diff --git a/FlatBuffers.podspec b/FlatBuffers.podspec
index 2aa69e2a027..83c86e16a05 100644
--- a/FlatBuffers.podspec
+++ b/FlatBuffers.podspec
@@ -10,12 +10,15 @@ Pod::Spec.new do |s|
   s.homepage         = 'https://github.com/google/flatbuffers'
   s.license          = { :type => 'Apache2.0', :file => 'LICENSE' }
-  s.author           = { 'mustii' => 'mustii@mmk.one' }
-  s.source           = { :git => 'https://github.com/google/flatbuffers.git', :tag => s.version.to_s, :submodules => true }
+  s.author           = { 'mustii' => 'me@mustiikhalil.se' }
+  s.source           = { :git => 'https://github.com/google/flatbuffers.git', :tag => "v" + s.version.to_s, :submodules => true }
   s.ios.deployment_target = '11.0'
   s.osx.deployment_target = '10.14'
   s.swift_version = '5.0'
   s.source_files = 'swift/Sources/Flatbuffers/*.swift'
+  s.pod_target_xcconfig = {
+  }
diff --git a/grpc/flatbuffers-java-grpc/pom.xml b/grpc/flatbuffers-java-grpc/pom.xml
index f7d41763747..dee931344d4 100644
--- a/grpc/flatbuffers-java-grpc/pom.xml
+++ b/grpc/flatbuffers-java-grpc/pom.xml
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
-        <gRPC.version>1.36.0</gRPC.version>
+        <gRPC.version>1.67.1</gRPC.version>
diff --git a/samples/monster_generated.swift b/samples/monster_generated.swift
index b536d1f4f5e..39ed03e10c6 100644
--- a/samples/monster_generated.swift
+++ b/samples/monster_generated.swift
@@ -111,7 +111,7 @@ public struct MyGame_Sample_Monster: FlatBufferObject, Verifiable {
   public var pos: MyGame_Sample_Vec3? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.pos.v); return o == 0 ? nil : _accessor.readBuffer(of: MyGame_Sample_Vec3.self, at: o) }
-  public var mutablePos: MyGame_Sample_Vec3_Mutable? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.pos.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Sample_Vec3_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: o + _accessor.postion) }
+  public var mutablePos: MyGame_Sample_Vec3_Mutable? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.pos.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Sample_Vec3_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: o + _accessor.position) }
   public var mana: Int16 { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.mana.v); return o == 0 ? 150 : _accessor.readBuffer(of: Int16.self, at: o) }
   @discardableResult public func mutate(mana: Int16) -> Bool {let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.mana.v);  return _accessor.mutate(mana, index: o) }
   public var hp: Int16 { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.hp.v); return o == 0 ? 100 : _accessor.readBuffer(of: Int16.self, at: o) }
diff --git a/src/idl_gen_swift.cpp b/src/idl_gen_swift.cpp
index 6ac487c5573..a6a6668dcb0 100644
--- a/src/idl_gen_swift.cpp
+++ b/src/idl_gen_swift.cpp
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@ class SwiftGenerator : public BaseGenerator {
       } else {
         code_ +=
             "_{{FIELDVAR}} = {{VALUETYPE}}({{ACCESS}}.bb, o: "
-            "{{ACCESS}}.postion + {{OFFSET}})";
+            "{{ACCESS}}.position + {{OFFSET}})";
@@ -361,7 +361,7 @@ class SwiftGenerator : public BaseGenerator {
       } else if (IsStruct(field.value.type)) {
         code_.SetValue("VALUETYPE", GenType(field.value.type) + Mutable());
         code_ += GenReaderMainBody() + "return " +
-                 GenConstructor("{{ACCESS}}.postion + {{OFFSET}}");
+                 GenConstructor("{{ACCESS}}.position + {{OFFSET}}");
       if (parser_.opts.mutable_buffer && !IsStruct(field.value.type))
         code_ += GenMutate("{{OFFSET}}", "", IsEnum(field.value.type));
@@ -754,7 +754,7 @@ class SwiftGenerator : public BaseGenerator {
       code_.SetValue("VALUETYPE", GenType(field.value.type) + Mutable());
       code_.SetValue("CONSTANT", "nil");
       code_ += GenReaderMainBody(is_required) + GenOffset() + required_reader +
-               GenConstructor("o + {{ACCESS}}.postion");
+               GenConstructor("o + {{ACCESS}}.position");
     switch (field.value.type.base_type) {
@@ -763,7 +763,7 @@ class SwiftGenerator : public BaseGenerator {
         code_.SetValue("CONSTANT", "nil");
         code_ += GenReaderMainBody(is_required) + GenOffset() +
                  required_reader +
-                 GenConstructor(GenIndirect("o + {{ACCESS}}.postion"));
+                 GenConstructor(GenIndirect("o + {{ACCESS}}.position"));
       case BASE_TYPE_STRING: {
diff --git a/swift/Sources/FlatBuffers/FlatBufferBuilder.swift b/swift/Sources/FlatBuffers/FlatBufferBuilder.swift
index 57fecc6c911..e31b10cca4e 100644
--- a/swift/Sources/FlatBuffers/FlatBufferBuilder.swift
+++ b/swift/Sources/FlatBuffers/FlatBufferBuilder.swift
@@ -811,7 +811,7 @@ public struct FlatBufferBuilder {
   /// *NOTE: Never call this manually*
   /// - Parameter element: Element to insert
-  /// - returns: Postion of the Element
+  /// - returns: position of the Element
   mutating public func push<T: Scalar>(element: T) -> UOffset {
diff --git a/swift/Sources/FlatBuffers/FlatbuffersErrors.swift b/swift/Sources/FlatBuffers/FlatbuffersErrors.swift
index c054d166194..13207b53a99 100644
--- a/swift/Sources/FlatBuffers/FlatbuffersErrors.swift
+++ b/swift/Sources/FlatBuffers/FlatbuffersErrors.swift
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ import Foundation
 /// Collection of thrown from the Flatbuffer verifier
 public enum FlatbuffersErrors: Error, Equatable {
+  /// Thrown when trying to verify a buffer that doesnt have the length of an ID
+  case bufferDoesntContainID
   /// Thrown when verifying a file id that doesnt match buffer id
   case bufferIdDidntMatchPassedId
   /// Prefixed size doesnt match the current (readable) buffer size
diff --git a/swift/Sources/FlatBuffers/Mutable.swift b/swift/Sources/FlatBuffers/Mutable.swift
index f6e4688b10c..307e9a927c3 100644
--- a/swift/Sources/FlatBuffers/Mutable.swift
+++ b/swift/Sources/FlatBuffers/Mutable.swift
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ public protocol Mutable {
   /// makes Flatbuffer accessed within the Protocol
   var bb: ByteBuffer { get }
   /// makes position of the ``Table``/``Struct`` accessed within the Protocol
-  var postion: Int32 { get }
+  var position: Int32 { get }
 extension Mutable {
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ extension Mutable where Self == Table {
   ///   - index: index of the Element
   public func mutate<T: Scalar>(_ value: T, index: Int32) -> Bool {
     guard index != 0 else { return false }
-    return mutate(value: value, o: index + postion)
+    return mutate(value: value, o: index + position)
   /// Directly mutates the element by calling mutate
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ extension Mutable where Self == Struct {
   ///   - value: New value to be inserted to the buffer
   ///   - index: index of the Element
   public func mutate<T: Scalar>(_ value: T, index: Int32) -> Bool {
-    mutate(value: value, o: index + postion)
+    mutate(value: value, o: index + position)
   /// Directly mutates the element by calling mutate
diff --git a/swift/Sources/FlatBuffers/Struct.swift b/swift/Sources/FlatBuffers/Struct.swift
index 5124b2af997..bbce8f978c7 100644
--- a/swift/Sources/FlatBuffers/Struct.swift
+++ b/swift/Sources/FlatBuffers/Struct.swift
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public struct Struct {
   /// Hosting Bytebuffer
   public private(set) var bb: ByteBuffer
   /// Current position of the struct
-  public private(set) var postion: Int32
+  public private(set) var position: Int32
   /// Initializer for a mutable flatbuffers struct
   /// - Parameters:
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ public struct Struct {
   ///   - position: Current position for the struct in the ByteBuffer
   public init(bb: ByteBuffer, position: Int32 = 0) {
     self.bb = bb
-    postion = position
+    self.position = position
   /// Reads data from the buffer directly at offset O
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ public struct Struct {
   ///   - o: Current offset of the data
   /// - Returns: Data of Type T that conforms to type Scalar
   public func readBuffer<T: Scalar>(of type: T.Type, at o: Int32) -> T {
-    let r = bb.read(def: T.self, position: Int(o + postion))
+    let r = bb.read(def: T.self, position: Int(o + position))
     return r
diff --git a/swift/Sources/FlatBuffers/Table.swift b/swift/Sources/FlatBuffers/Table.swift
index 7ad0ae0cc0c..02a2e6f2cdd 100644
--- a/swift/Sources/FlatBuffers/Table.swift
+++ b/swift/Sources/FlatBuffers/Table.swift
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ public struct Table {
   /// Hosting Bytebuffer
   public private(set) var bb: ByteBuffer
   /// Current position of the table within the buffer
-  public private(set) var postion: Int32
+  public private(set) var position: Int32
   /// Initializer for the table interface to allow generated code to read
   /// data from memory
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ public struct Table {
         "Reading/Writing a buffer in big endian machine is not supported on swift")
     self.bb = bb
-    postion = position
+    self.position = position
   /// Gets the offset of the current field within the buffer by reading
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ public struct Table {
   /// - Parameter o: current offset
   /// - Returns: offset of field within buffer
   public func offset(_ o: Int32) -> Int32 {
-    let vtable = postion - bb.read(def: Int32.self, position: Int(postion))
+    let vtable = position - bb.read(def: Int32.self, position: Int(position))
     return o < bb
       .read(def: VOffset.self, position: Int(vtable)) ? Int32(bb.read(
         def: Int16.self,
@@ -64,7 +64,7 @@ public struct Table {
   /// String reads from the buffer with respect to position of the current table.
   /// - Parameter offset: Offset of the string
   public func string(at offset: Int32) -> String? {
-    directString(at: offset + postion)
+    directString(at: offset + position)
   /// Direct string reads from the buffer disregarding the position of the table.
@@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ public struct Table {
   ///   - type: Type of Element that needs to be read from the buffer
   ///   - o: Offset of the Element
   public func readBuffer<T>(of type: T.Type, at o: Int32) -> T {
-    directRead(of: T.self, offset: o + postion)
+    directRead(of: T.self, offset: o + position)
   /// Reads from the buffer disregarding the position of the table.
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ public struct Table {
   /// - Parameter o: offset
   /// - Returns: A flatbuffers object
   public func union<T: FlatbuffersInitializable>(_ o: Int32) -> T {
-    let o = o + postion
+    let o = o + position
     return directUnion(o)
@@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ public struct Table {
   /// - returns: Count of elements
   public func vector(count o: Int32) -> Int32 {
     var o = o
-    o += postion
+    o += position
     o += bb.read(def: Int32.self, position: Int(o))
     return bb.read(def: Int32.self, position: Int(o))
@@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ public struct Table {
   /// - returns: the start index of the vector
   public func vector(at o: Int32) -> Int32 {
     var o = o
-    o += postion
+    o += position
     return o + bb.read(def: Int32.self, position: Int(o)) + 4
diff --git a/swift/Sources/FlatBuffers/Verifier.swift b/swift/Sources/FlatBuffers/Verifier.swift
index 121f4349896..7b3170426f2 100644
--- a/swift/Sources/FlatBuffers/Verifier.swift
+++ b/swift/Sources/FlatBuffers/Verifier.swift
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ public struct Verifier {
   /// Checks if the value of Size "X" is within the range of the buffer
   /// - Parameters:
-  ///   - position: Current postion to be read
+  ///   - position: Current position to be read
   ///   - size: `Byte` Size of readable object within the buffer
   /// - Throws: `outOfBounds` if the value is out of the bounds of the buffer
   /// and `apparentSizeTooLarge` if the apparent size is bigger than the one specified
@@ -201,8 +201,12 @@ public struct Verifier {
     _depth -= 1
+  @inline(__always)
   mutating func verify(id: String) throws {
     let size = MemoryLayout<Int32>.size
+    guard _capacity >= (size * 2) else {
+      throw FlatbuffersErrors.bufferDoesntContainID
+    }
     let str = _buffer.readString(at: size, count: size)
     if id == str {
diff --git a/tests/swift/Wasm.tests/Tests/FlatBuffers.Test.Swift.WasmTests/monster_test_generated.swift b/tests/swift/Wasm.tests/Tests/FlatBuffers.Test.Swift.WasmTests/monster_test_generated.swift
index c678282c9b0..2657318c21b 100644
--- a/tests/swift/Wasm.tests/Tests/FlatBuffers.Test.Swift.WasmTests/monster_test_generated.swift
+++ b/tests/swift/Wasm.tests/Tests/FlatBuffers.Test.Swift.WasmTests/monster_test_generated.swift
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ public struct MyGame_Example_Vec3: NativeStruct, Verifiable, FlatbuffersInitiali
     _z = _accessor.readBuffer(of: Float32.self, at: 8)
     _test1 = _accessor.readBuffer(of: Double.self, at: 16)
     _test2 = _accessor.readBuffer(of: UInt8.self, at: 24)
-    _test3 = MyGame_Example_Test(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.postion + 26)
+    _test3 = MyGame_Example_Test(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.position + 26)
   public init(x: Float32, y: Float32, z: Float32, test1: Double, test2: MyGame_Example_Color, test3: MyGame_Example_Test) {
@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ public struct MyGame_Example_Vec3_Mutable: FlatBufferObject {
   @discardableResult public func mutate(test1: Double) -> Bool { return _accessor.mutate(test1, index: 16) }
   public var test2: MyGame_Example_Color { return MyGame_Example_Color(rawValue: _accessor.readBuffer(of: UInt8.self, at: 24)) ?? .red }
   @discardableResult public func mutate(test2: MyGame_Example_Color) -> Bool { return _accessor.mutate(test2.rawValue, index: 24) }
-  public var test3: MyGame_Example_Test_Mutable { return MyGame_Example_Test_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.postion + 26) }
+  public var test3: MyGame_Example_Test_Mutable { return MyGame_Example_Test_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.position + 26) }
   public mutating func unpack() -> MyGame_Example_Vec3 {
@@ -535,9 +535,9 @@ public struct MyGame_Example_StructOfStructs: NativeStruct, Verifiable, Flatbuff
   public init(_ bb: ByteBuffer, o: Int32) {
     let _accessor = Struct(bb: bb, position: o)
-    _a = MyGame_Example_Ability(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.postion + 0)
-    _b = MyGame_Example_Test(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.postion + 8)
-    _c = MyGame_Example_Ability(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.postion + 12)
+    _a = MyGame_Example_Ability(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.position + 0)
+    _b = MyGame_Example_Test(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.position + 8)
+    _c = MyGame_Example_Ability(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.position + 12)
   public init(a: MyGame_Example_Ability, b: MyGame_Example_Test, c: MyGame_Example_Ability) {
@@ -593,9 +593,9 @@ public struct MyGame_Example_StructOfStructs_Mutable: FlatBufferObject {
   public init(_ bb: ByteBuffer, o: Int32) { _accessor = Struct(bb: bb, position: o) }
-  public var a: MyGame_Example_Ability_Mutable { return MyGame_Example_Ability_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.postion + 0) }
-  public var b: MyGame_Example_Test_Mutable { return MyGame_Example_Test_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.postion + 8) }
-  public var c: MyGame_Example_Ability_Mutable { return MyGame_Example_Ability_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.postion + 12) }
+  public var a: MyGame_Example_Ability_Mutable { return MyGame_Example_Ability_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.position + 0) }
+  public var b: MyGame_Example_Test_Mutable { return MyGame_Example_Test_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.position + 8) }
+  public var c: MyGame_Example_Ability_Mutable { return MyGame_Example_Ability_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.position + 12) }
   public mutating func unpack() -> MyGame_Example_StructOfStructs {
@@ -619,7 +619,7 @@ public struct MyGame_Example_StructOfStructsOfStructs: NativeStruct, Verifiable,
   public init(_ bb: ByteBuffer, o: Int32) {
     let _accessor = Struct(bb: bb, position: o)
-    _a = MyGame_Example_StructOfStructs(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.postion + 0)
+    _a = MyGame_Example_StructOfStructs(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.position + 0)
   public init(a: MyGame_Example_StructOfStructs) {
@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ public struct MyGame_Example_StructOfStructsOfStructs_Mutable: FlatBufferObject
   public init(_ bb: ByteBuffer, o: Int32) { _accessor = Struct(bb: bb, position: o) }
-  public var a: MyGame_Example_StructOfStructs_Mutable { return MyGame_Example_StructOfStructs_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.postion + 0) }
+  public var a: MyGame_Example_StructOfStructs_Mutable { return MyGame_Example_StructOfStructs_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.position + 0) }
   public mutating func unpack() -> MyGame_Example_StructOfStructsOfStructs {
@@ -1185,7 +1185,7 @@ public struct MyGame_Example_Monster: FlatBufferObject, Verifiable, ObjectAPIPac
   public var pos: MyGame_Example_Vec3? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.pos.v); return o == 0 ? nil : _accessor.readBuffer(of: MyGame_Example_Vec3.self, at: o) }
-  public var mutablePos: MyGame_Example_Vec3_Mutable? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.pos.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Example_Vec3_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: o + _accessor.postion) }
+  public var mutablePos: MyGame_Example_Vec3_Mutable? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.pos.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Example_Vec3_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: o + _accessor.position) }
   public var mana: Int16 { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.mana.v); return o == 0 ? 150 : _accessor.readBuffer(of: Int16.self, at: o) }
   @discardableResult public func mutate(mana: Int16) -> Bool {let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.mana.v);  return _accessor.mutate(mana, index: o) }
   public var hp: Int16 { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.hp.v); return o == 0 ? 100 : _accessor.readBuffer(of: Int16.self, at: o) }
@@ -1214,13 +1214,13 @@ public struct MyGame_Example_Monster: FlatBufferObject, Verifiable, ObjectAPIPac
   public var testarrayoftablesCount: Int32 { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.testarrayoftables.v); return o == 0 ? 0 : _accessor.vector(count: o) }
   public func testarrayoftables(at index: Int32) -> MyGame_Example_Monster? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.testarrayoftables.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Example_Monster(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.indirect(_accessor.vector(at: o) + index * 4)) }
   public func testarrayoftablesBy(key: String) -> MyGame_Example_Monster? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.testarrayoftables.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Example_Monster.lookupByKey(vector: _accessor.vector(at: o), key: key, fbb: _accessor.bb) }
-  public var enemy: MyGame_Example_Monster? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.enemy.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Example_Monster(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.indirect(o + _accessor.postion)) }
+  public var enemy: MyGame_Example_Monster? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.enemy.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Example_Monster(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.indirect(o + _accessor.position)) }
   public var hasTestnestedflatbuffer: Bool { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.testnestedflatbuffer.v); return o == 0 ? false : true }
   public var testnestedflatbufferCount: Int32 { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.testnestedflatbuffer.v); return o == 0 ? 0 : _accessor.vector(count: o) }
   public func testnestedflatbuffer(at index: Int32) -> UInt8 { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.testnestedflatbuffer.v); return o == 0 ? 0 : _accessor.directRead(of: UInt8.self, offset: _accessor.vector(at: o) + index * 1) }
   public var testnestedflatbuffer: [UInt8] { return _accessor.getVector(at: VTOFFSET.testnestedflatbuffer.v) ?? [] }
   public func mutate(testnestedflatbuffer: UInt8, at index: Int32) -> Bool { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.testnestedflatbuffer.v); return _accessor.directMutate(testnestedflatbuffer, index: _accessor.vector(at: o) + index * 1) }
-  public var testempty: MyGame_Example_Stat? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.testempty.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Example_Stat(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.indirect(o + _accessor.postion)) }
+  public var testempty: MyGame_Example_Stat? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.testempty.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Example_Stat(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.indirect(o + _accessor.position)) }
   public var testbool: Bool { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.testbool.v); return o == 0 ? false : _accessor.readBuffer(of: Bool.self, at: o) }
   @discardableResult public func mutate(testbool: Bool) -> Bool {let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.testbool.v);  return _accessor.mutate(testbool, index: o) }
   public var testhashs32Fnv1: Int32 { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.testhashs32Fnv1.v); return o == 0 ? 0 : _accessor.readBuffer(of: Int32.self, at: o) }
@@ -1276,7 +1276,7 @@ public struct MyGame_Example_Monster: FlatBufferObject, Verifiable, ObjectAPIPac
   public func vectorOfDoubles(at index: Int32) -> Double { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.vectorOfDoubles.v); return o == 0 ? 0 : _accessor.directRead(of: Double.self, offset: _accessor.vector(at: o) + index * 8) }
   public var vectorOfDoubles: [Double] { return _accessor.getVector(at: VTOFFSET.vectorOfDoubles.v) ?? [] }
   public func mutate(vectorOfDoubles: Double, at index: Int32) -> Bool { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.vectorOfDoubles.v); return _accessor.directMutate(vectorOfDoubles, index: _accessor.vector(at: o) + index * 8) }
-  public var parentNamespaceTest: MyGame_InParentNamespace? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.parentNamespaceTest.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_InParentNamespace(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.indirect(o + _accessor.postion)) }
+  public var parentNamespaceTest: MyGame_InParentNamespace? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.parentNamespaceTest.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_InParentNamespace(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.indirect(o + _accessor.position)) }
   public var hasVectorOfReferrables: Bool { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.vectorOfReferrables.v); return o == 0 ? false : true }
   public var vectorOfReferrablesCount: Int32 { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.vectorOfReferrables.v); return o == 0 ? 0 : _accessor.vector(count: o) }
   public func vectorOfReferrables(at index: Int32) -> MyGame_Example_Referrable? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.vectorOfReferrables.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Example_Referrable(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.indirect(_accessor.vector(at: o) + index * 4)) }
@@ -1325,7 +1325,7 @@ public struct MyGame_Example_Monster: FlatBufferObject, Verifiable, ObjectAPIPac
   public func scalarKeySortedTables(at index: Int32) -> MyGame_Example_Stat? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.scalarKeySortedTables.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Example_Stat(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.indirect(_accessor.vector(at: o) + index * 4)) }
   public func scalarKeySortedTablesBy(key: UInt16) -> MyGame_Example_Stat? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.scalarKeySortedTables.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Example_Stat.lookupByKey(vector: _accessor.vector(at: o), key: key, fbb: _accessor.bb) }
   public var nativeInline: MyGame_Example_Test? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.nativeInline.v); return o == 0 ? nil : _accessor.readBuffer(of: MyGame_Example_Test.self, at: o) }
-  public var mutableNativeInline: MyGame_Example_Test_Mutable? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.nativeInline.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Example_Test_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: o + _accessor.postion) }
+  public var mutableNativeInline: MyGame_Example_Test_Mutable? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.nativeInline.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Example_Test_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: o + _accessor.position) }
   public var longEnumNonEnumDefault: MyGame_Example_LongEnum { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.longEnumNonEnumDefault.v); return o == 0 ? .longone : MyGame_Example_LongEnum(rawValue: _accessor.readBuffer(of: UInt64.self, at: o)) ?? .longone }
   @discardableResult public func mutate(longEnumNonEnumDefault: MyGame_Example_LongEnum) -> Bool {let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.longEnumNonEnumDefault.v);  return _accessor.mutate(longEnumNonEnumDefault.rawValue, index: o) }
   public var longEnumNormalDefault: MyGame_Example_LongEnum { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.longEnumNormalDefault.v); return o == 0 ? .longone : MyGame_Example_LongEnum(rawValue: _accessor.readBuffer(of: UInt64.self, at: o)) ?? .longone }
diff --git a/tests/swift/tests/CodeGenerationTests/test_no_include_generated.swift b/tests/swift/tests/CodeGenerationTests/test_no_include_generated.swift
index be8e8db9c39..5dc5eb7abc7 100644
--- a/tests/swift/tests/CodeGenerationTests/test_no_include_generated.swift
+++ b/tests/swift/tests/CodeGenerationTests/test_no_include_generated.swift
@@ -173,8 +173,8 @@ public struct Message: FlatBufferObject, Verifiable, ObjectAPIPacker {
   public var id: Int64 { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.id.v); return o == 0 ? 0 : _accessor.readBuffer(of: Int64.self, at: o) }
   @discardableResult public func mutate(id: Int64) -> Bool {let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.id.v);  return _accessor.mutate(id, index: o) }
   public var position: BytesCount! { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.position.v); return _accessor.readBuffer(of: BytesCount.self, at: o) }
-  public var mutablePosition: BytesCount_Mutable! { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.position.v); return BytesCount_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: o + _accessor.postion) }
-  public var pointer: InternalMessage! { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.pointer.v); return InternalMessage(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.indirect(o + _accessor.postion)) }
+  public var mutablePosition: BytesCount_Mutable! { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.position.v); return BytesCount_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: o + _accessor.position) }
+  public var pointer: InternalMessage! { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.pointer.v); return InternalMessage(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.indirect(o + _accessor.position)) }
   public static func startMessage(_ fbb: inout FlatBufferBuilder) -> UOffset { fbb.startTable(with: 3) }
   public static func add(id: Int64, _ fbb: inout FlatBufferBuilder) { fbb.add(element: id, def: 0, at: VTOFFSET.id.p) }
   public static func add(position: BytesCount?, _ fbb: inout FlatBufferBuilder) { guard let position = position else { return }; fbb.create(struct: position, position: VTOFFSET.position.p) }
diff --git a/tests/swift/tests/Sources/SwiftFlatBuffers/fuzzer_generated.swift b/tests/swift/tests/Sources/SwiftFlatBuffers/fuzzer_generated.swift
index 765415672ca..08cd3cb2342 100644
--- a/tests/swift/tests/Sources/SwiftFlatBuffers/fuzzer_generated.swift
+++ b/tests/swift/tests/Sources/SwiftFlatBuffers/fuzzer_generated.swift
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ public struct Vec3: NativeStruct, Verifiable, FlatbuffersInitializable {
     _z = _accessor.readBuffer(of: Float32.self, at: 8)
     _test1 = _accessor.readBuffer(of: Double.self, at: 16)
     _test2 = _accessor.readBuffer(of: UInt8.self, at: 24)
-    _test3 = Test(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.postion + 26)
+    _test3 = Test(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.position + 26)
   public init(x: Float32, y: Float32, z: Float32, test1: Double, test2: Color, test3: Test) {
@@ -189,7 +189,7 @@ public struct Vec3_Mutable: FlatBufferObject {
   public var z: Float32 { return _accessor.readBuffer(of: Float32.self, at: 8) }
   public var test1: Double { return _accessor.readBuffer(of: Double.self, at: 16) }
   public var test2: Color { return Color(rawValue: _accessor.readBuffer(of: UInt8.self, at: 24)) ?? .red }
-  public var test3: Test_Mutable { return Test_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.postion + 26) }
+  public var test3: Test_Mutable { return Test_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.position + 26) }
 ///  an example documentation comment: "monster object"
@@ -199,8 +199,6 @@ public struct Monster: FlatBufferObject, Verifiable {
   public var __buffer: ByteBuffer! { return _accessor.bb }
   private var _accessor: Table
-  public static func getRootAsMonster(bb: ByteBuffer) -> Monster { return Monster(Table(bb: bb, position: Int32(bb.read(def: UOffset.self, position: bb.reader)) + Int32(bb.reader))) }
   private init(_ t: Table) { _accessor = t }
   public init(_ bb: ByteBuffer, o: Int32) { _accessor = Table(bb: bb, position: o) }
@@ -217,7 +215,7 @@ public struct Monster: FlatBufferObject, Verifiable {
   public var pos: Vec3? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.pos.v); return o == 0 ? nil : _accessor.readBuffer(of: Vec3.self, at: o) }
-  public var mutablePos: Vec3_Mutable? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.pos.v); return o == 0 ? nil : Vec3_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: o + _accessor.postion) }
+  public var mutablePos: Vec3_Mutable? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.pos.v); return o == 0 ? nil : Vec3_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: o + _accessor.position) }
   public var mana: Int16 { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.mana.v); return o == 0 ? 150 : _accessor.readBuffer(of: Int16.self, at: o) }
   public var hp: Int16 { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.hp.v); return o == 0 ? 100 : _accessor.readBuffer(of: Int16.self, at: o) }
   public var name: String! { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.name.v); return _accessor.string(at: o) }
diff --git a/tests/swift/tests/Tests/FlatBuffers.Test.SwiftTests/FlatbuffersVerifierTests.swift b/tests/swift/tests/Tests/FlatBuffers.Test.SwiftTests/FlatbuffersVerifierTests.swift
index 00b02b76018..71a00789073 100644
--- a/tests/swift/tests/Tests/FlatBuffers.Test.SwiftTests/FlatbuffersVerifierTests.swift
+++ b/tests/swift/tests/Tests/FlatBuffers.Test.SwiftTests/FlatbuffersVerifierTests.swift
@@ -63,6 +63,17 @@ final class FlatbuffersVerifierTests: XCTestCase {
     XCTAssertThrowsError(try Verifier(buffer: &buffer))
+  func testFailingID() {
+    let dutData : [UInt8] = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
+    var buff  = ByteBuffer(bytes: dutData)
+    do {
+      let _: Monster = try getCheckedRoot(byteBuffer: &buff, fileId: "ABCD")
+      XCTFail("This should always fail")
+    } catch {
+      XCTAssertEqual(error as? FlatbuffersErrors, .bufferDoesntContainID)
+    }
+  }
   func testVerifierCheckAlignment() {
     var verifier = try! Verifier(buffer: &buffer)
     do {
diff --git a/tests/swift/tests/Tests/FlatBuffers.Test.SwiftTests/MutatingBool_generated.swift b/tests/swift/tests/Tests/FlatBuffers.Test.SwiftTests/MutatingBool_generated.swift
index 15f096df7d1..09c785cf3a9 100644
--- a/tests/swift/tests/Tests/FlatBuffers.Test.SwiftTests/MutatingBool_generated.swift
+++ b/tests/swift/tests/Tests/FlatBuffers.Test.SwiftTests/MutatingBool_generated.swift
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ public struct TestMutatingBool: FlatBufferObject, Verifiable, ObjectAPIPacker {
   public var b: Property? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.b.v); return o == 0 ? nil : _accessor.readBuffer(of: Property.self, at: o) }
-  public var mutableB: Property_Mutable? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.b.v); return o == 0 ? nil : Property_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: o + _accessor.postion) }
+  public var mutableB: Property_Mutable? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.b.v); return o == 0 ? nil : Property_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: o + _accessor.position) }
   public static func startTestMutatingBool(_ fbb: inout FlatBufferBuilder) -> UOffset { fbb.startTable(with: 1) }
   public static func add(b: Property?, _ fbb: inout FlatBufferBuilder) { guard let b = b else { return }; fbb.create(struct: b, position: VTOFFSET.b.p) }
   public static func endTestMutatingBool(_ fbb: inout FlatBufferBuilder, start: UOffset) -> Offset { let end = Offset(offset: fbb.endTable(at: start)); return end }
diff --git a/tests/swift/tests/Tests/FlatBuffers.Test.SwiftTests/monster_test_generated.swift b/tests/swift/tests/Tests/FlatBuffers.Test.SwiftTests/monster_test_generated.swift
index c678282c9b0..2657318c21b 100644
--- a/tests/swift/tests/Tests/FlatBuffers.Test.SwiftTests/monster_test_generated.swift
+++ b/tests/swift/tests/Tests/FlatBuffers.Test.SwiftTests/monster_test_generated.swift
@@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ public struct MyGame_Example_Vec3: NativeStruct, Verifiable, FlatbuffersInitiali
     _z = _accessor.readBuffer(of: Float32.self, at: 8)
     _test1 = _accessor.readBuffer(of: Double.self, at: 16)
     _test2 = _accessor.readBuffer(of: UInt8.self, at: 24)
-    _test3 = MyGame_Example_Test(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.postion + 26)
+    _test3 = MyGame_Example_Test(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.position + 26)
   public init(x: Float32, y: Float32, z: Float32, test1: Double, test2: MyGame_Example_Color, test3: MyGame_Example_Test) {
@@ -429,7 +429,7 @@ public struct MyGame_Example_Vec3_Mutable: FlatBufferObject {
   @discardableResult public func mutate(test1: Double) -> Bool { return _accessor.mutate(test1, index: 16) }
   public var test2: MyGame_Example_Color { return MyGame_Example_Color(rawValue: _accessor.readBuffer(of: UInt8.self, at: 24)) ?? .red }
   @discardableResult public func mutate(test2: MyGame_Example_Color) -> Bool { return _accessor.mutate(test2.rawValue, index: 24) }
-  public var test3: MyGame_Example_Test_Mutable { return MyGame_Example_Test_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.postion + 26) }
+  public var test3: MyGame_Example_Test_Mutable { return MyGame_Example_Test_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.position + 26) }
   public mutating func unpack() -> MyGame_Example_Vec3 {
@@ -535,9 +535,9 @@ public struct MyGame_Example_StructOfStructs: NativeStruct, Verifiable, Flatbuff
   public init(_ bb: ByteBuffer, o: Int32) {
     let _accessor = Struct(bb: bb, position: o)
-    _a = MyGame_Example_Ability(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.postion + 0)
-    _b = MyGame_Example_Test(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.postion + 8)
-    _c = MyGame_Example_Ability(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.postion + 12)
+    _a = MyGame_Example_Ability(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.position + 0)
+    _b = MyGame_Example_Test(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.position + 8)
+    _c = MyGame_Example_Ability(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.position + 12)
   public init(a: MyGame_Example_Ability, b: MyGame_Example_Test, c: MyGame_Example_Ability) {
@@ -593,9 +593,9 @@ public struct MyGame_Example_StructOfStructs_Mutable: FlatBufferObject {
   public init(_ bb: ByteBuffer, o: Int32) { _accessor = Struct(bb: bb, position: o) }
-  public var a: MyGame_Example_Ability_Mutable { return MyGame_Example_Ability_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.postion + 0) }
-  public var b: MyGame_Example_Test_Mutable { return MyGame_Example_Test_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.postion + 8) }
-  public var c: MyGame_Example_Ability_Mutable { return MyGame_Example_Ability_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.postion + 12) }
+  public var a: MyGame_Example_Ability_Mutable { return MyGame_Example_Ability_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.position + 0) }
+  public var b: MyGame_Example_Test_Mutable { return MyGame_Example_Test_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.position + 8) }
+  public var c: MyGame_Example_Ability_Mutable { return MyGame_Example_Ability_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.position + 12) }
   public mutating func unpack() -> MyGame_Example_StructOfStructs {
@@ -619,7 +619,7 @@ public struct MyGame_Example_StructOfStructsOfStructs: NativeStruct, Verifiable,
   public init(_ bb: ByteBuffer, o: Int32) {
     let _accessor = Struct(bb: bb, position: o)
-    _a = MyGame_Example_StructOfStructs(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.postion + 0)
+    _a = MyGame_Example_StructOfStructs(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.position + 0)
   public init(a: MyGame_Example_StructOfStructs) {
@@ -661,7 +661,7 @@ public struct MyGame_Example_StructOfStructsOfStructs_Mutable: FlatBufferObject
   public init(_ bb: ByteBuffer, o: Int32) { _accessor = Struct(bb: bb, position: o) }
-  public var a: MyGame_Example_StructOfStructs_Mutable { return MyGame_Example_StructOfStructs_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.postion + 0) }
+  public var a: MyGame_Example_StructOfStructs_Mutable { return MyGame_Example_StructOfStructs_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.position + 0) }
   public mutating func unpack() -> MyGame_Example_StructOfStructsOfStructs {
@@ -1185,7 +1185,7 @@ public struct MyGame_Example_Monster: FlatBufferObject, Verifiable, ObjectAPIPac
   public var pos: MyGame_Example_Vec3? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.pos.v); return o == 0 ? nil : _accessor.readBuffer(of: MyGame_Example_Vec3.self, at: o) }
-  public var mutablePos: MyGame_Example_Vec3_Mutable? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.pos.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Example_Vec3_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: o + _accessor.postion) }
+  public var mutablePos: MyGame_Example_Vec3_Mutable? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.pos.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Example_Vec3_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: o + _accessor.position) }
   public var mana: Int16 { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.mana.v); return o == 0 ? 150 : _accessor.readBuffer(of: Int16.self, at: o) }
   @discardableResult public func mutate(mana: Int16) -> Bool {let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.mana.v);  return _accessor.mutate(mana, index: o) }
   public var hp: Int16 { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.hp.v); return o == 0 ? 100 : _accessor.readBuffer(of: Int16.self, at: o) }
@@ -1214,13 +1214,13 @@ public struct MyGame_Example_Monster: FlatBufferObject, Verifiable, ObjectAPIPac
   public var testarrayoftablesCount: Int32 { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.testarrayoftables.v); return o == 0 ? 0 : _accessor.vector(count: o) }
   public func testarrayoftables(at index: Int32) -> MyGame_Example_Monster? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.testarrayoftables.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Example_Monster(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.indirect(_accessor.vector(at: o) + index * 4)) }
   public func testarrayoftablesBy(key: String) -> MyGame_Example_Monster? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.testarrayoftables.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Example_Monster.lookupByKey(vector: _accessor.vector(at: o), key: key, fbb: _accessor.bb) }
-  public var enemy: MyGame_Example_Monster? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.enemy.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Example_Monster(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.indirect(o + _accessor.postion)) }
+  public var enemy: MyGame_Example_Monster? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.enemy.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Example_Monster(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.indirect(o + _accessor.position)) }
   public var hasTestnestedflatbuffer: Bool { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.testnestedflatbuffer.v); return o == 0 ? false : true }
   public var testnestedflatbufferCount: Int32 { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.testnestedflatbuffer.v); return o == 0 ? 0 : _accessor.vector(count: o) }
   public func testnestedflatbuffer(at index: Int32) -> UInt8 { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.testnestedflatbuffer.v); return o == 0 ? 0 : _accessor.directRead(of: UInt8.self, offset: _accessor.vector(at: o) + index * 1) }
   public var testnestedflatbuffer: [UInt8] { return _accessor.getVector(at: VTOFFSET.testnestedflatbuffer.v) ?? [] }
   public func mutate(testnestedflatbuffer: UInt8, at index: Int32) -> Bool { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.testnestedflatbuffer.v); return _accessor.directMutate(testnestedflatbuffer, index: _accessor.vector(at: o) + index * 1) }
-  public var testempty: MyGame_Example_Stat? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.testempty.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Example_Stat(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.indirect(o + _accessor.postion)) }
+  public var testempty: MyGame_Example_Stat? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.testempty.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Example_Stat(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.indirect(o + _accessor.position)) }
   public var testbool: Bool { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.testbool.v); return o == 0 ? false : _accessor.readBuffer(of: Bool.self, at: o) }
   @discardableResult public func mutate(testbool: Bool) -> Bool {let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.testbool.v);  return _accessor.mutate(testbool, index: o) }
   public var testhashs32Fnv1: Int32 { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.testhashs32Fnv1.v); return o == 0 ? 0 : _accessor.readBuffer(of: Int32.self, at: o) }
@@ -1276,7 +1276,7 @@ public struct MyGame_Example_Monster: FlatBufferObject, Verifiable, ObjectAPIPac
   public func vectorOfDoubles(at index: Int32) -> Double { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.vectorOfDoubles.v); return o == 0 ? 0 : _accessor.directRead(of: Double.self, offset: _accessor.vector(at: o) + index * 8) }
   public var vectorOfDoubles: [Double] { return _accessor.getVector(at: VTOFFSET.vectorOfDoubles.v) ?? [] }
   public func mutate(vectorOfDoubles: Double, at index: Int32) -> Bool { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.vectorOfDoubles.v); return _accessor.directMutate(vectorOfDoubles, index: _accessor.vector(at: o) + index * 8) }
-  public var parentNamespaceTest: MyGame_InParentNamespace? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.parentNamespaceTest.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_InParentNamespace(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.indirect(o + _accessor.postion)) }
+  public var parentNamespaceTest: MyGame_InParentNamespace? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.parentNamespaceTest.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_InParentNamespace(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.indirect(o + _accessor.position)) }
   public var hasVectorOfReferrables: Bool { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.vectorOfReferrables.v); return o == 0 ? false : true }
   public var vectorOfReferrablesCount: Int32 { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.vectorOfReferrables.v); return o == 0 ? 0 : _accessor.vector(count: o) }
   public func vectorOfReferrables(at index: Int32) -> MyGame_Example_Referrable? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.vectorOfReferrables.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Example_Referrable(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.indirect(_accessor.vector(at: o) + index * 4)) }
@@ -1325,7 +1325,7 @@ public struct MyGame_Example_Monster: FlatBufferObject, Verifiable, ObjectAPIPac
   public func scalarKeySortedTables(at index: Int32) -> MyGame_Example_Stat? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.scalarKeySortedTables.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Example_Stat(_accessor.bb, o: _accessor.indirect(_accessor.vector(at: o) + index * 4)) }
   public func scalarKeySortedTablesBy(key: UInt16) -> MyGame_Example_Stat? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.scalarKeySortedTables.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Example_Stat.lookupByKey(vector: _accessor.vector(at: o), key: key, fbb: _accessor.bb) }
   public var nativeInline: MyGame_Example_Test? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.nativeInline.v); return o == 0 ? nil : _accessor.readBuffer(of: MyGame_Example_Test.self, at: o) }
-  public var mutableNativeInline: MyGame_Example_Test_Mutable? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.nativeInline.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Example_Test_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: o + _accessor.postion) }
+  public var mutableNativeInline: MyGame_Example_Test_Mutable? { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.nativeInline.v); return o == 0 ? nil : MyGame_Example_Test_Mutable(_accessor.bb, o: o + _accessor.position) }
   public var longEnumNonEnumDefault: MyGame_Example_LongEnum { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.longEnumNonEnumDefault.v); return o == 0 ? .longone : MyGame_Example_LongEnum(rawValue: _accessor.readBuffer(of: UInt64.self, at: o)) ?? .longone }
   @discardableResult public func mutate(longEnumNonEnumDefault: MyGame_Example_LongEnum) -> Bool {let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.longEnumNonEnumDefault.v);  return _accessor.mutate(longEnumNonEnumDefault.rawValue, index: o) }
   public var longEnumNormalDefault: MyGame_Example_LongEnum { let o = _accessor.offset(VTOFFSET.longEnumNormalDefault.v); return o == 0 ? .longone : MyGame_Example_LongEnum(rawValue: _accessor.readBuffer(of: UInt64.self, at: o)) ?? .longone }