- done: as a user I want to render a collection of strings (in-memory arrays) as an HTML table
- done: as a user I want to render a collection of mixed data (string, number, datetime) (in-memory arrays) as an HTML table
- done: as a user I want to get columns name in header
- done: as a user I want to automatically display CRUD links on each row
- done: as a user I want to translate columns label
- done: as a user I want to translate actions label
- done: as a user I want to use router for action links
- wip: as a user I want to have a full documentation of the component
- todo: as a user I want to add classes to HTML tags
- as a user I want to use Doctrine as data source
- as a user I want to paginate results
- as a user I want to sort data by column names asc/desc
- as a user I want to filter string data with an input HTML tag using fuzzy match
- as a user I want to filter datetime data using datetime boundaries
- as a user I want to apply CRUD actions on multiple rows at the same time
- Create a well coded component using Domain Development Design.
- Make it highly extensible using open-close principle.
- Depend on strong libraries to keep code lightweight.
- Keep it open-source because I believe in it (license MIT).
- Cover 100% of code with tests.
- Keep as framework-agnostic as possible.
- Implement an AST with visitor capability
- Implement an easy way to build data grids
- Implement Twig renderer
- Implement standard data formatters
- Write some tests
- Improve exceptions (classes & messages)
- Implement a labels extension
- Implement an actions extension
- Add acceptance tests
- Add translator support
- Add HTML class visitor
- Add sorting capability to labels
- Implement a debug extension
- Implement a Doctrine factory
- Handle multi-columns/multi rows cells
- Implement a filter extension
- Manage data querying (sorting, filtering)
- Think about grouping data rows