Before you submit a new term request, please check to see if the term already exists: Before submitting suggestions for new ontology terms, check whether the term already exists, either as a primary term or a synonym. To do this, search the ontology using the AmiGO browser. If you feel a synonym is missing, or the textual definition of a term needs clarification, please submit a ticket for that.
For new term requests: Please always provide suggestions for a name, definition, position in hierarchy, references (e.g. PMIDs), associated dbxrefs (e.g., GOC:dph, GOC:aruk), and synonyms, if applicable. The ontology editors can more easily process term requests when all of this information is provided. For an example, please see the entry for recycling endosome. Provide cross references to external databases such as Rhea, EC, KEGG, MetaCyc and TCBD.
For updates to relationships: Provide details of the current relationships, why you think they are wrong or insufficient, and exactly what should be added or removed.
If appropriate, please add a label to your ticket: The labels menu is to the right of the editing boxes when adding a new issue in github.
Write a detailed request: Please be specific in your request and include as many details as necessary, providing background information, and if possible, suggesting a solution. GOC editors will be better equipped to address your suggestions if you offer details regarding 'what is wrong', 'why', and 'how to fix it'.
Provide examples and references: Please always include references (e.g. PMIDs) for new term requests and, for other term-related requests, include also screenshots, or URLs illustrating the current ontology structure. This will be very helpful to GOC ontology editors, as everyone's settings may be different for their GO browser/editor.
Tickets with insufficient detail will be marked with a 'More info needed' label to alert the submitter.