Known Issues
Reload times can duplicate when using the inventory wheel, causing extended wait times before shooting.
Mechanics like shooting or tracking are accessible during scene loading.
Visibility through smoke while zooming with the sniper rifle is too clear.
Images displayed on the projector in the first cutscene extend beyond its boundaries and penetrate through 3D objects.
Bots occasionally attempt to pick up weapons they already have or those carried by other bots or players.
Audio cuts off upon player death.
Switching between different grenades using the "4" key may not always function correctly.
Walking diagonally results in slightly faster movement than normal.
Glass from windows/doors isn't rendered correctly from a distance.
Jumping may not execute even when there appears to be enough space.
Multiple flashbang effects do not refresh properly and can cause the player's screen to glitch.
Sometimes Visual effects (VFX) indicating enemies are on fire persist indefinitely, even after leaving the fire source area.
Grass shadows flicker unnaturally on the map.
Fullscreen canvas overlay does not scale properly on all resolutions.
You can’t perform that action at this time.