This checklist is a rough guide on how to check for website accessibility, performance, and security issues.
This video is a good quick-start to some common accessibility topics:
- Tabbing & focus rings
- Preventing offscreen content from being focused
- Navigating via a screen reader
- Checking the page structure
- Checking color & contrast with the aXe Chrome extension
- Adding axe-core to a build process
The A11Y Project’s Web Accessibility Checklist is also a very good beginner’s guide to web accessibility.
Lighthouse is specifically made for validating parts of the Progressive Web App Checklist, which includes various performance metrics.
PageSpeed Insights is a tool from Google that gives suggestions for making pages faster.
The Performance Budget Calculator is a handy tool for calculating a performance budget for websites.
WebPagetest is a great tool for testing website performance on real-world devices.
Matthew’s performance audit of a DoneJS website has some helpful commentary. has more useful tools, including CLI tools that could be added to a build process.
Enable Synk on our repos to find and fix vulnerabilities in our dependencies.