- Loads React web app
- Splash page if not logged in
GET /users/new
POST /users
PATCH /users
GET /session/new
POST /session
DELETE /session
GET /api/teams/:id/projects
- Index of all projects & tasks for team
POST /api/teams
GET /api/teams/:id
- View team admin details, if I get to that
PATCH /api/teams/:id
- Edit team admin details, if I get to that
DELETE /api/teams/:id
- Delete team, if I get to that
GET /api/memberships
- Includes query param for typeahead suggestions, if I get to that
POST /api/teams/:team_id/memberships
:- Add member to team by id
- If member doesn't exist, they will be invited to create account
DELETE /api/teams/:team_id/memberships/:member_id
:- Remove member from team by id
GET /api/projects/:id
- Index of all tasks for project
POST /api/projects
PATCH /api/projects/:id
DELETE /api/projects/:id
GET /api/tasks
- For searching tasks available to user
POST /api/tasks
GET /api/tasks/:id
PATCH /api/tasks/:id
DELETE /api/tasks/:id
- A tasks's comments are shown on the task show template
POST /api/tasks/:task_id/comments
:- Add comment to task
DELETE /api/comments/:comment_id
:- Remove comment from task
- Uploads (attached files) are shown on task show template
POST /api/tasks/:task_id/uploads
:- Add upload to task
- `DELETE /api/uploads/:upload_id
- Remove upload from task
- Task Followers are shown on task show template
GET /api/followers
- includes query param for typeahead suggestions, if I get to that
POST /api/tasks/:task_id/followers
:- Add follower to task by id
- If follower doesn't exist, they will be invited to create account, if I get to that
DELETE /api/tasks/:task_id/follower/:follower_id
:- Remove follower from task by id