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Releases: dsccommunity/SqlServerDsc


16 Apr 12:07
Choose a tag to compare
v16.3.0-preview0001 Pre-release



  • SqlServerDsc.Common
    • Removed the function Invoke-Query. It is replaced by the command
      Invoke-SqlDscQuery (issue #1902).


  • New public commands:
    • Disconnect-SqlDscDatabaseEngine - Disconnects from a SQL Server instance
      that was previously connected to using Connect-SqlDscDatabaseEngine.
    • Test-SqlDscIsSupportedFeature - Evaluates if a feature is supported by a specific
      Microsoft SQL Server major version. This command must be extended with
      a full list of when features were added and removed in each major
      version to fully work.
  • New private commands:
    • ConvertTo-RedactedText - Used to redact sensitive information from
      text that then can be used in console output like verbose messages.
    • Get-FileVersionInformation - Returns the version information
      for a file.
    • Assert-Feature - Throws an exception if a feature is not supported
      for a specific Microsoft SQL Server major version.


  • Gitversion no longer evaluates bumping major version using the word "major".
  • Update private command:
    • Assert-SetupActionProperties was changed to throw
      an exception when a feature is not supported (calls Assert-Feature).
      The private command is indirectly used by the setup action commands.
  • SqlSetup
    • Update to support checking non-supported features using the command
      SqlDscIsSupportedFeature (issue #1872).


12 Apr 16:28
Choose a tag to compare
v16.2.1-preview0001 Pre-release



  • SqlServerDsc.Common
    • Removed the function Invoke-Query. It is replaced by the command
      Invoke-SqlDscQuery (issue #1902).


  • SqlServerDsc
    • New public command:
      • Disconnect-SqlDscDatabaseEngine - Disconnects from a SQL Server instance
        that was previously connected to using Connect-SqlDscDatabaseEngine.
    • New private command:
      • ConvertTo-RedactedText - Used to redact sensitive information from
        text that then can be used in console output like verbose messages.


10 Apr 16:37
Choose a tag to compare



  • SqlServerDsc
    • New GitHub Actions workflow that run PSScriptAnalyzer for PRs so any
      issues are shown directly in the PR's changed files (issue #1860).
    • Added a separate integration test jobs for SQL Server Reporting Services
      to be able to test configuring SQL Server Reportings Services using
      other values that the default values.
    • Now updates GitHub Actions automatically by allowing dependabot sending
      in pull requests.
    • New public command:
      • Get-SqlDscPreferredModule - Returns the name of the first available
        preferred module (issue #1879).
        • Re-using the command Get-PSModulePath from the module DscResource.Common.
  • SqlSecureConnection
    • Added new parameter ServerName that will be used as the host name when
      restarting the SQL Server instance. The specified value should be the same
      name that is used in the certificate (issue #1888).
  • SqlSetup
    • Added new parameter ServerName that will be used as the host name when
      evaluating the SQL Server instance. If using a secure connection the
      specified value should be the same name that is used in the certificate
      (issue #1893).


  • SqlServerDsc
    • Update appveyor.yml to use dotnet tool install to install GitVersion.
    • Re-enable integration tests for SqlRSSetup and SqlRS when running against
      SQL Server 2019 (issue #1847).
    • The private function Import-SQLPSModule was replaced throughout with
      the public command Import-SqlDscPreferredModule (issue #1848).
    • Removed the regular expression features? from the GitVersion configuration.
      Before, if a fix commit mentioned the word feature but means a SQL Server
      feature GitVersion would bump minor instead of patch number.
    • Update pipeline script that is used to resolve dependencies.
    • When running in Azure Pipelines any existing SqlServer module is removed
      before running integration tests, so the tests can update to latest version.
    • Now the new label 'command proposal' is an exempt for labeling issues stale.
    • Update the initializing header for all integration test to be equal to
      the unit tests.
    • Rename task jobs in Azure Pipelines (issue #1881).
    • Bump SqlServer version to 22.0.59 for integration tests for SQL Server 2022.
  • Get-SqlDscAudit
    • The parameter Name is no longer mandatory. When left out all the current
      audits are returned (issue #1812).
  • Import-SqlDscPreferredModule
    • Now correctly preserves paths that is set in the session for the environment
      variable $env:PSModulePath. If the module SqlServer or SQLPS are not
      found the command will populate the $env:PSModulePath with the
      unique paths from all targets; session, user, and machine. This is done
      so that any new path that was added to the machine or user target will
      also be set in the session.
    • Now imports the preferred module into the global scope so that MOF-based
      resources (that is in another module scope) can use the imported module.
    • Some code cleanup (issue #1881).
    • Refactor to re-use the command Get-SqlDscPreferredModule.
  • SqlServerDsc.Common
    • Restart-SqlService no longer silently ignores errors that prevents
      the instance to go online. If the instance has not gone online during
      the timeout period the error thrown will no contain the last error
      reported by Connect-SQL (issue #1891).
    • Invoke-SqlScript no longer passes the parameter Variable to
      Invoke-SqlCmd if it is not set (issue #1896).
  • DatabasePermission
    • Class was updated with the latest database permissions.


  • Assert-SetupActionProperties
    • Now throws an exception if the setup action is Install and the feature
      analysis services is specified without the parameter ASSysAdminAccounts
      (issue #1845).
    • Now throws an exception if the setup action is Install and the feature
      database engine is specified without the parameter SqlSysAdminAccounts.
  • Invoke-SetupAction
    • The parameter SqlSysAdminAccounts is no longer mandatory to allow
      installation where the database engine is not installed.
  • Install-SqlDscServer
    • The parameter SqlSysAdminAccounts is no longer mandatory to allow
      installation where the database engine is not installed.
  • SqlRS
    • Fixed issue of configuring reporting services (issue #1868).
    • Test renamed to When Reports virtual directory is different so it
      is more correct and not a duplicate.
    • Integration tests configuration names was renamed to better tell what
      the configuration does (issue #1880).
  • SqlServerDsc.Common
    • The command Restart-SqlService was updated to correctly evaluate when
      the timeout value is reached (issue #1889).


10 Apr 14:18
Choose a tag to compare
v16.2.0-preview0011 Pre-release



  • SqlServerDsc
    • New GitHub Actions workflow that run PSScriptAnalyzer for PRs so any
      issues are shown directly in the PR's changed files (issue #1860).
    • Added a separate integration test jobs for SQL Server Reporting Services
      to be able to test configuring SQL Server Reportings Services using
      other values that the default values.
    • Now updates GitHub Actions automatically by allowing dependabot sending
      in pull requests.
    • New public command:
      • Get-SqlDscPreferredModule - Returns the name of the first available
        preferred module (issue #1879).
  • SqlSecureConnection
    • Added new parameter ServerName that will be used as the host name when
      restarting the SQL Server instance. The specified value should be the same
      name that is used in the certificate (issue #1888).
  • SqlSetup
    • Added new parameter ServerName that will be used as the host name when
      evaluating the SQL Server instance. If using a secure connection the
      specified value should be the same name that is used in the certificate
      (issue #1893).


  • SqlServerDsc
    • Update appveyor.yml to use dotnet tool install to install GitVersion.
    • Re-enable integration tests for SqlRSSetup and SqlRS when running against
      SQL Server 2019 (issue #1847).
    • The private function Import-SQLPSModule was replaced throughout with
      the public command Import-SqlDscPreferredModule (issue #1848).
    • Removed the regular expression features? from the GitVersion configuration.
      Before, if a fix commit mentioned the word feature but means a SQL Server
      feature GitVersion would bump minor instead of patch number.
    • Update pipeline script that is used to resolve dependencies.
    • When running in Azure Pipelines any existing SqlServer module is removed
      before running integration tests, so the tests can update to latest version.
    • Now the new label 'command proposal' is an exempt for labeling issues stale.
    • Update the initializing header for all integration test to be equal to
      the unit tests.
    • Rename task jobs in Azure Pipelines (issue #1881).
    • Bump SqlServer version to 22.0.59 for integration tests for SQL Server 2022.
  • Get-SqlDscAudit
    • The parameter Name is no longer mandatory. When left out all the current
      audits are returned (issue #1812).
  • Import-SqlDscPreferredModule
    • Now correctly preserves paths that is set in the session for the environment
      variable $env:PSModulePath. If the module SqlServer or SQLPS are not
      found the command will populate the $env:PSModulePath with the
      unique paths from all targets; session, user, and machine. This is done
      so that any new path that was added to the machine or user target will
      also be set in the session.
    • Now imports the preferred module into the global scope so that MOF-based
      resources (that is in another module scope) can use the imported module.
    • Some code cleanup (issue #1881).
    • Refactor to re-use the command Get-SqlDscPreferredModule.
  • SqlServerDsc.Common
    • Restart-SqlService no longer silently ignores errors that prevents
      the instance to go online. If the instance has not gone online during
      the timeout period the error thrown will no contain the last error
      reported by Connect-SQL (issue #1891).
    • Invoke-SqlScript no longer passes the parameter Variable to
      Invoke-SqlCmd if it is not set (issue #1896).
  • DatabasePermission
    • Class was updated with the latest database permissions.


  • Assert-SetupActionProperties
    • Now throws an exception if the setup action is Install and the feature
      analysis services is specified without the parameter ASSysAdminAccounts
      (issue #1845).
    • Now throws an exception if the setup action is Install and the feature
      database engine is specified without the parameter SqlSysAdminAccounts.
  • Invoke-SetupAction
    • The parameter SqlSysAdminAccounts is no longer mandatory to allow
      installation where the database engine is not installed.
  • Install-SqlDscServer
    • The parameter SqlSysAdminAccounts is no longer mandatory to allow
      installation where the database engine is not installed.
  • SqlRS
    • Fixed issue of configuring reporting services (issue #1868).
    • Test renamed to When Reports virtual directory is different so it
      is more correct and not a duplicate.
    • Integration tests configuration names was renamed to better tell what
      the configuration does (issue #1880).
  • SqlServerDsc.Common
    • The command Restart-SqlService was updated to correctly evaluate when
      the timeout value is reached (issue #1889).


08 Apr 18:38
Choose a tag to compare
v16.2.0-preview0010 Pre-release



  • SqlServerDsc
    • New GitHub Actions workflow that run PSScriptAnalyzer for PRs so any
      issues are shown directly in the PR's changed files (issue #1860).
    • Added a separate integration test jobs for SQL Server Reporting Services
      to be able to test configuring SQL Server Reportings Services using
      other values that the default values.
    • Now updates GitHub Actions automatically by allowing dependabot sending
      in pull requests.
    • New public command:
      • Get-SqlDscPreferredModule - Returns the name of the first available
        preferred module (issue #1879).
  • SqlSecureConnection
    • Added new parameter ServerName that will be used as the host name when
      restarting the SQL Server instance. The specified value should be the same
      name that is used in the certificate (issue #1888).
  • SqlSetup
    • Added new parameter ServerName that will be used as the host name when
      evaluating the SQL Server instance. If using a secure connection the
      specified value should be the same name that is used in the certificate
      (issue #1893).


  • SqlServerDsc
    • Update appveyor.yml to use dotnet tool install to install GitVersion.
    • Re-enable integration tests for SqlRSSetup and SqlRS when running against
      SQL Server 2019 (issue #1847).
    • The private function Import-SQLPSModule was replaced throughout with
      the public command Import-SqlDscPreferredModule (issue #1848).
    • Removed the regular expression features? from the GitVersion configuration.
      Before, if a fix commit mentioned the word feature but means a SQL Server
      feature GitVersion would bump minor instead of patch number.
    • Update pipeline script that is used to resolve dependencies.
    • When running in Azure Pipelines any existing SqlServer module is removed
      before running integration tests, so the tests can update to latest version.
    • Now the new label 'command proposal' is an exempt for labeling issues stale.
    • Update the initializing header for all integration test to be equal to
      the unit tests.
    • Rename task jobs in Azure Pipelines (issue #1881).
  • Get-SqlDscAudit
    • The parameter Name is no longer mandatory. When left out all the current
      audits are returned (issue #1812).
  • Import-SqlDscPreferredModule
    • Now correctly preserves paths that is set in the session for the environment
      variable $env:PSModulePath. If the module SqlServer or SQLPS are not
      found the command will populate the $env:PSModulePath with the
      unique paths from all targets; session, user, and machine. This is done
      so that any new path that was added to the machine or user target will
      also be set in the session.
    • Now imports the preferred module into the global scope so that MOF-based
      resources (that is in another module scope) can use the imported module.
    • Some code cleanup (issue #1881).
    • Refactor to re-use the command Get-SqlDscPreferredModule.
  • SqlServerDsc.Common
    • Restart-SqlService no longer silently ignores errors that prevents
      the instance to go online. If the instance has not gone online during
      the timeout period the error thrown will no contain the last error
      reported by Connect-SQL (issue #1891).


  • Assert-SetupActionProperties
    • Now throws an exception if the setup action is Install and the feature
      analysis services is specified without the parameter ASSysAdminAccounts
      (issue #1845).
    • Now throws an exception if the setup action is Install and the feature
      database engine is specified without the parameter SqlSysAdminAccounts.
  • Invoke-SetupAction
    • The parameter SqlSysAdminAccounts is no longer mandatory to allow
      installation where the database engine is not installed.
  • Install-SqlDscServer
    • The parameter SqlSysAdminAccounts is no longer mandatory to allow
      installation where the database engine is not installed.
  • SqlRS
    • Fixed issue of configuring reporting services (issue #1868).
    • Test renamed to When Reports virtual directory is different so it
      is more correct and not a duplicate.
    • Integration tests configuration names was renamed to better tell what
      the configuration does (issue #1880).
  • SqlServerDsc.Common
    • The command Restart-SqlService was updated to correctly evaluate when
      the timeout value is reached (issue #1889).


08 Apr 13:40
Choose a tag to compare
v16.2.0-preview0009 Pre-release



  • SqlServerDsc
    • New GitHub Actions workflow that run PSScriptAnalyzer for PRs so any
      issues are shown directly in the PR's changed files (issue #1860).
    • Added a separate integration test jobs for SQL Server Reporting Services
      to be able to test configuring SQL Server Reportings Services using
      other values that the default values.
    • Now updates GitHub Actions automatically by allowing dependabot sending
      in pull requests.
    • New public command:
      • Get-SqlDscPreferredModule - Returns the name of the first available
        preferred module (issue #1879).
  • SqlSecureConnection
    • Added new parameter ServerName that will be used as the host name when
      restarting the SQL Server instance. The specified value should be the same
      name that is used in the certificate (issue #1888).


  • SqlServerDsc
    • Update appveyor.yml to use dotnet tool install to install GitVersion.
    • Re-enable integration tests for SqlRSSetup and SqlRS when running against
      SQL Server 2019 (issue #1847).
    • The private function Import-SQLPSModule was replaced throughout with
      the public command Import-SqlDscPreferredModule (issue #1848).
    • Removed the regular expression features? from the GitVersion configuration.
      Before, if a fix commit mentioned the word feature but means a SQL Server
      feature GitVersion would bump minor instead of patch number.
    • Update pipeline script that is used to resolve dependencies.
    • When running in Azure Pipelines any existing SqlServer module is removed
      before running integration tests, so the tests can update to latest version.
    • Now the new label 'command proposal' is an exempt for labeling issues stale.
    • Update the initializing header for all integration test to be equal to
      the unit tests.
    • Rename task jobs in Azure Pipelines (issue #1881).
  • Get-SqlDscAudit
    • The parameter Name is no longer mandatory. When left out all the current
      audits are returned (issue #1812).
  • Import-SqlDscPreferredModule
    • Now correctly preserves paths that is set in the session for the environment
      variable $env:PSModulePath. If the module SqlServer or SQLPS are not
      found the command will populate the $env:PSModulePath with the
      unique paths from all targets; session, user, and machine. This is done
      so that any new path that was added to the machine or user target will
      also be set in the session.
    • Now imports the preferred module into the global scope so that MOF-based
      resources (that is in another module scope) can use the imported module.
    • Some code cleanup (issue #1881).
    • Refactor to re-use the command Get-SqlDscPreferredModule.
  • SqlServerDsc.Common
    • Restart-SqlService no longer silently ignores errors that prevents
      the instance to go online. If the instance has not gone online during
      the timeout period the error thrown will no contain the last error
      reported by Connect-SQL (issue #1891).


  • Assert-SetupActionProperties
    • Now throws an exception if the setup action is Install and the feature
      analysis services is specified without the parameter ASSysAdminAccounts
      (issue #1845).
    • Now throws an exception if the setup action is Install and the feature
      database engine is specified without the parameter SqlSysAdminAccounts.
  • Invoke-SetupAction
    • The parameter SqlSysAdminAccounts is no longer mandatory to allow
      installation where the database engine is not installed.
  • Install-SqlDscServer
    • The parameter SqlSysAdminAccounts is no longer mandatory to allow
      installation where the database engine is not installed.
  • SqlRS
    • Fixed issue of configuring reporting services (issue #1868).
    • Test renamed to When Reports virtual directory is different so it
      is more correct and not a duplicate.
    • Integration tests configuration names was renamed to better tell what
      the configuration does (issue #1880).
  • SqlServerDsc.Common
    • The command Restart-SqlService was updated to correctly evaluate when
      the timeout value is reached (issue #1889).


06 Apr 06:46
Choose a tag to compare
v16.2.0-preview0008 Pre-release



  • SqlServerDsc
    • New GitHub Actions workflow that run PSScriptAnalyzer for PRs so any
      issues are shown directly in the PR's changed files (issue #1860).
    • Added a separate integration test jobs for SQL Server Reporting Services
      to be able to test configuring SQL Server Reportings Services using
      other values that the default values.
    • Now updates GitHub Actions automatically by allowing dependabot sending
      in pull requests.
  • SqlSecureConnection
    • Added new parameter ServerName that will be used as the host name when
      restarting the SQL Server instance. The specified value should be the same
      name that is used in the certificate (issue #1888).


  • SqlServerDsc
    • Update appveyor.yml to use dotnet tool install to install GitVersion.
    • Re-enable integration tests for SqlRSSetup and SqlRS when running against
      SQL Server 2019 (issue #1847).
    • The private function Import-SQLPSModule was replaced throughout with
      the public command Import-SqlDscPreferredModule (issue #1848).
    • Removed the regular expression features? from the GitVersion configuration.
      Before, if a fix commit mentioned the word feature but means a SQL Server
      feature GitVersion would bump minor instead of patch number.
    • Update pipeline script that is used to resolve dependencies.
    • When running in Azure Pipelines any existing SqlServer module is removed
      before running integration tests, so the tests can update to latest version.
    • Now the new label 'command proposal' is an exempt for labeling issues stale.
    • Update the initializing header for all integration test to be equal to
      the unit tests.
    • Rename task jobs in Azure Pipelines (issue #1881).
  • Get-SqlDscAudit
    • The parameter Name is no longer mandatory. When left out all the current
      audits are returned (issue #1812).
  • Import-SqlDscPreferredModule
    • Now correctly preserves paths that is set in the session for the environment
      variable $env:PSModulePath. If the module SqlServer or SQLPS are not
      found the command will populate the $env:PSModulePath with the
      unique paths from all targets; session, user, and machine. This is done
      so that any new path that was added to the machine or user target will
      also be set in the session.
    • Now imports the preferred module into the global scope so that MOF-based
      resources (that is in another module scope) can use the imported module.
    • Some code cleanup (issue #1881).
  • SqlServerDsc.Common
    • Restart-SqlService no longer silently ignores errors that prevents
      the instance to go online. If the instance has not gone online during
      the timeout period the error thrown will no contain the last error
      reported by Connect-SQL (issue #1891).


  • Assert-SetupActionProperties
    • Now throws an exception if the setup action is Install and the feature
      analysis services is specified without the parameter ASSysAdminAccounts
      (issue #1845).
    • Now throws an exception if the setup action is Install and the feature
      database engine is specified without the parameter SqlSysAdminAccounts.
  • Invoke-SetupAction
    • The parameter SqlSysAdminAccounts is no longer mandatory to allow
      installation where the database engine is not installed.
  • Install-SqlDscServer
    • The parameter SqlSysAdminAccounts is no longer mandatory to allow
      installation where the database engine is not installed.
  • SqlRS
    • Fixed issue of configuring reporting services (issue #1868).
    • Test renamed to When Reports virtual directory is different so it
      is more correct and not a duplicate.
    • Integration tests configuration names was renamed to better tell what
      the configuration does (issue #1880).
  • SqlServerDsc.Common
    • The command Restart-SqlService was updated to correctly evaluate when
      the timeout value is reached (issue #1889).


01 Apr 21:17
Choose a tag to compare
v16.2.0-preview0007 Pre-release



  • SqlServerDsc
    • New GitHub Actions workflow that run PSScriptAnalyzer for PRs so any
      issues are shown directly in the PR's changed files (issue #1860).
    • Added a separate integration test jobs for SQL Server Reporting Services
      to be able to test configuring SQL Server Reportings Services using
      other values that the default values.
    • Now updates GitHub Actions automatically by allowing dependabot sending
      in pull requests.
  • SqlSecureConnection
    • Added new parameter ServerName that will be used as the host name when
      restarting the SQL Server instance. The specified value should be the same
      name that is used in the certificate (issue #1888).


  • SqlServerDsc
    • Update appveyor.yml to use dotnet tool install to install GitVersion.
    • Re-enable integration tests for SqlRSSetup and SqlRS when running against
      SQL Server 2019 (issue #1847).
    • The private function Import-SQLPSModule was replaced throughout with
      the public command Import-SqlDscPreferredModule (issue #1848).
    • Removed the regular expression features? from the GitVersion configuration.
      Before, if a fix commit mentioned the word feature but means a SQL Server
      feature GitVersion would bump minor instead of patch number.
    • Update pipeline script that is used to resolve dependencies.
    • When running in Azure Pipelines any existing SqlServer module is removed
      before running integration tests, so the tests can update to latest version.
    • Now the new label 'command proposal' is an exempt for labeling issues stale.
    • Update the initializing header for all integration test to be equal to
      the unit tests.
    • Rename task jobs in Azure Pipelines (issue #1881).
  • Get-SqlDscAudit
    • The parameter Name is no longer mandatory. When left out all the current
      audits are returned (issue #1812).
  • Import-SqlDscPreferredModule
    • Now correctly preserves paths that is set in the session for the environment
      variable $env:PSModulePath. If the module SqlServer or SQLPS are not
      found the command will populate the $env:PSModulePath with the
      unique paths from all targets; session, user, and machine. This is done
      so that any new path that was added to the machine or user target will
      also be set in the session.
    • Now imports the preferred module into the global scope so that MOF-based
      resources (that is in another module scope) can use the imported module.
    • Some code cleanup (issue #1881).


  • Assert-SetupActionProperties
    • Now throws an exception if the setup action is Install and the feature
      analysis services is specified without the parameter ASSysAdminAccounts
      (issue #1845).
    • Now throws an exception if the setup action is Install and the feature
      database engine is specified without the parameter SqlSysAdminAccounts.
  • Invoke-SetupAction
    • The parameter SqlSysAdminAccounts is no longer mandatory to allow
      installation where the database engine is not installed.
  • Install-SqlDscServer
    • The parameter SqlSysAdminAccounts is no longer mandatory to allow
      installation where the database engine is not installed.
  • SqlRS
    • Fixed issue of configuring reporting services (issue #1868).
    • Test renamed to When Reports virtual directory is different so it
      is more correct and not a duplicate.
    • Integration tests configuration names was renamed to better tell what
      the configuration does (issue #1880).
  • SqlServerDsc.Common
    • The command Restart-SqlService was updated to correctly evaluate when
      the timeout value is reached (issue #1889).


28 Mar 14:59
Choose a tag to compare
v16.2.0-preview0006 Pre-release



  • SqlServerDsc
    • New GitHub Actions workflow that run PSScriptAnalyzer for PRs so any
      issues are shown directly in the PR's changed files (issue #1860).
    • Added a separate integration test jobs for SQL Server Reporting Services
      to be able to test configuring SQL Server Reportings Services using
      other values that the default values.
    • Now updates GitHub Actions automatically by allowing dependabot sending
      in pull requests.


  • SqlServerDsc
    • Update appveyor.yml to use dotnet tool install to install GitVersion.
    • Re-enable integration tests for SqlRSSetup and SqlRS when running against
      SQL Server 2019 (issue #1847).
    • The private function Import-SQLPSModule was replaced throughout with
      the public command Import-SqlDscPreferredModule (issue #1848).
    • Removed the regular expression features? from the GitVersion configuration.
      Before, if a fix commit mentioned the word feature but means a SQL Server
      feature GitVersion would bump minor instead of patch number.
    • Update pipeline script that is used to resolve dependencies.
    • When running in Azure Pipelines any existing SqlServer module is removed
      before running integration tests, so the tests can update to latest version.
    • Now the new label 'command proposal' is an exempt for labeling issues stale.
    • Update the initializing header for all integration test to be equal to
      the unit tests.
    • Rename task jobs in Azure Pipelines (issue #1881).
  • Get-SqlDscAudit
    • The parameter Name is no longer mandatory. When left out all the current
      audits are returned (issue #1812).
  • Import-SqlDscPreferredModule
    • Now correctly preserves paths that is set in the session for the environment
      variable $env:PSModulePath. If the module SqlServer or SQLPS are not
      found the command will populate the $env:PSModulePath with the
      unique paths from all targets; session, user, and machine. This is done
      so that any new path that was added to the machine or user target will
      also be set in the session.
    • Now imports the preferred module into the global scope so that MOF-based
      resources (that is in another module scope) can use the imported module.
    • Some code cleanup (issue #1881).


  • Assert-SetupActionProperties
    • Now throws an exception if the setup action is Install and the feature
      analysis services is specified without the parameter ASSysAdminAccounts
      (issue #1845).
    • Now throws an exception if the setup action is Install and the feature
      database engine is specified without the parameter SqlSysAdminAccounts.
  • Invoke-SetupAction
    • The parameter SqlSysAdminAccounts is no longer mandatory to allow
      installation where the database engine is not installed.
  • Install-SqlDscServer
    • The parameter SqlSysAdminAccounts is no longer mandatory to allow
      installation where the database engine is not installed.
  • SqlRS
    • Fixed issue of configuring reporting services (issue #1868).
    • Test renamed to When Reports virtual directory is different so it
      is more correct and not a duplicate.
    • Integration tests configuration names was renamed to better tell what
      the configuration does (issue #1880).
  • SqlServerDsc.Common
    • The command Restart-SqlService was updated to correctly evaluate when
      the timeout value is reached (issue #1889).


26 Mar 17:37
Choose a tag to compare
v16.2.0-preview0005 Pre-release



  • SqlServerDsc
    • New GitHub Actions workflow that run PSScriptAnalyzer for PRs so any
      issues are shown directly in the PR's changed files (issue #1860).
    • Added a separate integration test jobs for SQL Server Reporting Services
      to be able to test configuring SQL Server Reportings Services using
      other values that the default values.
    • Now updates GitHub Actions automatically by allowing dependabot sending
      in pull requests.


  • SqlServerDsc
    • Update appveyor.yml to use dotnet tool install to install GitVersion.
    • Re-enable integration tests for SqlRSSetup and SqlRS when running against
      SQL Server 2019 (issue #1847).
    • The private function Import-SQLPSModule was replaced throughout with
      the public command Import-SqlDscPreferredModule (issue #1848).
    • Removed the regular expression features? from the GitVersion configuration.
      Before, if a fix commit mentioned the word feature but means a SQL Server
      feature GitVersion would bump minor instead of patch number.
    • Update pipeline script that is used to resolve dependencies.
    • When running in Azure Pipelines any existing SqlServer module is removed
      before running integration tests, so the tests can update to latest version.
    • Now the new label 'command proposal' is an exempt for labeling issues stale.
    • Update the initializing header for all integration test to be equal to
      the unit tests.
    • Rename task jobs in Azure Pipelines (issue #1881).
  • Get-SqlDscAudit
    • The parameter Name is no longer mandatory. When left out all the current
      audits are returned (issue #1812).
  • Import-SqlDscPreferredModule
    • Now correctly preserves paths that is set in the session for the environment
      variable $env:PSModulePath. If the module SqlServer or SQLPS are not
      found the command will populate the $env:PSModulePath with the
      unique paths from all targets; session, user, and machine. This is done
      so that any new path that was added to the machine or user target will
      also be set in the session.
    • Now imports the preferred module into the global scope so that MOF-based
      resources (that is in another module scope) can use the imported module.
    • Some code cleanup (issue #1881).


  • Assert-SetupActionProperties
    • Now throws an exception if the setup action is Install and the feature
      analysis services is specified without the parameter ASSysAdminAccounts
      (issue #1845).
    • Now throws an exception if the setup action is Install and the feature
      database engine is specified without the parameter SqlSysAdminAccounts.
  • Invoke-SetupAction
    • The parameter SqlSysAdminAccounts is no longer mandatory to allow
      installation where the database engine is not installed.
  • Install-SqlDscServer
    • The parameter SqlSysAdminAccounts is no longer mandatory to allow
      installation where the database engine is not installed.
  • SqlRS
    • Fixed issue of configuring reporting services (issue #1868).
    • Test renamed to When Reports virtual directory is different so it
      is more correct and not a duplicate.
    • Integration tests configuration names was renamed to better tell what
      the configuration does (issue #1880).