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GPU: graphical processing unit implementation

This document provides detailed info about the GPU implementation of axon, which allows the same Go codebase to run on CPU and GPU. gosl converts the existing Go code into HLSL shader code, along with hand-written HLSL glue code in gpu_wgsl, all of which ends up in the shaders directory. The go generate command in the axon subdirectory, or equivalent make all target in the shaders directory, must be called whenever the main codebase changes. The .wgsl files are compiled via glslc into SPIR-V .spv files that are embedded into the axon library and loaded by the vgpu Vulkan GPU framework.

To add GPU support to an existing simulation, add these lines to the end of the ConfigGUI method to run in GUI mode:

	ss.GUI.FinalizeGUI(false) // existing -- insert below vvv
	if GPU { // GPU is global bool var flag at top -- or true if always using
		core.TheApp.AddQuitCleanFunc(func() {
	return ss.GUI.Win // existing -- insert above ^^^

And in the CmdArgs() function for -nogui command-line execution, there is a default -gpu arg added by the ecmd.Args package, which can be passed to use gpu with this additional code:

	ss.NewRun() // existing -- insert below vvv
	if ss.Args.Bool("gpu") {

and at the very end of that function:


You must also add this at the end of the ApplyInputs method:


which actually applies the external inputs to the network in GPU mode (and does nothing in CPU mode).

If using mpi in combination with GPU, you need to add:


prior to calling WtFmDWt after sync'ing the dwt across nodes.

The Net.GPU object manages all the GPU functionality and the Net.GPU.On is checked to determine whether to use GPU vs. CPU for all the relevant function calls -- that flag can be toggled to switch. Direct calls to GPU methods automatically check the flag and return immediately if not On, so it is safe to just include these directly, e.g., for additional places where memory is Sync'd.

The network state (everything except Synapses) is automatically synchronized at the end of the Plus Phase, so it will be visible in the netview.

Also, the axon.LooperUpdateNetView method now requires a ss.Net argument, to enable grabbing Neuron state if updating at the Cycle level.

The new LayerTypes and PathTypes enums require renaming type selectors in params and other places. There is now just one layer type, Layer, so cases that were different types are now specified by the Class selector (. prefix) based on the LayerTypes enum, which is automatically added for each layer.

	ss.Logs.AddLayerTensorItems(ss.Net, "Act", etime.Test, etime.Trial, "InputLayer", "TargetLayer")

And it is recommended to use LayersByType with type enums instead of LayersByClass with strings, where appropriate.

  • Here are the types that changed:
    • .Hidden -> .SuperLayer
    • .Inhib -> .InhibPath
    • SuperLayer -> .SuperLayer
    • CTLayer -> .CTLayer
    • PulvLayer -> .PulvinarLayer

Finally, you must move the calls to net.Defaults, Params.SetObject after the net.Build() call -- a network must be built before the params are allocated.

GPU Variable layout:

Set: 0
    Role: Uniform
        Var: 0:	Layers	Struct[4]	(size: 1520)	Values: 1
Set: 1	Indexes
    Role: Storage
        Var: 0:	NeuronIxs	Uint32[534]	(size: 4)	Values: 1
        Var: 1:	SynapseIxs	Uint32[38976]	(size: 4)	Values: 1
        Var: 2:	Paths	Struct[5]	(size: 352)	Values: 1
        Var: 3:	SendCon	Struct[242]	(size: 16)	Values: 1
        Var: 4:	RecvPathIxs	Uint32[5]	(size: 4)	Values: 1
        Var: 5:	RecvCon	Struct[281]	(size: 16)	Values: 1
        Var: 6:	RecvSynIxs	Uint32[12992]	(size: 4)	Values: 1
Set: 2	Structs
    Role: Storage
        Var: 0:	Ctx	Struct	(size: 864)	Values: 1
        Var: 1:	Neurons	Float32[14596]	(size: 4)	Values: 1
        Var: 2:	NeuronAvgs	Float32[890]	(size: 4)	Values: 1
        Var: 3:	Pools	Struct[4]	(size: 1040)	Values: 1
        Var: 4:	LayValues	Struct[4]	(size: 128)	Values: 1
        Var: 5:	Exts	Float32[50]	(size: 4)	Values: 1
Set: 3	Syns
    Role: Storage
        Var: 0:	Synapses	Float32[64960]	(size: 4)	Values: 1
        Var: 1:	SynapseCas	Float32[77952]	(size: 4)	Values: 1
        Var: 2:	GBuf	Int32[843]	(size: 4)	Values: 1
        Var: 3:	GSyns	Float32[281]	(size: 4)	Values: 1

General issues and strategies

  • See Managing Limits for issues with overcoming various limits imposed by the GPU architecture.

  • Everything must be stored in top-level arrays of structs as shown above -- these are the only variable length data structures.

  • The pathways and synapses are now organized in a receiver-based ordering, with indexes used to access in a sender-based order.

  • The core computation is invoked via the RunCycle method, which can actually run 10 cycles at a time in one GPU command submission, which greatly reduces overhead. The cycle-level computation is fully implemented all on the GPU, but basic layer-level state is copied back down by default because it is very fast to do so and might be needed.

  • Context (was Time) is copied from CPU -> GPU at the start of RunCycle and back down from GPU -> CPU at the end. The GPU can update the NeuroMod values during the Cycle call, while Context can be updated with on the GPU side to encode global reward values and other relevant context.

  • LayerValues and Pools are copied from GPU -> CPU at the end of RunCycle, and can be used for logging, stats or other functions during the 200 cycle update. There is a Special field for LaySpecialValues that holds generic special values that can be used for different cases.

  • At end of the 200 cycle ThetaCycle, the above state plus Neurons are grabbed back from GPU -> CPU, so further stats etc can be computed on this Neuron level data.

  • The GPU must have a separate impl for any code that involves accessing state outside of what it is directly processing (e.g., an individual Neuron) -- this access must go through the global state variables on the GPU, while it can be accessed via local pointer-based fields in the CPU-side.

  • In a few cases, it was useful to leverage atomic add operations to aggregate values, which are fully supported on all platforms for ints, but not floats. Thus, we convert floats to ints by multiplying by a large number (e.g., 1 << 24) and then dividing that back out after the aggregation, effectively a fixed-precision floating point implementation, which works well given the normalized values typically present. A signed int is used and the sign checked to detect overflow.

Type / Code organization



  • LayerBase in layerbase.go has basic "generic" (non-algorithm-specific) infrastructure stuff for managing all of the layer-specific state (as pointers / sub-slices of global network-level arrays) and most of the emer.Layer API that enables the NetView etc. It can be ignored for anyone focused on algorithm-specific code. Basically, if you were writing a whole new algorithm, you should be able to just copy layerbase.go and use without much modification.

  • Layer in layer.go manages algorithm-specific code (plus some infrastructure that is algorithm-dependent) and is strictly CPU-side. It manages all the configuration, parameterization (e.g. Defaults), initialization (e.g., InitWts, InitActs).

  • Layer in layer_compute.go pulls out the core algorithm-specific computational code that is also run GPU-side. It mostly iterates over Neurons and calls LayerParams methods -- GPU-specific code does this on global vars. Also has CyclePost which has special computation that only happens on the CPU.

Path: -- mirrors the same structure as layer

  • PathBase in pathbase.go manages basic infrastructure.

  • Path in paths.go does algorithm-specific CPU-side stuff.

  • Path in path_compute.go pulls out core algorithm-specific code that is also run on the GPU, making calls into the PathParams methods.

Network: likewise has NetworkBase etc.


The following Layer and Path level types contain most of the core algorithm specific code, and are used as a uniform constant data structure in the GPU shader code:

  • LayerParams in layerparams.go has all the core algorithm parameters and methods that run on both the GPU and the CPU. This file is converted to shaders/layerparams.wgsl by gosl. All the methods must have args providing all of the state that is needed for the computation, which is supplied either by the GPU or CPU. The overall layer-level parameters are further defined in:

    • ActParams in act.go -- for computing spiking neural activation.
    • InhibParams in inhib.go -- for simulated inhibitory interneuron inhibition.
    • LearnNeuronParams in learn.go -- learning-related functions at the neuron level.
  • PathParams in pathparams.go has all the core algorithm parameters and methods that run on both the GPU and CPU, likewise converted to shaders/pathparams.wgsl. The specific params are in:

    • SynComParams at the bottom of act.go -- synaptic communication params used in computing spiking activation.
    • PathScaleParams also at end of act.go -- pathway scaling params, for GScale overall value.
    • SWtParams in learn.go -- for initializing the slow and regular weight values -- most of the initial weight variation goes into SWt.
    • LearnSynParams in learn.go -- core learning algorithm at the synapse level.
    • GScaleValues -- these are computed from PathScaleParams and not user-set directly, but remain constant so are put here.

Each class of special algorithms has its own set of mostly GPU-side code:

  • deep predictive learning in pulvinar and cortical deep layers: deep_layers.go, deep_paths.go, deep_net.go

  • rl reinforcement learning (TD and Rescorla Wagner): rl_layers.go, rl_paths.go, rl_net.go

  • pcore pallidal core BG model

  • pvlv primary value, learned value conditioning model, also includes special BOA net configs

  • hip hippocampus

Managing Limits

Standard backprop-based neural network operate on a "tensor" as the basic unit, which corresponds to a "layer" of units. Each layer must be processed in full before moving on to the next layer, so that forms the natural computational chunk size, and it isn't typically that big. In axon, the entire network's worth of neurons and synapses is processed in parallel, so as we scale up the models, we run up against the limits imposed by GPU hardware and software, which are typically in the 32 bit range or lower, in contrast to the 64 bit memory addressing capability of most current CPUs. Thus, extra steps are required to work around these limits.

The current implementation (v1.8.x, from June 2023) has an overall hard uint32 limit (4 Gi) on number of synapses. Significant additional work will be required to support more than this number. Also, a single Synapses memory buffer is currently being used, with a 4 GiB memory limit, and each synapse takes 5 * 4 bytes of memory, so the effective limit is 214,748,364. It is easy to increase this up to the 4 Gi limit, following the example of SynapseCas. For reference, the LVis model has 32,448,512 synapses.

Most of the relevant limits in Vulkan are listed in the PhysicalDeviceLimits struct which is available in the vgpu GPU type as GPUProps.Limits. In general the limits in Vulkan are also present in CUDA, so these are things that have to be worked around regardless of the implementation.

Compute threads

In HLSL, a compute shader is parameterized by Dispatch indexes (equivalent to the thread block concept in CUDA), which determine the total number and shape of parallel compute threads that run the given compute shader (kernel in CUDA). The threads are grouped together into a Warp, which shares memory access and is the minimum chunk of computation. Each HLSL shader has a [numthreads(x, y, z)] directive right before the main function specifying how many threads per dimension are executed in each warp: HLSL numthreads doc. According to this reddit/r/GraphicsProgramming post, the hardware typically has 32 (NVIDIA, M1, M2) or 64 (AMD) hardware threads per warp, so 64 is typically used as a default product of threads per warp across all of the dimensions. Here's more HLSL docs on dispatch.

Because of this lower hardware limit, the upper bounds on threads per warp (numthreads xyz) is not that relevant, but it is given by maxComputeWorkGroupInvocations, and is typically 1024 for relevant hardware: vulkan gpuinfo browser.

The limit on total number of threads in any invocation is the main relevant limit, and is given by maxComputeWorkGroupCount[x,y,z] * numthreads. The 1D x dimension is generally larger than the other two (y, z), which are almost always 2^16-1 (64k), and it varies widely across platforms: vulkan gpuinfo browserwith ~2^16 (64k) or ~2^31 (2 Gi) being the modal values. It appears to be a largely software-defined value, as all macs with a variety of discrete GPU types, including the M1, have 2^30 (1 Gi), whereas that same chip on other platforms can have a lower value (e.g., 64k). The modern desktop NVIDIA chips generally have 2 Gi.

Given that this limit is specified per dimension, it remains unclear exactly how all the dimensions add up into an overall total limit. Empirically, for both the Mac M1 and NVIDIA A100, the actual hard limit was 2 Gi for a 1D case -- invoking with more than that many threads resulted in a failure on the gpu_test_synca.wgsl shader run in the TestGPUSynCa test in bench_lvis varying ndata to push the memory and compute limits, without any diagnostic warning from the vgpu.Debug = true mode that activates Vulkan validation. vgpu now has a MaxComputeWorkGroupCount1D for the max threads when using just 1D (typical case) -- it is set to 2 Gi for Mac and NVIDIA.

To work around the limit, we are just launching multiple kernels with a push constant starting offset set for each, to cover the full space.

This is a useful stackoverflow answer explaining these vulkan compute shader compute thread limits.

Memory buffers

There is a hard max storage buffer limit of 4 GiB (uint32), and MaxStorageBufferRange in PhysicalDeviceLimits has the specific number for a given device. We use this GPUProps.Limits.MaxStorageBufferRange in constraining our memory allocations, but the typical GPU targets have the 4 GiB limit.

GPU Quirks

  • cannot have a struct field with the same name as a NeuronVar enum in the same method context -- results in: error: 'NrnV' : no matching overloaded function found

    • Can rename the field where appropriate (e.g., Spike -> Spikes, GABAB -> GabaB to avoid conflicts).
    • Can also call method at a higher or lower level to avoid the name conflict (e.g., get the variable value at the outer calling level, then pass it in as an arg) -- this is preferable if name changes are not easy (e.g., Pool.AvgMaxUpdate)
  • List of param changes:

    • Layer.Act. -> Layer.Acts.
    • Layer.Acts.GABAB. -> Layer.Acts.GabaB.
    • Layer.Acts.Spike. -> Layer.Acts.Spikes.
    • Layer.Learn.LearnCa. -> Layer.Learn.CaLearn.