ARA= Agent-Resource-Action Design System (click preceding hyperlinks for further info)
Community Ecosystem= An ecosystem of agents and resources which includes tools, techniques and systems of agents, tools, techniques and (recursively) systems which perform functions supporting a community which shares one or more specific resources.
The objective of ARA/Community Tech Ecosystem/generic template is to create a community-focused modeling and mapping template for all types of actions and activities.
This template is meant to facilitate actions and activities which support and develop specific communities (and intentional group agents) at all potential levels of organization.
Agents, resources and actions can be formally linked to represent complexly adaptive functions within the ecosystem of a specific community.
Resources include all tools. Tools include all dapps, bots, recipes and plans, including plans for agents to perform processes manually.
CTE can distinguish between plans of action and plans of governance by formally identifying disparities between agents' predictions, desires and responsibilities.