Fully featured kit to jump right into doing what you love.
The project is super helpful to kick-start your next project, as it provides a lot of the common tools you may reach for, all ready to go. Specifically:
- Flux architecture
- Routing and navigation
- React Navigation for native mobile navigation
- UI Toolkit/s
- Splash Screen + Assets
- Localization
- React i18next for multiple languages support
- Global Error Handle
- React Native Exception Handler for global error handling and logging
- run Android:
yarn android
- run iOS:
yarn ios
- set environments (production/staging/etc), change related configurations (default is production):
yarn env production
yarn env staging
- update app version, for example 1.4:
yarn update-ver <latest-version>
- update app build number, for example 5 (should be ran by Github Actions):
yarn update-build <latest-build-number>
- validate source code
yarn validate
- get SHA1 of keystores
yarn android-signing
- install ImageMagick
brew install imagemagick
yarn update-icons
- for splash screen, follow react-native-bootsplash
Follow rnfirebase