- New evaluation metrics;
- New evaluation on test set;
- New inference service with image upload;
- Bug fixes;
- sahi version bump;
- Bug fix with parameter grid on image callbacks and mod polymapper.
- Bug fixes on ModPolymapper training when some parts are frozen.
- Bug fix on ModPolyMapper when choosing not to evaluate while training.
- Added the option of freezing some parts of ModPolyMapper.
- Dependencies fix.
- New Mod PolyMapper model;
- Matching methods added;
- Evaluation methods added;
- New Naive Mod PolyMapper model (Object Detection + PolygonRNN);
- New Naive Mod Polymapper dataset;
- New callback: Frame Field Only Crossfield Warmup Callback;
- New inference processors for Object Detection and PolygonRNN;
- Bug fix on object detection model;
- Bug fix on bounding box mask building;
- Bug fix on polygon iou with invalid geometries;
- Minor code refactor;
- Bug fix on PolygonRNN polygon tokenizer.
- Bug fix on convert dataset;
- Bug fix on PolygonRNNDataset;
- Bug fix on PolygonRNNResultCallback when using gpu;
- Bug fix on PolygonRNNPLModel;
- Vector IOU;
- Polis metric added;
- IoU added to PolygonRNN training loop;
- Object detection visualization callback added;
- PolygonRNN visualization callback added;
- Bug fix on polygon building on build mask geometry handling;
- Bug fixes on SegLoss parameters;
- Dataset conversion added. It is possible to convert between some formats of dataset;
- Tversky Loss and Focal Tversky Loss added;
- LabelSmoothingLoss added;
- MixUpAugmentationLoss added;
- KnowledgeDistillationLoss added;
- Mixup augmentation added to Frame Field Model;
- Bug fixes on mask building;
- Bug fixes on detection model training.
- New mode on build masks;
- Minor improvements on polygonization methods;
- Inference server added;
- Gradient Centralization added;
- Object Detection added;
- Instance Segmentation added;
- PolygonRNN model added;
- Added the option of choosing the number of images on ImageCallback;
- Added the option of adding created masks to existing csv;
- Added the option of generating bounding boxes in create masks;
- Added the option of converting csv dataset to coco dataset;
- Fixes on requirements;
- Minor improvements and bug fixes on polygon building inference;
- Bug fixes on mask builder;
- Performance improvement on mask builder using coco format;
- Added inference features;
- Improved polygon inference;
- Changed the versions of pytorch and torchvision.
- Added MANIFEST.in to include missing yml on pypi packaging.
- Bug fix on loss sync;
- Custom models from Frame Field implementation (to compare training results);
- New HRNet-OCR-W48 backbone;
- Fixed bugs on new versions of pytorch-lightning;
- Build mask from COCO dataset format;
- Polygon inference
- Unittests to Polygon inference;
- Bug fixes warmup callback (invalid signature on method);
- FrameFieldResultCallback renamed to FrameFieldOverlayedResultCallback;
- New implementation of FrameFieldResultCallback;
- Invalid mask handling (frame field training mask with only polygon mask and empty vertex and boundary masks);
- Added multiple schedulers option;
- Added IoU 10, 25, 50, 75 and 90;
- Added GPU augmentation using kornia;
- Bug fixes when inputs are RGBA images;
- Bug fixes on frame field model with models other than U-Net;
- Bug fixes on FrameFieldResultCallback (all black image fixed).
- Added frame field training image visualization callback.
Bug fixes on missing entrypoints and mask process execution.
- FrameField dataset
- FrameField Learning
- Polygonization
Bug fixes on image callback when Pytorch Lightning DDP is used.
Bug fixes when Pytorch Lightning DDP is used.
- Custom metric option in the model config;
- pytorch_toolbelt added as required package. This enables usage of the models, losses and metrics in the training;
- Added the option of setting a limit of rows to be read in the csv dataset;
- Added the option of setting a root_dir to the dataset. This root_dir will be concatenated to the entry in the csv dataset before loading the image;
- Bug fixes on image_callback;
Fixes relative path bug on dataset
- ImageSegmentationResultCallback: Callback that logs the results of the training on TensorBoard and on saved files; and
- WarmupCallback: Applies freeze weight on encoder during callback epochs and then unfreezes the weights after the warmup epochs.
- Accuracy;
- Precision;
- Recall; and
- Jaccard Index (IoU).
First version of metrics added.
Bug fixes on dataset reading with prefix path.
Bug fix on entry points and --config-dir syntax.
Bug fix on Python's version.
Bug fix.
Framework based on Pytorch, Pytorch Lightning, segmentation_models.pytorch and hydra to train semantic segmentation models using yaml config files.