== 1.0.0
- Vultr API v2 support
== 0.4.3 / 2019-10-8
- Relaxed Faraday dependencies
- Fixed sshkey update endpoint
- Fixed ISO and regions tests
== 0.4.2 / 2019-02-24
- Fix parameter :auth_required to :apikey_required. Thanks nopdotcom.
== 0.4.1 / 2018-09-25
- Make the params of Vultr::Server.list correct.
- Fix #11, pass params to query string only giving their values.
== 0.4.0 / 2018-09-12
- Update to the latest APIs.
== 0.3.5 / 2018-08-14
- Update dependencies.
== 0.3.4 / 2017-09-26
- Fix ReservedIP API
== 0.3.3 / 2017-02-26
- Verify the SSL certificate
== 0.3.2 / 2016-09-25
- Update README.md
== 0.3.1 / 2016-09-08
- Minor bug fixes.
- Refine args handling.
== 0.3.0 / 2016-09-07
- Update to the latest APIs.
== 0.2.2 / 2015-09-25
- New function server_bandwidth. Thanks to @molisoft.
== 0.2.1 / 2015-05-28
- Minor bug fixes.
== 0.2.0 / 2015-05-03
- Update README.md
- Update to the latest APIs.
- Minor bug fixes.
== 0.1.1 / 2014-06-10
- Update README.
- Refine API output result.
- Minor bug fixes.
== 0.1.0 / 2014-06-10
- Birthday!