diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 63b3b9cc..9e9c4feb 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -189,3 +189,4 @@ dist
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 249b96f3..057241da 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -70,6 +70,10 @@
npm install patronum
+# or
+yarn add patronum
+# or
+pnpm add patronum
Next just import methods from `"patronum"` and use it:
@@ -82,789 +86,11 @@ const userLoadFx = createEffect();
const $status = status({ effect: userLoadFx });
-## 🐞 Debug and log
-Sometimes we need to log each event and change in our application, here we need to install [`effector-logger`](https://github.com/effector/logger):
-npm install --dev effector-logger
-We have some variants how to use logger to debug our applications. Please, don't merge all variants, **it's not compatible**!
-### 1. Temporarily change imports in certain modules
-If we need to debug just some list of modules, we can just replace `effector` import to `effector-logger`:
--import { createStore, createEvent, sample } from 'effector'
-+import { createStore, createEvent, sample } from 'effector-logger'
-import { spread } from 'patronum'
-Next just open the Console in browser DevTools. But here we see strange names of the stores and events like "ashg7d".
-This means we need to use [effector babel plugin](https://effector.dev/docs/api/effector/babel-plugin/).
-> Note: You don't need to install it separately, because its bundled into effector package.
-// .babelrc
- plugins: [
- ['effector/babel-plugin', { importName: 'effector-logger' }], // Just add this line into your .babelrc or babel.config.js plugins section.
- ],
- presets: [
- 'patronum/babel-preset', // Add this line at the end of the all presets
- ],
-### 2. Use `effector-logger/babel-plugin` to automatically replace all imports in development
-But some projects already use `effector/babel-plugin`, and for correct work with `effector-logger` we need **just one** instance of babel plugin.
-This means that [effector-logger has its own babel-plugin](https://github.com/effector/logger#usage).
-**Don't use `effector/babel-plugin` simultaneously with `effector-logger/babel-plugin`!** Use just one at the time, for example: for the dev environment use `effector-logger/babel-plugin`, but for production use `effector/babel-plugin`.
- How to setup `.babelrc`
-// .babelrc
- presets: [
- 'patronum/babel-preset', // Add this line at the end of the all presets in the root of the file
- ],
- env: {
- development: {
- plugins: [
- ['effector-logger/babel-plugin', {}], // In the curly brackets you can pass options for logger AND effector
- ],
- },
- production: {
- plugins: [
- ['effector/babel-plugin', {}], // In the curly brackets you can pass options for effector
- ],
- },
- },
-If you need to pass factories, here you need to duplicate your array:
-// .babelrc
- env: {
- development: {
- plugins: [
- [
- 'effector-logger/babel-plugin',
- {
- effector: {
- factories: ['src/shared/lib/compare', 'src/shared/lib/timing'],
- },
- },
- ],
- ],
- },
- production: {
- plugins: [
- [
- 'effector/babel-plugin',
- { factories: ['src/shared/lib/compare', 'src/shared/lib/timing'] },
- ],
- ],
- },
- },
-Also, you need to build your project with `BABEL_ENV=development` for dev and `BABEL_ENV=production` for prod, to choose the appropriate option in the `"env"` section.
-Relative links:
-- https://babeljs.io/docs/en/options#env
-- https://babeljs.io/docs/en/config-files
- How to setup `babel.config.js`
-module.exports = (api) => {
- const isDev = api.env('development');
- return {
- presets: [
- // Add next line at the end of presets list
- 'patronum/babel-preset',
- ],
- plugins: [
- // Add next lines at the end of the plugins list
- isDev ? ['effector-logger/babel-plugin', {}] : ['effector/babel-plugin', {}],
- ],
- };
-If you want to pass factories to the effector plugin, you need just put it to the variable:
-module.exports = (api) => {
- const isDev = api.env('development');
- // Here your factories
- const factories = ['src/shared/lib/compare', 'src/shared/lib/timing'];
- return {
- plugins: [
- isDev
- ? // All effector options passed into `effector` property
- ['effector-logger/babel-plugin', { effector: { factories } }]
- : ['effector/babel-plugin', { factories }],
- ],
- };
-Also, you need to build your project with `BABEL_ENV=development` for dev and `BABEL_ENV=production` for prod, to choose the appropriate option in the `"env"` section.
-Relative links:
-- https://babeljs.io/docs/en/options#env
-- https://babeljs.io/docs/en/config-files
-### 3. CRA support with [macros](https://github.com/kentcdodds/babel-plugin-macros)
-[`babel-plugin-macros`](https://github.com/kentcdodds/babel-plugin-macros) is bundled into CRA, so we can use it due CRA don't support adding babel plugins into `.babelrc` or `babel.config.js`.
-Just import from `patronum/macro` and `effector-logger/macro`, and use as early:
-import { createStore, createEffect, sample } from 'effector-logger/macro';
-import { status, splitMap, combineEvents } from 'patronum/macro';
-> - Warning: babel-plugin-macros do not support `import * as name`!
-> - Note: Since release of patronum@2.0.0 it is required to use babel-plugin-macros@3.0.0 or higher.
-> - Please note, that react-scripts@4.0.3 and older **uses outdated version** of this plugin - you can either use [yarn resolutions](https://classic.yarnpkg.com/lang/en/docs/selective-version-resolutions/) or use react-scripts@5.0.0 or higher.
## Migration guide
- show / hide
-### v2.0.0
-Removed support of effector v21. Now the minimum supported version is `v22.1.2`.
-### v0.110
-From `v0.110.0` patronum removed support of effector v20. Now minimum supported version is `v21.4`.
-Please, before upgrade review release notes of [`effector v21`](https://github.com/effector/effector/releases/tag/effector%4021.0.0).
-### v0.100
-From `v0.100.0` patronum introduced object arguments form with **BREAKING CHANGES**. Please, review [migration guide](./MIGRATION.md) before upgrade from `v0.14.x` on your project.
-## Condition
-[Method documentation & API](/src/condition)
-import { createEvent } from 'effector';
-import { condition } from 'patronum/condition';
-const trigger = createEvent();
-const longString = createEvent();
-const shortString = createEvent();
- source: trigger,
- if: (string) => string.length > 6,
- then: longString,
- else: shortString,
-longString.watch((str) => console.log('long', str));
-shortString.watch((str) => console.log('short', str));
-trigger('hi'); // => short hi
-trigger('welcome'); // => long welcome
-[Try it](https://share.effector.dev/vGMekp9H 'in playground')
-## Delay
-[Method documentation & API](/src/delay)
-import { createEvent } from 'effector';
-import { delay } from 'patronum/delay';
-const trigger = createEvent(); // createStore or createEffect
-// `timeout` also supports (payload) => number and Store
-const delayed = delay({ source: trigger, timeout: 300 });
-delayed.watch((payload) => console.info('triggered', payload));
-// after 300ms
-// => triggered hello
-[Try it](https://share.effector.dev/vWwXoL4n)
-## Debounce
-[Method documentation & API](/src/debounce)
-import { createEvent } from 'effector';
-import { debounce } from 'patronum/debounce';
-// You should call this event
-const trigger = createEvent();
-const target = debounce({ source: trigger, timeout: 200 });
-target.watch((payload) => console.info('debounced', payload));
-// after 200ms
-// => debounced 4
-[Try it](https://share.effector.dev/ZFXJbv1b)
-## Throttle
-[Method documentation & API](/src/throttle)
-import { createEvent } from 'effector';
-import { throttle } from 'patronum/throttle';
-// You should call this event
-const trigger = createEvent();
-const target = throttle({ source: trigger, timeout: 200 });
-target.watch((payload) => console.info('throttled', payload));
-// 200ms after trigger(1)
-// => throttled 4
-[Try it](https://share.effector.dev/OH0TUJUH)
-## Interval
-[Method documentation & API](/src/interval)
-import { createStore, createEvent } from 'effector';
-import { interval } from 'patronum';
-const startCounter = createEvent();
-const stopCounter = createEvent();
-const $counter = createStore(0);
-const { tick } = interval({
- timeout: 500,
- start: startCounter,
- stop: stopCounter,
-$counter.on(tick, (number) => number + 1);
-$counter.watch((value) => console.log('COUNTER', value));
-setTimeout(() => stopCounter(), 5000);
-[Try it](https://share.effector.dev/EOVzc3df)
-## Debug
-[Method documentation & API](/src/debug)
-import { createStore, createEvent, createEffect } from 'effector';
-import { debug } from 'patronum/debug';
-const event = createEvent();
-const effect = createEffect().use((payload) => Promise.resolve('result' + payload));
-const $store = createStore(0)
- .on(event, (state, value) => state + value)
- .on(effect.done, (state) => state * 10);
-debug($store, event, effect);
-// => [store] $store 1
-// => [event] event 5
-// => [store] $store 6
-// => [effect] effect demo
-// => [effect] effect.done {"params":"demo", "result": "resultdemo"}
-// => [store] $store 60
-[Try it](https://share.effector.dev/iFi3CahC)
-## Status
-[Method documentation & API](/src/status)
-import { createEvent, createEffect } from 'effector';
-import { status } from 'patronum/status';
-const effect = createEffect().use(() => Promise.resolve(null));
-const $status = status({ effect });
-$status.watch((value) => console.log(`status: ${value}`));
-// => status: "initial"
-// => status: "pending"
-// => status: "done"
-[Try it](https://share.effector.dev/6VRR39iC)
-## Spread
-[Method documentation & API](/src/spread)
-import { createEvent, createStore } from 'effector';
-import { spread } from 'patronum/spread';
-const trigger = createEvent<{ first: string; second: string }>();
-const $first = createStore('');
-const $second = createStore('');
- source: trigger,
- targets: {
- first: $first,
- second: $second,
- },
-trigger({ first: 'Hello', second: 'World' });
-$first.watch(console.log); // => Hello
-$second.watch(console.log); // => World
-[Try it](https://share.effector.dev/DmiLrYAC)
-## Snapshot
-[Method documentation & API](/src/snapshot)
-import { restore, createEvent } from 'effector';
-import { snapshot } from 'patronum/snapshot';
-const changeText = createEvent();
-const createSnapshot = createEvent();
-const $original = restore(changeText, 'Example');
-const $snapshot = snapshot({
- source: $original,
- clock: createSnapshot,
-changeText('New text');
-// $original -> Store with "New text"
-// $snapshot -> Store with "Example"
-// $original -> Store with "New text"
-// $snapshot -> Store with "New text"
+Patronum had 3 breaking changes: 1) from `0.14` to `0.100`, 2) from `0.100` to `0.110`, 3) from `0.110` to `1.0`
-[Try it](https://share.effector.dev/HcsNyGfM)
-## CombineEvents
-[Method documentation & API](/src/combine-events)
-Call target event when all event from object/array is triggered
-import { createEvent } from 'effector';
-import { combineEvents } from 'patronum/combine-events';
-const event1 = createEvent();
-const event2 = createEvent();
-const event3 = createEvent();
-const reset = createEvent();
-const event = combineEvents({
- reset,
- events: {
- event1,
- event2,
- event3,
- },
-event.watch((object) => console.log('triggered', object));
-event1(true); // nothing
-event2('demo'); // nothing
-event3(5); // => triggered { event1: true, event2: "demo", event3: 5 }
-event1(true); // nothing
-event2('demo'); // nothing
-event3(5); // nothing
-event1(true); // nothing
-event2('demo'); // nothing
-event3(5); // => triggered { event1: true, event2: "demo", event3: 5 }
-[Try it](https://share.effector.dev/nzc276i0)
-## Every
-[Method documentation & API](/src/every)
-import { createStore } from 'effector';
-import { every } from 'patronum/every';
-const $isPasswordCorrect = createStore(true);
-const $isEmailCorrect = createStore(true);
-const $isFormCorrect = every([$isPasswordCorrect, $isEmailCorrect], true);
-$isFormCorrect.watch(console.log); // => true
-[Try it](https://share.effector.dev/Q9ZZSXoZ)
-## InFlight
-[Method documentation & API](/src/in-flight)
-import { createEffect } from 'effector';
-import { inFlight } from 'patronum/in-flight';
-const firstFx = createEffect().use(() => Promise.resolve(1));
-const secondFx = createEffect().use(() => Promise.resolve(2));
-const $allInFlight = inFlight({ effects: [firstFx, secondFx] });
-// => 3
-// => 2
-// => 1
-// => 0
-[Try it](https://share.effector.dev/NYNJEbpH)
-## Pending
-[Method documentation & API](/src/pending)
-import { createEffect } from 'effector';
-import { pending } from 'patronum/pending';
-const loadFirst = createEffect().use(() => Promise.resolve(null));
-const loadSecond = createEffect().use(() => Promise.resolve(2));
-const $processing = pending({ effects: [loadFirst, loadSecond] });
-$processing.watch((processing) => console.info(`processing: ${processing}`));
-// => processing: false
-// => processing: true
-// => processing: false
-[Try it](https://share.effector.dev/TaxOi6nT)
-## Some
-[Method documentation & API](/src/some)
-import { createStore, restore, createEvent } from 'effector';
-import { some } from 'patronum/some';
-const widthSet = createEvent();
-const $width = restore(widthSet, 820);
-const $height = createStore(620);
-const $tooBig = some({
- predicate: (size) => size > 800,
- stores: [$width, $height],
-$tooBig.watch((big) => console.log('big', big)); // => big true
-// => big false
-[Try it](https://share.effector.dev/NBxHl8xR)
-## Reshape
-[Method documentation & API](/src/reshape)
-import { createStore } from 'effector';
-import { reshape } from 'patronum/reshape';
-const $original = createStore('Hello world');
-const parts = reshape({
- source: $original,
- shape: {
- length: (string) => string.length,
- first: (string) => string.split(' ')[0] || '',
- second: (string) => string.split(' ')[1] || '',
- },
-parts.length.watch(console.info); // 11
-parts.first.watch(console.log); // "Hello"
-parts.second.watch(console.log); // "world"
-[Try it](https://share.effector.dev/VbNg7nlV)
-## SplitMap
-[Method documentation & API](/src/split-map)
-import { createEvent } from 'effector';
-import { splitMap } from 'patronum/split-map';
-type Action =
- | { type: 'update'; content: string }
- | { type: 'created'; value: number }
- | { type: 'another' };
-const serverActionReceived = createEvent();
-const received = splitMap({
- source: serverActionReceived,
- cases: {
- update: (action) => (action.type === 'update' ? action.content : undefined),
- created: (action) => (action.type === 'created' ? action.value : undefined),
- },
-received.update.watch((payload) =>
- console.info('update received with content:', payload),
-received.created.watch((payload) => console.info('created with value:', payload));
-received.__.watch((payload) => console.info('unknown action received:', payload));
-serverActionReceived({ type: 'created', value: 1 });
-// => created with value: 1
-serverActionReceived({ type: 'update', content: 'demo' });
-// => update received with content: "demo"
-serverActionReceived({ type: 'another' });
-// => unknown action received: { type: "another" }
-[Try it](https://share.effector.dev/RRf57lK4)
-## Time
-[Method documentation & API](/src/time)
-import { createEvent } from 'effector';
-import { time } from 'patronum/time';
-const readTime = createEvent();
-const $now = time({ clock: readTime });
-$now.watch((now) => console.log('Now is:', now));
-// => Now is: 1636914286675
-// => Now is: 1636914300691
-[Try it](https://share.effector.dev/BFlhNGvk)
-## Format
-[Method documentation & API](/src/format)
-import { createStore } from 'effector';
-import { format } from 'patronum';
-const $firstName = createStore('John');
-const $lastName = createStore('Doe');
-const $fullName = format`${$firstName} ${$lastName}`;
-// => John Doe
-[Try it](https://share.effector.dev/IafeiFkF)
-## Reset
-[Method documentation & API](/src/reset)
-import { createEvent, createStore } from 'effector';
-import { reset } from 'patronum/reset';
-const pageUnmounted = createEvent();
-const userSessionFinished = createEvent();
-const $post = createStore(null);
-const $comments = createStore([]);
-const $draftComment = createStore('');
- clock: [pageUnmounted, userSessionFinished],
- target: [$post, $comments, $draftComment],
-[Try it](https://share.effector.dev/06hpVftG)
-## And
-[Method documentation & API](/src/and)
-const $isAuthorized = createStore(true);
-const $isAdmin = createStore(false);
-const $orderFinished = createStore(true);
-const $showCancelButton = and($isAuthorized, $isAdmin, $orderFinished);
-console.assert(false === $showCancelButton.getState());
-[Try it](https://share.effector.dev/YbahaYCO)
-## Empty
-[Method documentation & API](/src/empty)
-const $account = createStore(null);
-const $anonymous = empty($account);
-const $authorized = not($anonymous);
-console.assert(true === $anonymous.getState());
-console.assert(false === $authorized.getState());
-[Try it](https://share.effector.dev/aY8yRLP9)
-## Equals
-[Method documentation & API](/src/equals)
-const $first = createStore('foo bar');
-const $isEquals = equals($first, 'foo bar');
-console.assert(true === $isEquals.getState());
-[Try it](https://share.effector.dev/UtAWVd9r)
-## Not
-[Method documentation & API](/src/not)
-const $isFinished = createStore(false);
-const $stillGoingOn = not($isFinished);
-console.assert(true === $stillGoingOn.getState());
-[Try it](https://share.effector.dev/qpTZAzXC)
-## Or
-[Method documentation & API](/src/or)
-const $isAuthorized = createStore(true);
-const $immediateOrder = createStore(false);
-const $mocksForDemo = createStore(false);
-const $allowedToShow = or($isAuthorized, $immediateOrder, $mocksForDemo);
-console.assert(true === $allowedToShow.getState());
-[Try it](https://share.effector.dev/H9cDYEp5)
-## Either
-[Method documentation & API](/src/either)
-const $showLatest = createStore(false);
-const $latestTweets = createStore([]);
-const $recommendedTweets = createStore([]);
-export const $tweets = either($showLatest, $latestTweets, $recommendedTweets);
-[Try it](https://share.effector.dev/NGmPTxSG)
+We have [migration guide](./migration-guide.md).
# Development
@@ -877,7 +103,3 @@ You can review [CONTRIBUTING.md](./CONTRIBUTING.md)
1. Update labels for PRs and titles, next [manually run the release drafter action](https://github.com/effector/patronum/actions/workflows/release-drafter.yml) to regenerate the draft release.
1. Review the new version and press "Publish"
1. If required check "Create discussion for this release"
diff --git a/MIGRATION.md b/website/src/pages/docs/migration-guide.md
similarity index 79%
rename from MIGRATION.md
rename to website/src/pages/docs/migration-guide.md
index 56b862fe..a8ed0254 100644
--- a/MIGRATION.md
+++ b/website/src/pages/docs/migration-guide.md
@@ -1,11 +1,24 @@
-# Migration guide from `v0.14+`
+# Migration guide
-npm install patronum@next
+### v1.0.0
+Removed support of effector v21. Now the minimum supported version is `v22.1.2`.
+No breaking changes in code.
+### v0.110
+From `v0.110.0` patronum removed support of effector v20. Now minimum supported version is `v21.4`.
+Please, before upgrade review release notes of [`effector v21`](https://github.com/effector/effector/releases/tag/effector%4021.0.0).
+### v0.100
+From `v0.100.0` patronum introduced object arguments form with **BREAKING CHANGES**.
-yarn add patronum@next
+npm install patronum@0.14.3
+# or
+yarn add patronum@0.14.3
@@ -15,20 +28,20 @@ yarn add patronum@next
import { throttle } from 'patronum/throttle';
-### Previous version `v0.14.x`
+#### Previous version `v0.14.x`
const throttled = throttle(source, timeout);
-### Current version `v0.102.x`
+#### Current version `v0.102.x`
const throttled = throttle({ source, timeout });
// Also you can set target
-const throttled = createEvent(); // or any unit
-throttle({ source, timeout, target: throttled });
+const throttled2 = createEvent(); // or any unit
+throttle({ source, timeout, target: throttled2 });
- Wrap `source` and `timeout` arguments to object
@@ -45,13 +58,13 @@ https://github.com/sergeysova/patronum/pull/31
import { debounce } from 'patronum/debounce';
-### Previous version `v0.14.x`
+#### Previous version `v0.14.x`
const debounced = debounce(source, timeout);
-### Current version `v0.102.x`
+#### Current version `v0.102.x`
const debounced = debounce({ source, timeout });
@@ -75,7 +88,7 @@ https://github.com/sergeysova/patronum/pull/38
import { splitMap } from 'patronum/split-map';
-### Previous version `v0.14.x`
+#### Previous version `v0.14.x`
const received = splitMap(nameReceived, {
@@ -84,7 +97,7 @@ const received = splitMap(nameReceived, {
-### Current version `v0.102.x`
+#### Current version `v0.102.x`
const received = splitMap({
@@ -92,7 +105,8 @@ const received = splitMap({
cases: {
firstName: (string) => string.split(' ')[0], // string | undefined
lastName: (string) => string.split(' ')[1], // string | undefined
- });
+ },
- First argument should be `source`
@@ -109,13 +123,13 @@ https://github.com/sergeysova/patronum/pull/41
import { some } from 'patronum/some';
-### Previous version `v0.14.x`
+#### Previous version `v0.14.x`
const $tooBig = some((size) => size > 800, [$width, $height]);
-### Current version `v0.102.x`
+#### Current version `v0.102.x`
const $tooBig = some({
@@ -138,14 +152,14 @@ https://github.com/sergeysova/patronum/pull/43
import { every } from 'patronum/every';
-### Previous version `v0.14.x`
+#### Previous version `v0.14.x`
const $result = every(true, [$a, $b, $c]);
const $result = every(() => true, [$a, $b, $c]);
-### Current version `v0.102.x`
+#### Current version `v0.102.x`
const $result = every({ predicate: true, stores: [$a, $b, $c] });
@@ -166,14 +180,14 @@ https://github.com/sergeysova/patronum/pull/50
import { delay } from 'patronum/delay';
-### Previous version `v0.14.x`
+#### Previous version `v0.14.x`
const delayed = delay(unit, 100);
const logDelayed = delay(unit, { time: (payload) => 100 });
-### Current version `v0.102.x`
+#### Current version `v0.102.x`
const delayed = delay({
@@ -208,13 +222,13 @@ https://github.com/sergeysova/patronum/pull/51
import { status } from 'patronum/status';
-### Previous version `v0.14.x`
+#### Previous version `v0.14.x`
const $status = status(effect, 'initial');
-### Current version `v0.102.x`
+#### Current version `v0.102.x`
const $status = status({ effect, defaultValue: 'initial' });
@@ -234,7 +248,7 @@ https://github.com/sergeysova/patronum/pull/55
import { reshape } from 'patronum/reshape';
-### Previous version `v0.14.x`
+#### Previous version `v0.14.x`
const parts = reshape($original, {
@@ -244,7 +258,7 @@ const parts = reshape($original, {
-### Current version `v0.102.x`
+#### Current version `v0.102.x`
const parts = reshape({
@@ -271,7 +285,7 @@ https://github.com/sergeysova/patronum/pull/57
import { combineEvents } from 'patronum/combine-events';
-### Previous version `v0.14.x`
+#### Previous version `v0.14.x`
const target = combineEvents([first, second, third]);
@@ -281,7 +295,7 @@ const target = combineEvents({
-### Current version `v0.102.x`
+#### Current version `v0.102.x`
const target = combineEvents({ events: [first, second, third] });
@@ -306,7 +320,7 @@ https://github.com/sergeysova/patronum/pull/58
import { spread } from 'patronum/spread';
-### Previous version `v0.14.x`
+#### Previous version `v0.14.x`
spread(formReceived, {
@@ -320,7 +334,7 @@ const source = spread({
-### Current version `v0.102.x`
+#### Current version `v0.102.x`
@@ -340,10 +354,13 @@ const source = spread({
1. If you have two arguments:
- - First argument should be `source` in object
- - Second argument should be `targets`
+- First argument should be `source` in object
+- Second argument should be `targets`
1. If only one argument:
- - Wrap it to object and assign to `targets`
+- Wrap it to object and assign to `targets`