- Fix for BASE_DN getting overwritten when DOMAIN environment variable exists
- Delete OLC limits from replication
- Add SHA2 password support
- Add Argon password support
- Remove Nginx for Letsencrypt Certificate Generation - It served its purpose, there are better ways now.
- Add change-password shell script for quickly changing config/schema passwords
- Rewrote entire image seperating into functions
- Rewrote TLS functionality, now generating CA, KEY, CERT via image instead of Cloudflare helper scripts - Check your settings!
- Implemented Logging to File functionality with logrotate `LOG_TYPE=FILE`)
- Rewrote Backup Routines - Now has the capabilities of backing up multiple times per day and various compression options
- Support multiple log levels
- Reworked some Ppolicy routines
- Helper scripts removed
- Removed HDB Database functionality, only supporting mdb going forward
- Fixed initialization script not pulling defaults properly
- Update to support tiredofit/alpine 5.0.0 base image
- Repairs for LDAP local client referencing proper TLS CA, Cert, and Key Files
- Fix for TLS DH_PARAM environment variable substitution
- Move code that was not a function out of functions file
- Patchup for DHParam not utilizing full path when generating
- Fix for SLAPD_ARGS variable default
- Fix for generating dhparam.pem files on read only file systems (credit eduardosan@github)
- Allow overriding slapd runtime arguments
- Fixed spelling mistake for OpenLDAP version
- Environment Variables to control keysize of DH Param file
- New variables to define custom TLS Patches
- New variables to skip changing ownership on TLS Certificates
- Moved environment variable defaults to /assets/functions/10-openldap
- Cleanup of TLS functionality to support new environment variables
- Properly support ULIMIT_N environment variable
- Fix Default for Nginx
- Update image to support new tiredofit/alpine:4.4.0 base
- Change to use LibreSSL instead of OpenSSL for creating dhparam.pem
- Change warnings to notices
- Fix when ENABLE_NGINX=FALSE container fails to initialize
- Fix with Nginx run script looping with error
- Allow configurable ULIMIT_N environment variable for open file descriptors
- Update to support new tiredofit/alpine base image
- Update Cracklist Words to 2.9.7
- Expose 389, 636 and 80 Ports
- Fix Replication upon container/pod restart
- Fix for Dockerfile Build when applying OpenLDAP Patches to be displayed correctly
- Fix with ppm.conf generation for bad characters
- Stop relying on slapd.conf on first time initialization
- Properly apply ACLs for ppolicy
- Generate Wordlist for ppm.so
- Automatically generate check_password.conf and ppm.conf
- Fix for ACLs not applying on initial boot
- Add alternative Password Checking Module ppm.so
- Provide Default Configurations for check_password.conf and ppm.conf
- Stop being so thorough with exiting script when replicating - Fixed cont-init.d/10-openldap prematurely exiting with error 20
- Add a sanity checker for Replication errors if hostname doesn't exist in DNS or malformed IP address which causes container start
fail on 2nd try
- Cleanup Config Pass item
- Rewrite entire image
- Alpine 3.8
- Compiled from source
- ppolicy-check module included
- Fix Replication
- Add Custom Assets
- Base update w/ S6
- Add Fail2Ban
- Script Cleanup
- Fix Daily Backup Routines
- Added Dyanmic Zabbix Ports for LDAP Checking
- Full Rebuild From Ground Up - Simplified Dockerfile and Code
- Self Signed Certs only at present
- Added nginx for dummy site to take advantage of Lets Encrypt SSL Certs
- Rebase with new Baseimage
- Added Zabbix Agent