value |
Date, Number, String |
No |
Selected date for controlled component. |
rangeEnd |
Date, Number, String |
No |
If range is true, the end of the selected range. |
defaultValue |
Date, Number, String |
No |
Default selected date. Use it for not controlled component. |
defaultRangeEnd |
Date, Number, String |
No |
Default end of the selected range. Use it for not controlled component. |
range |
Boolean |
No |
True if selecting a range, false if a single value |
locale |
String |
No |
Locale of the date picker, default to navigator.language |
inputPlaceholderText |
String, String[] |
No |
Text for the input placeholder. Should indicate that users need to enter dates in ISO format. If separate placeholders are required for a range display, use an array of two strings (i. e. ["Start (YYYY-MM-DD)", "End (YYYY-MM-DD)"] ). |
collapseOnSelect |
Boolean |
No |
Whether the calendar should collapse after a date is selected |
disableBefore |
Date |
No |
First date that may be selected |
disableAfter |
Date |
No |
Last date that may be selected |
disableWeekdays |
Number[] |
No |
List of weekdays that are disabled. Must be an array of numbers, where Sunday is 0 and Saturday is 6 |
disableList |
String[], Date[] |
No |
List of specific days that are disabled. Should be a list of ISO strings, but also accepts timestamps or Date objects |
linkBuilder |
Function |
No |
Function used to build the href for each date. The function is passed the date as a Date object, and should return a url string. For dates that don't have a link, the function should return a falsy value |
getA11yShowMonthText |
Function |
No |
Function used to get the text for showing previous and next months, defaults to Show ${monthName} |
a11ySelectedText |
String |
No |
Text to be read by screen readers when a date is selected, defaults to Selected |
a11yRangeStartText |
String |
No |
Text to be read by screen readers when a date is the start of a range, defaults to Start of range |
a11yInRangeText |
String |
No |
Text to be read by screen readers when a date is in a range, defaults to in range |
a11yRangeEndText |
String |
No |
Text to be read by screen readers when a date is the end of a range, defaults to End of range |
a11yTodayText |
String |
No |
Text to be read by screen readers when a date is the current date, defaults to Today |
a11yDisabledText |
String |
No |
Text to be read by screen readers when a date is disabled, defaults to inactive |
a11ySeparator |
String |
No |
Text to be read by screen readers to separate properties, defaults to - |
a11yOpenPopoverText |
String |
No |
Text to be read by screen readers for the button that opens the calendar popover |
onChange |
Function |
- |
Triggered when the selection changes |
(event: Event, { selected?, rangeStart?, rangeEnd? }) |
onInputChange |
Function |
- |
Triggered when the input field is typed, use it for controlled components |
(event: Event) |
onInputRangeEndChange |
Function |
- |
Triggered when the range end input field is typed, use it for controlled components |
(event: Event) |