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166 lines (163 loc) · 13.6 KB

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166 lines (163 loc) · 13.6 KB
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Moved cache layer from DAL to store api


  • Changed caching mechanic inside the core. The cache layer was moved from the DAL to the store api routes and some other internal services
  • Added cache layer for rule loading
    • Added AbstractRuleLoader, which is the base class for the RuleLoader
    • Added CachedRuleLoader, which adds a cache around the rule loading
  • Added cache layer for request domain resolving
    • Added AbstractDomainLoader, which is the base class for the DomainLoader
    • Added CachedDomainLoader, which adds a cache around the domain loading
    • Added CachedDomainLoaderInvalidator, which invalidates the cache for the domain loading
    • Added DomainLoader, which is responsible to provide all existing domains. This domains are used to detect which domain is requested in an incoming request
  • Added cache layer for shipping method store api route
    • Added CachedShippingMethodRoute, which adds a cache around the shipping method loading
    • Added ShippingMethodRouteCacheKeyEvent, which is triggered when the cache key for the route is generated
    • Added ShippingMethodRouteCacheTagsEvent, which is triggered when the cache item is written, and the attached tags are determined
  • Added cache layer for product suggest store api route
    • Added CachedProductSuggestRoute, which adds a cache around the product suggest route
    • Added ProductSuggestRouteCacheKeyEvent, which is triggered when the cache key for the route is generated
    • Added ProductSuggestRouteCacheTagsEvent, which is triggered when the cache item is written, and the attached tags are determined
  • Added cache layer for product search store api route
    • Added CachedProductSearchRoute, which adds a cache around the product search route
    • Added ProductSearchRouteCacheKeyEvent, which is triggered when the cache key for the route is generated
    • Added ProductSearchRouteCacheTagsEvent, which is triggered when the cache item is written, and the attached tags are determined
    • Added ResolvedCriteriaProductSearchRoute, which resolves the criteria before the cached route is called. This way the route gets a resolved criterion and does not have to listen to all request parameters.
  • Added cache layer for product listing store api route
    • Added CachedProductListingRoute, which adds a cache around the product listing route
    • Added ProductListingRouteCacheKeyEvent, which is triggered when the cache key for the route is generated
    • Added ProductListingRouteCacheTagsEvent, which is triggered when the cache item is written, and the attached tags are determined
    • Added ResolveCriteriaProductListingRoute, which resolves the criteria before the cached route is called. This way the route gets a resolved criterion and does not have to listen to all request parameters.
  • Added cache layer for product detail store api route
    • Added CachedProductDetailRoute, which adds a cache around the product detail route
    • Added ProductDetailRouteCacheKeyEvent, which is triggered when the cache key for the route is generated
    • Added ProductDetailRouteCacheTagsEvent, which is triggered when the cache item is written, and the attached tags are determined
  • Added cache layer for payment method store api route
    • Added CachedPaymentMethodRoute, which adds a cache around the payment method loading of a sales channel
    • Added PaymentMethodRouteCacheKeyEvent, which is triggered when the cache key for the route is generated
    • Added PaymentMethodRouteCacheTagsEvent, which is triggered when the cache item is written, and the attached tags are determined
  • Added cache layer for navigation store api route
    • Added CachedNavigationRoute, which adds a cache around the navigation loading
    • Added NavigationRouteCacheKeyEvent, which is triggered when the cache key for the route is generated
    • Added NavigationRouteCacheTagsEvent, which is triggered when the cache item is written, and the attached tags are determined
  • Added cache layer for language store api route
    • Added CachedLanguageRoute, which adds a cache around the language loading of a sales channel
    • Added LanguageRouteCacheKeyEvent, which is triggered when the cache key for the route is generated
    • Added LanguageRouteCacheTagsEvent, which is triggered when the cache item is written, and the attached tags are determined
  • Added cache layer for currency store api route
    • Added CachedCurrencyRoute, which adds a cache around the currency loading of a sales channel
    • Added CurrencyRouteCacheKeyEvent, which is triggered when the cache key for the route is generated
    • Added CurrencyRouteCacheTagsEvent, which is triggered when the cache item is written, and the attached tags are determined
  • Added cache layer for system config loading
    • Added AbstractSystemConfigLoader, which is the base class for the SystemConfigLoader service
    • Added CachedSystemConfigLoader, adds a cache around the system config loading
    • Added SystemConfigChangedEvent, which is triggered when a system config value is changed. This event is used to invalidate the cache
    • Added SystemConfigLoader, which is responsible to load the system configuration for a provided sales channel id.
  • Added cache layer for seo url resoling
    • Added AbstractSeoResolver which is the base class for the seo url resolving
    • Added CachedSeoResolver which adds a cache around the seo url resolving
    • Added EmptyPathInfoResolver which handles empty path infos inside before the real seo url resolver is triggered
    • Added SeoUrlUpdateEvent which is triggered when a seo url changed
  • Added cache layer for sales channel creation
    • Added AbstractSalesChannelContextFactory which is the base class for the context factory
    • Added CachedSalesChannelContextFactory which adds a cache around the context factory
  • Added cache layer for theme config loading
    • Added AbstractResolvedConfigLoader which is the service base class to load theme configurations for a sales channel
    • Added CachedResolvedConfigLoader which caches the access to a sales channel theme config
    • Added CachedResolvedConfigLoaderInvalidator which invalidates the cache for the theme config cache layer
    • Added ResolvedConfigLoader which loads the inherited configuration of a theme for the provided sales channel
    • Added TemplateConfigAccessor which controls the access to theme config values
    • Added generic ThemeConfigChangedEvent which is triggered each time a theme config is changed
    • Added generic ThemeConfigValueAccessor which is used to get theme config values and internally used to trace the access and use the accessed keys as cache tags
  • Added cache tracer services which allows tracing config access while a service is called
    • Added AbstractCacheTracer which is the base class for the cache tracer
    • Added AbstractTranslator which is a new base class for the translator component. Additionally, it allows to trace the accessed snippets inside a request
    • Added CacheTracer which is a composition of different traces
  • Added new CacheInvalidator which is used to invalidate the cache or to log the invalidation for a delayed invalidation.
    • Added InvalidateCacheEvent which is triggered when the cache will be invalidated
    • Added InvalidateCacheTask which triggers the logger to invalidate the delayed cache invalidation
  • Added shopware.cache configuration in shopware.yaml file for cache configuration
            delay: 0
            http_cache: ['logged-in', 'cart-filled']
            product_listing_route: []
            product_detail_route: []
            product_search_route: [ ]
            product_suggest_route: [ ]
            payment_method_route: []
            shipping_method_route: []
            navigation_route: []
            language_route: []
            currency_route: []
  • Added CacheStateSubscriber which is an adaption from the http cache states. The states are applied to the context and can used to pass cache layers
  • Added generic StoreApiRouteCacheKeyEvent which is used as base class for the different route cache key events
  • Added generic StoreApiRouteCacheTagsEvent which is used as base class for the different route cache tag events
  • Added CacheCompressor which is responsible to compress and uncompress the cache items before the cache is written or read
  • Added generic CartChangedEvent which is triggered for each cart change
  • Added ConfigExtension which provides to config and theme_config function
    • Added config twig function which allows to get access to system config values
    • Added theme_config twig function which allows to get access to theme config values
  • Added \Shopware\Core\System\SalesChannel\Context\SalesChannelContextFactory::$domainId
  • Added SalesChannelContextServiceParameters which is used as context service parameter to prevent signature changes in the future
  • Added cache for SwSanitizeTwigFilter
  • Removed \Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Cache\CacheClearer::invalidateIds, use \Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Cache\CacheInvalidator::invalidate instead
  • Removed \Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Cache\CacheClearer::invalidateTags, use \Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Cache\CacheInvalidator::invalidate instead
  • Removed BlacklistRuleField, because it leads to performance problems
  • Removed \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Cache\CachedEntityAggregator
  • Removed \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Cache\CachedEntityReader
  • Removed \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Cache\CachedEntitySearcher
  • Removed \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\CartRuleLoader::CHECKOUT_RULE_LOADER_CACHE_KEY, use \Shopware\Core\Checkout\Cart\CachedRuleLoader::CACHE_KEY instead
  • Removed \Shopware\Core\Framework\Context::getUseCache
  • Removed \Shopware\Core\Framework\Context::disableCache
  • Removed \Shopware\Core\Framework\Context::$useCache
  • Removed \Shopware\Core\Framework\Context::enableCache
  • Removed \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Cache\EntityCacheKeyGenerator::getEntityContextCacheKey
  • Removed \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Cache\EntityCacheKeyGenerator::getReadCriteriaCacheKey
  • Removed \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Cache\EntityCacheKeyGenerator::getSearchCacheKey
  • Removed \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Cache\EntityCacheKeyGenerator::getAggregationCacheKey
  • Removed \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Cache\EntityCacheKeyGenerator::getEntityTag
  • Removed \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Cache\EntityCacheKeyGenerator::getSearchTags
  • Removed \Shopware\Storefront\Framework\Cache\ObjectCacheKeyFinder
  • Removed \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Cache\EntityCacheKeyGenerator::getAssociatedTags
  • Removed \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Cache\EntityCacheKeyGenerator::getFieldTag
  • Removed \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Cache\EntityCacheKeyGenerator::getContextHash
  • Removed \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\EntityDefinition::isBlacklistAware
  • Removed \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\EntityDefinition::isWhitelistAware
  • Removed \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Cache\InvalidateCacheSubscriber, cache invalidation is now handled for each route individually
  • Removed \Shopware\Core\Framework\Adapter\Cache\CacheClearer::invalidateIds calls in indexer classes
  • Removed \Shopware\Storefront\Theme\ThemeService::getResolvedThemeConfiguration, use theme_config in templates instead
  • Removed \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Field\WhitelistRuleField
  • Changed \Shopware\Core\System\SystemConfig\SystemConfigService::getDomain annotation. The function is marked as @internal and should not be used inside a storefront request
  • Changed \Shopware\Core\System\SystemConfig\SystemConfigService::all annotation. The function is marked as @internal and should not be used inside a storefront request
  • Changed \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\VersionManager::writeAuditLog, the function checks now context->hasState(self::DISABLE_AUDIT_LOG) instead of an extension
  • Changed \Shopware\Core\Framework\DataAbstractionLayer\Search\EntitySearchResult::__construct, page and limit removed and $entity added as first parameter
  • Changed signature of \Shopware\Core\System\SalesChannel\Context\SalesChannelContextService::get, the function expects now the SalesChannelContextServiceParameters object as parameter instead of single values


  • Removed shopware.config variable, use config('my_config_key') instead
  • Removed shopware.theme variable, use theme_config('my_config_key') instead
  • Removed shopware.theme.breakpoint, use specific size variable instead theme_config('')

Upgrade Information

Twig system config access

The shopware.config variable was removed. To access a system config value inside twig, use config('my_config_key').

Twig theme config access

The shopware.theme variable was removed. To access the theme config value inside twig, use theme_config('my_config_key').

Theme breakpoint config array

The shopware.theme.breakpoint config value is no more available, please use the corresponding sizes. If you need to restore the array, you can use the following code:

{% set breakpoint = {
    'xs': theme_config(''),
    'sm': theme_config(''),
    'md': theme_config('breakpoint.lg'),
    'lg': theme_config('breakpoint.xl')
} %}