- Author: Patrick Bauer
- Version: 1.0
- Translation Support: EN (Full), DE, SP, FR
- Repository: https://github.com/anvil-vtt/FateX
- Manifest URL: https://github.com/anvil-vtt/FateX/releases/latest/download/system.json
FateX is the extended Fate game system for FoundryVTT. This system allows you to play any Fate game you want. It provides default options for playing Fate Core, Fate Accelerated, and Fate Condensed, but can be used in all its derivative systems too.
You're able to define your own aspects, skill lists, stress tracks, consequences, conditions, stunts, extras, and more.
Using the "Actor template system", you're able to create and manage multiple templates which new actors may be based on. This allows you to have different base-sheets for PCs, NPCs, monsters, and any other type of character you can imagine.
It's possible to use different mechanics for different character types. For example: while PCs may have core-style stress tracks (1,2,3,4), NPCs could have condensed style stress tracks (1,1,1,1). You're fully flexible to play the Fate game you want. Installation
For manual installation, use the provided manifest URL in the "Install System" popup window while managing game systems.