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@dscbot dscbot released this 25 Apr 20:02



  • SqlServerDsc.Common
    • Removed the function Invoke-Query. It is replaced by the command
      Invoke-SqlDscQuery (issue #1902).


  • New public commands:
    • Disconnect-SqlDscDatabaseEngine - Disconnects from a SQL Server instance
      that was previously connected to using Connect-SqlDscDatabaseEngine.
    • Test-SqlDscIsSupportedFeature - Evaluates if a feature is supported by a specific
      Microsoft SQL Server major version. This command must be extended with
      a full list of when features were added and removed in each major
      version to fully work.
  • New private commands:
    • ConvertTo-RedactedText - Used to redact sensitive information from
      text that then can be used in console output like verbose messages.
    • Get-FileVersionInformation - Returns the version information
      for a file.
    • Assert-Feature - Throws an exception if a feature is not supported
      for a specific Microsoft SQL Server major version.
  • SqlServerDsc.Common
    • Connect-SQL.
      • Add new parameter Encrypt.
  • Connect-SqlDscDatabaseEngine
    • Add new parameter Encrypt.
  • Invoke-SqlDscQuery
    • Add new parameter Encrypt.


  • Now able to use DbaTools as a preferred module
    (with some restrictions).
  • Gitversion no longer evaluates bumping major version using the word "major".
  • Update private commands:
    • Assert-SetupActionProperties was changed to throw
      an exception when a feature is not supported (calls Assert-Feature).
      The private command is indirectly used by the setup action commands.
    • Invoke-SetupAction was changed to expand environment variables that
      is passed as the media path.
  • SqlSetup
    • Update to support checking non-supported features using the command
      SqlDscIsSupportedFeature (issue #1872).
  • Update SqlServerDsc.Common Module:
    • Connect-SQL - Function will now wait for the SMO Status property to be
      'Online' or throw an exception if time exceeds the statement timeout.
  • SqlRS
    • Now uses the command Invoke-SqlDscQuery instead of Invoke-SqlCmd
      (issue #1917).
    • The parameter Encrypt has changed so that Mandatory or Strict
      will turn on encryption when connecting to the database instance.
  • Invoke-SqlDscQuery
    • Now shows the correct instance name when called using a server object
      (issue #1918).
    • Correctly outputs query in verbose message when parameter RedactText
      is not passed.