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114 lines (74 loc) · 3.09 KB

File metadata and controls

114 lines (74 loc) · 3.09 KB


  • preview hovered file in preview window (using Telescope previewer)

  • open selection in nvim

  • a simple API that wraps nvim lua msgpack client customized for xplr. This is so you can call nvim API functions or your own lua functions from xplr.

xplr plugin that hosts a msgpack client and communicates with nvim.

This is a plugin for Xplr (see xplr.nvim for the nvim plugin)


install this plugin manually

  • Add the following line in ~/.config/xplr/init.lua
  package.path = os.getenv("HOME") .. '/.config/xplr/plugins/?/src/init.lua'
  • Clone the plugin and build dependencies
  mkdir -p ~/.config/xplr/plugins
  git clone ~/.config/xplr/plugins/nvim-xplr
  cd ~/.config/xplr/plugins/nvim-xplr
  git submodule update --init --recursive
  cd src/luv && make
  cd ../libmpack && make 
  • Require the module in ~/.config/xplr/init.lua
local nvim = require("nvim-xplr").setup{
  open_selection = {
    enabled = true,
    mode = "action",
    key = "o",
  preview = {
    enabled = true,
    mode = "action",
    key = "i",
    fifo_path = "/tmp/nvim-xplr.fifo",

  -- Type `:o` to open selected files in nvim.
  -- Type `:i` to toggle nvim preview mode.

Default Behaviour

When you open xplr inside nvim, this plugin's lua msgpack client will use the server address of the nvim instance (echo v:servername) you launched it from (passed down with env variable).

If you launch xplr outside nvim, this plugin won't do/setup anything (it will skip the entire contents of the setup() function completely)

Examples for creating custom commands

Creating your own Commands that interact with nvim:

requiring nvim-xplr in xplr init.luareturns the msgpack client object.

You can then use the msgpack client within your xplr lua functions in xplr/init.lua to trigger and send data to functions in nvim like this:

xplr.fn.custom.nvim_hello = function(app)
          'return require"xplr.actions".hello_world(...)', app)

return { LogSuccess = "combine messages and nvim API calls" }

xplr.config.modes.builtin.action.key_bindings.on_key["u"] = {
      help = "hello nvim",
      messages = {
        { CallLuaSilently = "custom.nvim_hello" },

msgpack client accepts tables, client will nil all userdata/function refs

you can call whatever nvim API method you want, however i've found it easier to send data over to a nvim function and do the work on the nvim side.

-- call nvim functions from xplr function
 nvim:exec_lua('return require"xplr.actions".hello_world(...)', data)

-- call vimL functions from xplr function
 nvim:command('echo "xplr makes me a better unix chad"')

-- call any nvim API method like this (untested)
nvim:request("nvim_command", "echo v:servername")


Currently communication is unidirectional xplr --> nvim (I haven't set up handlers to receive data from nvim)