- Author: Shawn Milligan (n3rf_herder#9026 on discord)
- Version: v0.4.6
- Foundry VTT Compatibility: v0.4.4
- Translation Support: EN (full)
- https://github.com/smilligan93/SR5-FoundryVTT
- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/smilligan93/SR5-FoundryVTT/master/system.json
This system adds support for Shadowrun 5th Edition. There are sheets for Players -- grunts, vehicles, and spirits are planned. Spells, Weapons, Matrix Devices, and many other items are supported. Many values are auto-calculated from equipped items (armor, essence, matrix attributes). Currently no compendium items, waiting for a more stable position before beginning that.
Still work in progress. Message me with feature requests/bug reports.