- [-] Implement CSR and connect it on modules
- Add a software reset
- root node address needs to come from it.
- Support breadth first search
- Support timeout
- Replace RAM model with a real one
- Support error for any memory failure when inserting or deleting tokens
- Put in place in-house benchmarking into the core
- Test conformance: use sort or shallow copy, data must arrives in right order Meaning its well constructed
- Support any AXI4 interface width
- Make RAM access synchronous, add a scfifo
- Make possible to choose between async and sync interface
- Outstanding request configurable
- Cache layer:
- anticipate next read based on read address and command
- store last written address to avoid to read again
- use a local CAM
- Create a design with a SOC (using LiteX) and add as peripheral
- Implement further command by adding a sequencer to combine existing
commands and propose new features. With a CPU? Thru an API?
- Support heap creation (forward or backward ordering)
- Support sort command
- Support shallow copy
- Review error cases encountered by BSTer:
- try to insert while tree is not initialized with a root node
- digest is not valid while reading a node
- unsupported command issued
- Doc:
- Write registers into tables
- Write commands into tables
- Describe algorithms with draws
study in depth binary tree theory
Consider ML for sorting:
study stdlib C or python implementaton of array and dict
- Use in decison tree
- Fuzzy matching
- Enhance tree_ready to be toggle off when root node is deleted
- Complete a request when accessing an empty tree from interface, not from engine
- Support completion with status = 1 if command issued is not supported
- Add logger in the core. Print statement during code execution and grep them with run.sh
- Support insert
- [X] can insert root node
- can insert a token
- Support depth first search
- Provide completion for insert commands
- Support delete
- Support a deletion with O or 1 child
- Support a deletion with two children
- Support root node deletion
- Enhance tree space manager and support defrag