First of all, fork the project on your github (click on the star 🌟)
Before starting, make sure to git clone, you can follow the steps below to create a clone and switch branches:
git clone BacenSimulator
cd BacenSimulator
git checkout -b your-branch-name
There are two ways you can proceed, use:
npm i
to install the updated modules, or:
npm ci
to install from package-lock!
To run the migrations there are a few commands before starting using. They are:
npm run migration:run
To create tables, and:
npm run migration:seed
To insert some testing values on db. To run both of them at the same time, run:
npm run migration
We use turbo to manage all apps. To start the project, you can run on your terminal:
npm run start
Or, if you are developing, run:
npm run dev
We provide a bunch of tests E2E to our systems, aiming on the developer experience. The developer can run all tests when needed(developing the repo, or not):
npm run test
npm run test:watch
To avoid straying too far from the commit structure, when you finish your changes, use the command to add (git add
) followed by (remember to run the installation of dependencies):
npm run commit
Just follow commitzen's steps to make your message look beautiful. And then, continue with the push to your fork branch!