- Remove snap packaging (6eeb2ceβ¦)
BREAKING CHANGE: Remove snap packaging
- New Provision Watchers tab
- Add Provision Watchers tab to Metadata (a321165β¦)
- Fields for Provision Watcher Tab DTO (f7e57ebβ¦)
- Additional changes for add Provision Watchers tab to Metadata (e723d52β¦)
- Note: This feature is still not 100% functional
- Use the AuthData from the incoming request for DeviceProfileClient (1ad20d6β¦)
- Adaptation to V3 true/false for ds-pushevent ds-returnevent (9f0eca7β¦)
- Fix request of a service configuration (e38cd2bβ¦)
- Update Attribution.txt for missing items (ddc1dffβ¦)
- Update to the latest go mods and adjust code as needed (469e73aβ¦)
- Upgrade to go-1.21 and Alpine 3.18 (db6b7c2β¦)
- Add -trimpath to improve binary reproducibility of edgex-ui server (301164aβ¦)
- Add test ts file (e1eb71eβ¦)
- Add automated release workflow on tag creation (77b77abβ¦)
- Remove System Management tab (#8c6ddf9)
- Update URL for authentication tokens for EdgeX 3.0 (#1caef93)
- snap: Upgrade env file path for v3 edgex-snap-hooks compatibility (#ace7528)
- Consume get command query parameters change (#4460155)
- Update to v3 modules and API (#4894b16)
- snap: Switch to yaml config, upgrade go (#602) (#5f22931)
- snap: Update command and metadata sourcing (#596) (#3117862)
- snap: Refactor and upgrade to edgex-snap-hooks v3 (#587) (#5cbf8b5)
- Replace slack chat with github discussion (#e86c7ff)
- snap: Copy license and attribution (#603) (#b9ee93b)
- snap: Upgrade snap base to core22 (#599) (#600) (#3b11f58)
- Add onvif and llrp protocol templates (#de42bb9)
- Adding health check when navigating to Dashboard and app-service module (#1f5faa1)
- snap: Support for snap options to set environment variables (#553) (#d7c7e54)
- Add basic testing case for each component or directive (#308eeb8)
- Typo on dev server target names (#41b0feb)
- Reset operationStatus when http call returns (#b529499)
- Remove idle sleep during page load (#260e99f)
- The backend server of GUI (#555) (#7068460)
- Splitting big device management component into small components (#d0dddad)
- Update README (#565) (#387dee6)
- Mention angular-cli issue with dev ser (#23fd923)
- Add info to README about Makefile (#f996a4e)
- Test and build web UI (#2224fa5)
- Automate Angular test/build (#002fc90)
- Copy Attribution.txt and LICENSE into Docker image (#48be4b6)
- Upgrade to go 1.18 and optimize attribution script (#60a8b53)
- Add Blubracket ignore file to ignore generated files (#3a9bbc7)
- Configure Docker for CI builds (#ece44cb)
- Add Content-Security-Policy request header (#e242a1d)
- Add security response header and cache control header and remove Authorization request header under unsecure mode (#f2a648b)
- Add GUI testing code (#c9d48a8)
- Add ability to turn on/off popup messages #474 (#491) (#51fdecd)
- Fix update of Name and Description on device (#a297fae)
- Remove OperatingState property when new device adding and only show it when editing (#dce5d0b)
- Ruleengine refactor (#502) (#3fc63fb)
- snap: source metadata from central repo (#61e021d)
- Support both secure and insecure mode (#7f732f6)
- Update system-agent module achieving all services list instead of hard-code and remove dead codes in system agent component (#8a3e9f3)
- Update app-service and system-agent service to support achieving service list or app service list from backend server instead of hard-code (#719f28b)
- Update whole app-service module with new method achieving app service from backend server instead of hard-code names of app service (#ff278cd)
- Add contracts support achieving all register services (#b4db086)
- Add backend support for achieving register service endpoints from register center (#701ea96)
- Add snap support (#436) (#a8de897)
- Update all select boxes with custom-select CSS style (#de522fe)
- Remove search conditions by catagories (#5d6ab8b)
- Move profileNames space character check to profile combo list component (#72568e1)
- Update device-combo-list component to support device selected in pipeline-function component (#16dd423)
- Add new component device profile combo list supporting in app svc configuration module used for users selecting multiple profiles (#764ebff)
- Add drag-drop zone highlight directives to improve user experience when users use drag-drop function to select pipeline functions (#ed68206)
- Can't set pipeline functions parameters when params value changed (#032aeb1)
- Pipeline functions configurable updates error (#f003326)
- Can't send put command when user not set the parameters, changed to use default value when users not setting this value (#8ba7dec)
- Add modbus device failed without timeout and Idletimeout fields, and fix wrong event resource range when device profile is changed (#5e0f9f4)
- Selected all and select one method with wrong logic when pagenation is changed (#1ea48bd)
- Not work properly on selectAll and single select operation (#3cd8aa0)
- All datagrid and pagination not working as expected (#d3b4d40)
- GUI backend server can not update app configurable (#0887a2a)
- Default app svc on register center return the configurable with some fields values like func executer order, selected profiles or device names containing space character result failing parsing (#418ef8e)
- The whole app svc service had been refactor (#4e4d5f8)
- The whole backend of app svc config had been refactored, unused and dead code is removed (#3651550)
- The whole app service module, include app list component and app svc configurable component have been refactored (#a441ce0)
- Add snap/README.md and update README.md (#470) (#26e4c85)
- Update build status badge (#28720a3)
- snap: remove replicated JWT instructions (#484) (#7cabfbe)
- Update to released versions of go-mods (#b7a6193)
- Update intervalaction with new field adminState to match edgex v2 updates (#456f546)
- Add the route path configuration of app service (#0733ae0)
- Add relevant message prompts when no data stream is available (#77fdb37)
- Add new component for reading of device (#2ce0ec1)
- Add new component for events of device (#f517c96)
- Adding new app-service model (#6c2af2e)
- Update the range of autoevent resource value, including both device resource and device command (#fa57b5b)
- Add unknown value to device operatingstate (#74b5e35)
- Update the range of autoevent resource value, including both device resource and device command (#4bddd06)
- Can't properly assign email address value (#b5eb532)
- Remove export preview section (#94279a2)
- Add provision watcher module for device auto discover (#6fc98ff)
- Basic feature of subscription list component (#03d6e45)
- Basic features of notification component (#d4ee7f0)
- Init notification module (#a2c3d36)
- Add pagination feature for device list component (#3302c63)
- Add interval module and interval action module (#303d1fb)
- Add all http methods of scheduler (#c6029ef)
- Add basic pagination for device profile (#4699a8f)
- Interval init failed (#8bf92a8)
- Not return properly error message when user can not add a new one profile through UI backend (#fa86b0a)
- Can't render device list properly when click the tab panel title and command card, autoevent card not hide properly when delete one selected device (#2d1253c)
- Incorrect URL path splicing (#3fb3b99)
- Can't update device profile (#577cd05)
- Not give user error message when operate get error message (#1f68ba2)
- Not render successfully when interval action editable template selected (#d8362eb)
- Id not uniqued for addressHost And addressPort (#8c75117)
- All pagination selected box not works as expected and selected items doesn't be clean when executes delete operation success (#49c4d70)
- Popover component can't hide when skip to other component (#6fe2336)
- RunOnce not display when it's value is false (#0bb3d2f)
- Select unbind value of component automatically (#34a190f)
- Fix request format (#f7f8775)
- Fix wrong url spell (#38a7ce0)
- Exchange interval and interval action in all responses interface (#e4b6b14)
- Can't select device profile (#02320a7)
- Profile editor save button not work sometimes (#31d26ff)
- Update config and metrics to match edgex updated (#77eda86)
- Update ui backend server (#a546907)
- Move pkg to outside of interval package (#5286d0b)
- Update router path for metric and config (#5b0d1ae)
- Replace string constant with variables (#7e8cb25)
- Increase the delay time for focusout (#3b21f13)
- Update the way to show combo list (#f560a04)
- Update the render method of interval-combo-list component (#a4e7631)
- Change the module import order (#5d03192)
- Change device service item of menu to metadata (#b0774a3)
- Update metadata module to match edgex v2 (#8353ca6)
- Replace device-service module with metadata module and change older device-service-list name to device-service-media-list name and add new device-service-list component (#91f73f9)
- datepickr init (#5736ffa)
- Replace scheduler with interval (#033741d)
- Add badges to readme (#e506f75)
- Replace broken link in pull request template (#3403b5c)
- Extend configuration for edgex services to include uri/path.