Planned features for upcoming releases.
- Auto-discover ESO_HOME directory (only fail if it cannot be determined)
- Prompt the user for the ESO_HOME directory if it isn't configured and cannot be auto-discovered
- Search/Install new AddOns (initially from ESO-UI but maybe other sources as well -- configurable?)
- Ability to "auto-install" missing dependencies (
A separate desktop application with full Mod Manager capabilities
- Fully configurable
- ESO_HOME directory
- Archive directory -- where any archive ZIP files should be created
- Cache directory -- where we should download AddOn files during install
- Manage AddOns
- Manage SavedVariable Files
- View SavedVariable file contents
- Edit SavedVariable files
- Ability to have AddOn "profiles" which can be saved/swapped -- this would allow a user to create a "set" of AddOns and/or SavedVariables to be used for individual game sessions (unsure how useful this would be?)