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Alexandr edited this page Oct 21, 2017 · 24 revisions

FastoNoSQL it is GUI platform for NoSQL databases. Currently supported next databases:

All this databases can be divided into 2 groups:

Server side:

Local storage:

For all this databases we support base amount of commands:

  • SET - Set the value of a key, example: SET test value
  • GET - Get the value of a key, example: GET test
  • DEL - Delete key, example: DEL test
  • RENAME - Rename a key RENAME test test2
  • DBKCOUNT - Return the number of keys in the selected database DBKCOUNT
  • KEYS - Find all keys matching the given limits KEYS a z 100
  • SCAN - Incrementally iterate the keys space SCAN 0
  • FLUSHDB - Remove all keys from the current database FLUSHDB

Short example:

SET test value => OK GET test => value RENAME test test2 => OK GET test2 => value SET test3 value3 => OK GET test3 => value3 DBKCOUNT => 2 KEYS a z 100 => test2\ntest3 SCAN 0 => test2\ntest3 DEL test2 => 1 FLUSHDB => OK

Short database description:

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