Structure, Struct, or 'struct.js' is designed to help define, from design; structured data.
Avoiding adding a personal, or otherwise opinionated, method of implementation; struct uses jsonschema.
The goal of the project is to provide a simple, logical, implementation of my structures in JavaScript.
Upon defining a jsonschema compliant schema object, you can use struct to; define, and maintain, your objects.
IMPORTANT: I've chosen to not include any dependencies by default in this project, though the actual library itself requires jsonschema. Instead; I have been using a 'personal?' method of implementation, likely incorrectly referred to as injection.
You must ensure you manually import, then inject at definition, the jsonschema object.
- babel-cli
- babel-core
- babel-jest
- babel-preset-env
- cross-env
- eslint
- jest
- jsonschema (TESTS - Please ensure you read as above)
Are welcome.
I personally prefer the semistandard coding requirement (';'). It's hot topic at times. There were very specific conditions in which the ';' alone were NOT optional, however; none to the contrary.
Insert example here.. when I find it again.. Used to be on standard.js homepage
Due to name conflicts, I have not been able to publish this package to npm.
The remaining method is to include the package from github. I understand if you chose not to use this module for that very reason - however; This module was born out of need due to work on another project. The parent project has my attention at the moment.
$ npm install
import { struct } from struct.js;
Ensure you have your jsonschema installed, and imported;
$ npm install jsonschema
import { jsonschema } from jsonschema;
Define one, or more, jsonschema compliant schema.
const schema = {
"id": "/TestSchema",
"type": "object",
"additionalProperties": true,
"properties": {
"array": { "default": [1, 2, 3, 4], "type": "array" },
"boolean": { "default": true, "type": "boolean" },
"date": { "default": new Date().toISOString(), "type": "string", "format": "date-time" },
"integer": { "default": 0, "type": "integer" },
"string": { "default": "abc", "type": "string" }
"required": ["array", "boolean", "date", "integer", "string"]
Create a factory that allows building structures.
const structure = struct(Object.assign({}, { 'jsonschema': jsonschema }, { 'schema': schema }));
Due to changes in deployment method, naming conflicts on npm, my setup procedure may be minorly incomplete. Reasons, again; explained above.