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File metadata and controls

55 lines (45 loc) · 8.64 KB





Import JS

import { EbayDateTextbox } from "@ebay/ui-core-react/ebay-date-textbox";

Import following styles from SKIN

import "@ebay/skin/calendar";
import "@ebay/skin/date-textbox";
<EbayDateTextbox value="2024-01-05" />

<EbayDateTextbox range value="2024-01-05" rangeEnd="2024-02-04" />


Name Type Stateful Description Data
value Date, Number, String No Selected date for controlled component.
rangeEnd Date, Number, String No If range is true, the end of the selected range.
defaultValue Date, Number, String No Default selected date. Use it for not controlled component.
defaultRangeEnd Date, Number, String No Default end of the selected range. Use it for not controlled component.
range Boolean No True if selecting a range, false if a single value
locale String No Locale of the date picker, default to navigator.language
inputPlaceholderText String, String[] No Text for the input placeholder. Should indicate that users need to enter dates in ISO format. If separate placeholders are required for a range display, use an array of two strings (i. e. ["Start (YYYY-MM-DD)", "End (YYYY-MM-DD)"]).
collapseOnSelect Boolean No Whether the calendar should collapse after a date is selected
disableBefore Date No First date that may be selected
disableAfter Date No Last date that may be selected
disableWeekdays Number[] No List of weekdays that are disabled. Must be an array of numbers, where Sunday is 0 and Saturday is 6
disableList String[], Date[] No List of specific days that are disabled. Should be a list of ISO strings, but also accepts timestamps or Date objects
linkBuilder Function No Function used to build the href for each date. The function is passed the date as a Date object, and should return a url string. For dates that don't have a link, the function should return a falsy value
getA11yShowMonthText Function No Function used to get the text for showing previous and next months, defaults to Show ${monthName}
a11ySelectedText String No Text to be read by screen readers when a date is selected, defaults to Selected
a11yRangeStartText String No Text to be read by screen readers when a date is the start of a range, defaults to Start of range
a11yInRangeText String No Text to be read by screen readers when a date is in a range, defaults to in range
a11yRangeEndText String No Text to be read by screen readers when a date is the end of a range, defaults to End of range
a11yTodayText String No Text to be read by screen readers when a date is the current date, defaults to Today
a11yDisabledText String No Text to be read by screen readers when a date is disabled, defaults to inactive
a11ySeparator String No Text to be read by screen readers to separate properties, defaults to -
a11yOpenPopoverText String No Text to be read by screen readers for the button that opens the calendar popover
onChange Function - Triggered when the selection changes (event: Event, { selected?, rangeStart?, rangeEnd? })
onInputChange Function - Triggered when the input field is typed, use it for controlled components (event: Event)
onInputRangeEndChange Function - Triggered when the range end input field is typed, use it for controlled components (event: Event)