sidebar button


Get data for template rendering


Override default update object behaviour


AboutApp module

about~AboutApp ⇐ FormApplication

About this module FormApp

Kind: inner class of about
Extends: FormApplication


Supplies data to the template

Kind: instance method of AboutApp


Fetches a list of Patrons to display on the About page

Kind: instance method of AboutApp


Call app default options

Kind: static property of AboutApp


Request a roll or display concentration checks when damage is taken.

Kind: global class
Author: JacobMcAuley
Author: Evan Clarke

  • Supply DC

Concentrator._onRenderChatMessage(app, html, data)

Handle render ChatMessage

Kind: static method of Concentrator

Param Type
app *
html *
data *

Concentrator._onPreUpdateActor(actor, update, options, userId)

preUpdateActor Handler

Kind: static method of Concentrator

Param Type
actor *
update *
options *
userId *

Concentrator._onUpdateActor(actor, update, options)

Update Actor handler

Kind: static method of Concentrator

Param Type
actor *
update *
options *

Concentrator._onPreUpdateToken(scene, tokenData, update, options)

preUpdateToken handler

Kind: static method of Concentrator

Param Type
scene *
tokenData *
update *
options *

Concentrator._onUpdateToken(scene, token, update, options, userId)

Update Token handler

Kind: static method of Concentrator

Param Type
scene *
token *
update *
options *
userId *

Concentrator._onDeleteActiveEffect(effect, options, userId)

Delete ActiveEffect handler

Kind: static method of Concentrator

Param Type
effect *
options *
userId *


Socket message handler

Kind: static method of Concentrator

Param Type
message *

Concentrator._processDamage(entity, options) ⇒ _processDeath | _determinePromptedUsers

Processes a damage event for Concentration purposes

Kind: static method of Concentrator

Param Type
entity *
options *


Processes the steps necessary when the concentrating token is dead

Kind: static method of Concentrator

Param Type
entity *


Determines which users should receive a prompt

Kind: static method of Concentrator

Param Type
options *

Concentrator._distributePrompts(actorId, users)

Distribute concentration prompts to affected users

Kind: static method of Concentrator

Param Type
actorId *
users *

Concentrator._displayPrompt(actorId, userId)

Displays the prompt to roll a concentration check

Kind: static method of Concentrator

Param Type
actorId *
userId *

Concentrator._processConcentrationCheck(event, actor, dc)

Processes a Concentration check for the given entity and DC

Kind: static method of Concentrator

Param Type
event *
actor *
dc *


Cancels any open prompts to roll Concentration checks

Kind: static method of Concentrator

Param Type
userId *

Concentrator._displayChat(entity, damage)

Displays a chat message for concentration checks

Kind: static method of Concentrator

Param Type
entity *
damage *

Concentrator._startConcentration(entity, spell, conditionName, options) ⇒ Actor.setFlag

Processes steps to start Concentration for an entity

Kind: static method of Concentrator

Param Type
entity *
spell *
conditionName *
options *

Concentrator._endConcentration(entity, options) ⇒ Actor.unsetFlag

Processes end of Concentration

Kind: static method of Concentrator

Param Type
entity *
options *


Executes when the module setting is enabled

Kind: static method of Concentrator


Creates a condition for Concentrating if none exists

Kind: static method of Concentrator

  • extract to Enhanced Conditions and make it generic

Concentrator._wasDamageTaken(newHealth, oldHealth) ⇒ Boolean

Determines if health has been reduced

Kind: static method of Concentrator

Param Type
newHealth *
oldHealth *

Concentrator._isConcentrating(token) ⇒ Boolean

Checks for the presence of the concentration condition effect

Kind: static method of Concentrator

Param Type
token *

Concentrator._calculateDamage(newHealth, oldHealth) ⇒ Number

Calculates damage taken based on two health values

Kind: static method of Concentrator

Param Type
newHealth *
oldHealth *

Concentrator._calculateDC(damage) ⇒ Number

Calculates a Concentration DC based on a damage amount

Kind: static method of Concentrator

Param Type
damage *

Concentrator.getConcentrationSpell(entity) ⇒

For a given entity, gets and returns their concentrated spell (if any)

Kind: static method of Concentrator
Returns: Concentration Spell object

Param Type
entity *


Kind: static method of Concentrator

Param Type
brInstance *


Checks setting for a given Concentration event and determines whether a message should be sent

Kind: static method of Concentrator

Param Type
eventType *

Concentrator._getWhisperRecipients(entity, desiredVisibility) ⇒ Array

Finds whisper recipients for given entity and desired visibility

Kind: static method of Concentrator

Param Type
entity *
desiredVisibility *


Form application for managing mapping of Conditions to Icons and JournalEntries

Kind: global class


Get updated map by combining existing in-memory map with current formdata

Kind: instance property of ConditionLab


Prepare data for form rendering

Kind: instance method of ConditionLab


Gets data for the template render

Kind: instance method of ConditionLab


Enriches submit data with existing map to ensure continuity

Kind: instance method of ConditionLab


Processes the Form Data and builds a usable Condition Map

Kind: instance method of ConditionLab

Param Type
formData *


Restore defaults for a mapping

Kind: instance method of ConditionLab

conditionLab._updateObject(event, formData)

Take the new map and write it back to settings, overwriting existing

Kind: instance method of ConditionLab

Param Type
event Object
formData Object


Exports the current map to JSON

Kind: instance method of ConditionLab


Initiates an import via a dialog Borrowed from foundry.js Entity class

Kind: instance method of ConditionLab


Process a Condition Map Import

Kind: instance method of ConditionLab

Param Type
html *


Override the header buttons method

Kind: instance method of ConditionLab


Activate app listeners

Kind: instance method of ConditionLab

Param Type
html *

conditionLab._onChangeInputs(event) ⇒ Application.render

Input change handler

Kind: instance method of ConditionLab

Param Type
event *


Filter input change handler

Kind: instance method of ConditionLab

conditionLab._filterMapByName(map, filter) ⇒

Filter the given map by the name property using the supplied filter value, marking filtered entries as "hidden"

Kind: instance method of ConditionLab
Returns: filteredMap

Param Type
map Array
filter String


Change Map Type event handler

Kind: instance method of ConditionLab

Param Type
event *


Handle icon path change

Kind: instance method of ConditionLab

Param Type
event *


Handle click Active Effect Config button

Kind: instance method of ConditionLab

Param Type
event *


Reference Link change handler

Kind: instance method of ConditionLab

Param Type
event *


Open Triggler form event handler

Kind: instance method of ConditionLab

Param Type
event *


Add Row event handler

Kind: instance method of ConditionLab

Param Type
event *


Handler for remove row event

Kind: instance method of ConditionLab

Param Type
event *


Handle a change sort order click

Kind: instance method of ConditionLab

Param Type
event *


Sort button handler

Kind: instance method of ConditionLab

Param Type
event *

conditionLab._sortMapByName(map, direction) ⇒ Array

Sorts the given map by the name property

Kind: instance method of ConditionLab

Param Type
map Array
direction *


Kind: instance method of ConditionLab

Param Type
event *


Reset form handler

Kind: instance method of ConditionLab

Param Type
event *


Save and Close handler

Kind: instance method of ConditionLab

Param Type
event *


Macro Config button click handler

Kind: instance method of ConditionLab

Param Type
event *


Trigger Config button click handler

Kind: instance method of ConditionLab

Param Type
event *


Checks the updatedMap property against the initial map

Kind: instance method of ConditionLab

conditionLab._hasPropertyChanged(propertyName, original, comparison) ⇒ Boolean

Checks a given propertyName on an original and comparison object to see if it has changed

Kind: instance method of ConditionLab

Param Type
propertyName *
original *
comparison *


Get options for the form

Kind: static property of ConditionLab

ConditionLab._onRender(app, html, data)

Condition Lab Render handler

Kind: static method of ConditionLab

Param Type
app *
html *
data *

ConditionLab._onRenderDialog(app, html, data)

Render dialog hook handler

Kind: static method of ConditionLab

Param Type
app *
html jQuery
data *


Enhanced Condition Macro Config Application

Kind: global class

enhancedConditionMacroConfig.getData() ⇒ Object

Gets data for template rendering

Kind: instance method of EnhancedConditionMacroConfig
Returns: Object - data

enhancedConditionMacroConfig._updateObject(event, formData)

Update Object on Form Submission

Kind: instance method of EnhancedConditionMacroConfig

Param Type
event *
formData *



Kind: static property of EnhancedConditionMacroConfig


Enhanced Condition Trigger Config Application

Kind: global class

enhancedConditionTriggerConfig.getData() ⇒ Object

Gets data for template rendering

Kind: instance method of EnhancedConditionTriggerConfig
Returns: Object - data

enhancedConditionTriggerConfig._updateObject(event, formData)

Update Object on Form Submission

Kind: instance method of EnhancedConditionTriggerConfig

Param Type
event *
formData *



Kind: static property of EnhancedConditionTriggerConfig


Builds a mapping between status icons and journal entries that represent conditions

Kind: global class


Ready Hook handler Steps:

  1. Get default maps
  2. Get mapType
  3. Get Condition Map
  4. Override status effects

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

EnhancedConditions._onPreUpdateToken(scene, update, options, userId)

Handle PreUpdate Token Hook. If the update includes effect data, add an option for the update hook handler to look for

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

Param Type
scene *
update *
options *
userId *


Hooks on token updates. If the update includes effects, calls the journal entry lookup

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

EnhancedConditions._onCreateActiveEffect(actor, update, options, userId)

Create Active Effect handler

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

Param Type
actor *
update *
options *
userId *

EnhancedConditions._onDeleteActiveEffect(actor, update, options, userId)

Create Active Effect handler

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

Param Type
actor *
update *
options *
userId *

EnhancedConditions._onUpdateCombat(combat, update, options, userId)

Update Combat Handler

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

Param Type
combat *
update *
options *
userId *

EnhancedConditions._onRenderChatMessage(app, html, data)

Render Chat Message handler

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

  • move to chatlog render?
Param Type
app *
html *
data *

EnhancedConditions._onRenderChatLog(app, html, data)

ChatLog render hook

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

Param Type
app *
html *
data *

EnhancedConditions._onRenderCombatTracker(app, html, data)

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

Param Type
app *
html *
data *

EnhancedConditions._processActiveEffectChange(effect, type)

Process the addition/removal of an Active Effect

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

Param Type Default Description
effect ActiveEffect the effect
type String create the type of change to process

EnhancedConditions.lookupEntryMapping(effectIds, [map])

Checks statusEffect icons against map and returns matching condition mappings

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

Param Type Default Description
effectIds Array | String A list of effectIds, or a single effectId to check
[map] Array [] the condition map to look in


Output one or more condition entries to chat

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

  • refactor to use actor or token


Marks a Combatants for a particular entity as defeated

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

Param Type Description
entities Actor | Token the entity to mark defeated
options.markDefeated Boolean an optional state flag (default=true)

EnhancedConditions._removeOtherConditions(entity, conditionId)

For a given entity, removes conditions other than the one supplied

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

Param Type
entity *
conditionId *


Migrates Condition Ids to be truly unique-ish

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

Param Type
conditionMap *

EnhancedConditions._processMacros(macroIds, entity)

Process macros based on given Ids

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

Param Type Default
macroIds *
entity *


Update condition added/removed timestamps

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions


Creates a button for the Condition Lab

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

Param Type Description
html Object the html element where the button will be created


Determines whether to display the combat utility belt div in the settings sidebar

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions
Todo:: extract to helper in sidekick class?

Param Type
display Boolean


Returns the default maps supplied with the module

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions
Todo:: map to entryId and then rebuild on import


Parse the provided Condition Map and prepare it for storage, validating and correcting bad or missing data where possible

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

Param Type
conditionMap *


Duplicate the core status icons, freeze the duplicate then store a copy in settings

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions


Creates journal entries for any conditions that don't have one

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

Param Type Description
condition String the condition being evaluated

EnhancedConditions._lookupConditionByName(conditionName, map)

Gets one or more conditions from the map by their name

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

Param Type Default Description
conditionName String the condition to get
map Array the condition map to search


Updates the CONFIG.statusEffect effects with Condition Map ones

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

Param Type
conditionMap *

EnhancedConditions._prepareStatusEffects(conditionMap) ⇒ Array

Converts the given Condition Map (one or more Conditions) into a Status Effects array or object

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions
Returns: Array - statusEffects

Param Type
conditionMap Array | Object


Prepares one or more ActiveEffects from Conditions for placement on an actor

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

Param Type Description
effects Object | Array a single ActiveEffect data object or an array of ActiveEffect data objects


Returns just the icon side of the map

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions


Retrieves a condition icon by its mapped name

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

Param Type
condition *


Retrieves a condition name by its mapped icon

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

Param Type
icon *


Parses a condition map JSON and returns a map

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

Param Type
json *


Returns the default condition map for a given system

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

Param Type
system *


Builds a default map for a given system

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

  • #281 update for active effects
Param Type
system *


Create a dialog reminding users to Save the Condition Lab as a preventation for issues arising from the transition to Active Effects

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions



Apply the named condition to the provided entities (Actors or Tokens)

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions
See: EnhancedConditions#addCondition

Param Type
...params any

EnhancedConditions.addCondition(conditionName, [entities])

Applies the named condition to the provided entities (Actors or Tokens)

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

Param Type Default Description
conditionName Array.<String> | String the name of the condition to add
[entities] Array.<Actor> | Array.<Token> | Actor | Token one or more Actors or Tokens to apply the Condition to
[options.warn] Boolean true raise warnings on errors
[options.allowDuplicates] Boolean false if one or more of the Conditions specified is already active on the Entity, this will still add the Condition. Use in conjunction with replaceExisting to determine how duplicates are handled
[options.replaceExisting] Boolean false whether or not to replace existing Conditions with any duplicates in the conditionName parameter. If allowDuplicates is true and replaceExisting is false then a duplicate condition is created. Has no effect is keepDuplicates is false


// Add the Condition "Blinded" to an Actor named "Bob". Duplicates will not be created.
game.cub.addCondition("Blinded", game.actors.getName("Bob"));


// Add the Condition "Charmed" to the currently controlled Token/s. Duplicates will not be created.


// Add the Conditions "Blinded" and "Charmed" to the targeted Token/s and create duplicates, replacing any existing Conditions of the same names.
game.cub.addCondition(["Blinded", "Charmed"], [], {allowDuplicates: true, replaceExisting: true});

EnhancedConditions.getCondition(conditionName, map)

Gets a condition by name from the Condition Map

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

Param Type Default
conditionName *
map *
options.warn *

EnhancedConditions.getConditions(entities) ⇒ Array

Retrieves all active conditions for one or more given entities (Actors or Tokens)

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions
Returns: Array - entityConditionMap a mapping of conditions for each provided entity

Param Type Default Description
entities Actor | Token one or more Actors or Tokens to get Conditions from
options.warn Boolean output notifications


// Get conditions for an Actor named "Bob"


// Get conditions for the currently controlled Token


Gets the Active Effect data (if any) for the given condition

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

Param Type
condition *

EnhancedConditions.getConditionEffects(entities, map, warn) ⇒ Map | Object

Gets any Active Effect instances present on the entities (Actor/s or Token/s) that are mapped Conditions

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions
Returns: Map | Object - A Map containing the Actor Id and the Condition Active Effect instances if any

Param Type Default Description
entities String the entities to check
map Array the Condition map to check (optional)
warn Boolean output notifications

EnhancedConditions.hasCondition(conditionName, entities, [options]) ⇒ Boolean

Checks if the provided Entity (Actor or Token) has the given condition

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions
Returns: Boolean - hasCondition Returns true if one or more of the provided entities has one or more of the provided conditions

Param Type Default Description
conditionName String | Array the name/s of the condition or conditions to check for
entities Actor | Token | Array the entity or entities to check (Actor/s or Token/s)
[options] Object options object
[options.warn] Boolean whether or not to output notifications


// Check for the "Blinded" condition on Actor "Bob"
game.cub.hasCondition("Blinded", game.actors.getName("Bob"));


// Check for the "Charmed" and "Deafened" conditions on the controlled tokens
game.cub.hasCondition(["Charmed", "Deafened"]);

EnhancedConditions.removeCondition(entities, conditionName, options)

Removes one or more named conditions from an Entity (Actor/Token)

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

Param Type Default Description
entities Actor | Token One or more Actors or Tokens
conditionName String the name of the Condition to remove
options Object options for removal
options.warn Boolean whether or not to raise warnings on errors


// Remove Condition named "Blinded" from an Actor named Bob
game.cub.removeCondition("Blinded", game.actors.getName("Bob"));


// Remove Condition named "Charmed" from the currently controlled Token, but don't show any warnings if it fails.
game.cub.removeCondition("Charmed", {warn=false});


Removes all conditions from the provided entities

Kind: static method of EnhancedConditions

Param Type Default Description
entities Actors | Tokens One or more Actors or Tokens to remove Conditions from
options.warn Boolean output notifications


// Remove all Conditions on an Actor named Bob


// Remove all Conditions on the currently controlled Token


Pan/Select Gadget

Kind: global class

PanSelect._onPreUpdateCombat(combat, update, options, userId)

Pre-update Combat handler

Kind: static method of PanSelect

Param Type
combat *
update *
options *
userId *

PanSelect._onUpdateCombat(combat, update, options, userId)

Update Combat handler

Kind: static method of PanSelect

Param Type
combat *
update *
options *
userId *


Determines if a pan/select workflow should begin

Kind: static method of PanSelect

Param Type
combatant Combatant


Determine if the player should be panned

Kind: static method of PanSelect

Param Type
token *


Determine if the GM should be panned

Kind: static method of PanSelect

Param Type
token *


Pans user to the token

Kind: static method of PanSelect

Param Type
token *


Determine if the current combatant token should be selected for the GM

Kind: static method of PanSelect

Param Type
token *


Determines if Player can select the current combatant token

Kind: static method of PanSelect

Param Type
token *


Determines if tokens should be deselected when a non-owned Combatant has a turn

Kind: static method of PanSelect

Param Type
token *


Rerolls initiative for all combatants

Kind: global class

RerollInitiative._onPreUpdateCombat(combat, update, options)

Kind: static method of RerollInitiative

Param Type
combat *
update *
options *

RerollInitiative._onUpdateCombat(combat, update, options, userId)

Update Combat handler

Kind: static method of RerollInitiative

Param Type
combat *
update *
options *
userId *


Provides helper methods for use elsewhere in the module (and has your back in a melee)

Kind: global class


Creates the CUB div in the Sidebar

Kind: static method of Sidekick

Param Type
html *

Sidekick.getSetting(key) ⇒ Object

Get a single setting using the provided key

Kind: static method of Sidekick
Returns: Object - setting

Param Type
key *

Sidekick.getAllSettings() ⇒ Array

Get all CUB settings

Kind: static method of Sidekick
Returns: Array - settings

Sidekick.setSetting(key, value, awaitResult) ⇒ Promise | ClientSetting

Sets a single game setting

Kind: static method of Sidekick

Param Type Default
key *
value *
awaitResult * false

Sidekick.registerSetting(key, metadata) ⇒ ClientSettings.register

Register a single setting using the provided key and setting data

Kind: static method of Sidekick

Param Type
key *
metadata *

Sidekick.registerMenu(key, metadata) ⇒ ClientSettings.registerMenu

Register a menu setting using the provided key and setting data

Kind: static method of Sidekick

Param Type
key *
metadata *

Sidekick.registerAllSettings(settingsData) ⇒ Array

Register all provided setting data

Kind: static method of Sidekick

Param Type
settingsData *


Gets the default game system names stored in the constants butler class

Kind: static method of Sidekick

Sidekick.fetchJsons(source, path)

Use FilePicker to browse then Fetch one or more JSONs and return them

Kind: static method of Sidekick

Param Type
source *
path *

Sidekick.fetchJson(file) ⇒

Fetch a JSON from a given file

Kind: static method of Sidekick
Returns: JSON | null

Param Type
file File

Sidekick.validateObject(object) ⇒ Boolean

Validate that an object is actually an object

Kind: static method of Sidekick

Param Type
object Object


Convert any ES6 Maps/Sets to objects for settings use

Kind: static method of Sidekick

Param Type
map Map

Sidekick.getKeyByValue(object, value)

Retrieves a key using the given value

Kind: static method of Sidekick

Param Type Description
object Object - the object that contains the key/value
value *


Inverts the key and value in a map

Kind: static method of Sidekick
Todo:: rework


Adds additional handlebars helpers

Kind: static method of Sidekick


Adds additional jquery helpers

Kind: static method of Sidekick


Takes an array of terms (eg. name parts) and returns groups of neighbouring terms

Kind: static method of Sidekick

Param Type
arr *

Sidekick.escapeRegExp(string) ⇒ String

Escapes regex special chars

Kind: static method of Sidekick
Returns: String - escapedString

Param Type
string String

Sidekick.coerceType(target, type) ⇒ *

Attempts to coerce a target value into the exemplar's type

Kind: static method of Sidekick
Returns: * - coercedValue

Param Type
target *
type *


Builds a FD returned from FormDataExtended into a formData array Borrowed from foundry.js

Kind: static method of Sidekick

Param Type
FD *


Get a random unique Id, checking an optional supplied array of ids for a match

Kind: static method of Sidekick

Param Type
existingIds *


Sets a string to Title Case

Kind: static method of Sidekick

Param Type
string *

Sidekick.replaceOnDocument(pattern, string, param2)

Parses HTML and replaces instances of a matched pattern

Kind: static method of Sidekick

Param Type
pattern *
string *
param2 *

Sidekick.getTextNodesIn(el) ⇒ jQuery

Get text nodes in a given element

Kind: static method of Sidekick

Param Type
el *

Sidekick.generateUniqueSlugId(string, idList)

For a given string generate a slug, optionally checking a list of existing Ids for uniqueness

Kind: static method of Sidekick

Param Type
string *
idList *

Sidekick.getNameFromFilePath(path) ⇒ String

For a given file path, find the filename and then apply title case

Kind: static method of Sidekick

Param Type
path String

Sidekick.getFirstGM() ⇒ GM | null

Gets the first GM user

Kind: static method of Sidekick
Returns: GM | null - a GM object or null if none found

Sidekick.isFirstGM() ⇒ Boolean

Checks if the current user is the first active GM

Kind: static method of Sidekick


Gets an Actor from an Actor or Token UUID

Kind: static method of Sidekick

Param Type
uuid *

Sidekick.findArrayDuplicates(arrayToCheck, filterProperty) ⇒ Array

Filters an array down to just its duplicate elements based on the property specified

Kind: static method of Sidekick

Param Type
arrayToCheck *
filterProperty *

Sidekick.identifyArrayDuplicatesByProperty(arrayToCheck, filterProperty) ⇒ Boolean

Returns true for each array element that is a duplicate based on the property specified

Kind: static method of Sidekick

Param Type
arrayToCheck *
filterProperty *


Loads templates for partials

Kind: static method of Sidekick

Sidekick.getDocumentOwners(document) ⇒ Array

Retrieves all the owners of a given document

Kind: static method of Sidekick

Param Type
document *


Initiates module classes (and shines a light on the dark night sky)

Kind: global class


Registers hooks

Kind: static method of Signal


Socket dispatcher

Kind: static method of Signal

Param Type
message *


Kind: global class


Activate listeners for the form

Kind: instance method of TemporaryCombatantForm

Param Type
html *


Handles triggers for other gadgets in the module... or does it?!

Kind: global class


Creates a button for the Condition Lab

Kind: static method of Triggler

Param Type Description
html Object the html element where the button will be created

Triggler._executeTrigger(trigger, target)

Executes a trigger calling predefined actions

Kind: static method of Triggler

Param Type
trigger *
target *

Triggler._processUpdate(entity, update, entryPoint1, entryPoint2)

Processes an entity update and evaluates triggers

Kind: static method of Triggler

Param Type
entity *
update *
entryPoint1 *
entryPoint2 *

Triggler._onUpdateActor(actor, update, options, userId)

Update Actor handler

Kind: static method of Triggler

Param Type
actor *
update *
options *
userId *

Triggler._onUpdateToken(token, update, options, userId)

Update token handler

Kind: static method of Triggler

Param Type
token Token
update *
options *
userId *

Triggler._onRenderMacroConfig(app, html, data)

Kind: static method of Triggler

Param Type
app *
html *
data *


From Valentin "Moerill" Henkys the code is licensed under LGPL v3. Original is implemented in his module "Mess": LICENSE:

Kind: global class


Stores information about well known game systems. All other systems will resolve to "other"

Kind: global constant


Create the sidebar button

Kind: global function

Param Type
html *


Get data for template rendering

Kind: global function

Param Type
options *


Override default update object behaviour

Kind: global function

Param Type
formData *