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Releases: gregorio-project/gregorio

Official Release -- v3.0.0

14 May 18:03
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[3.0.0] - 2015-05-14


  • New website containing instructions only for new versions of Gregorio starting with this release, in English only.
  • New clean Mac OSX installer (intel only).
  • New incompatible format of space configuration files (gsp-xxx.tex). Values are now scaled to the default staff size (see #50. You now need to use \gresetdim for setting distances (\somedistance = 3cm) can no longer be used). \gresetdim takes three arguments: the name of the distance, the desired value, and whether the distance should scale with changes in the staff size or not. See gsp-default.tex for an example.
  • All distances can now be set to scale with staff size, as a consequence \grechangedim now takes three arguments: the name of the distance, value to change the distance to (which now supports em and ex units), and whether or not this value should be scaled with changes in the staff size. See doc/UserManual.pdf for details.
  • \setinitalspacing , \setspacebeforeinitial, \setspaceafterinitial, and \setaboveinitialseparation now take an additional argument. The new argument specifies whether the distance should scale when the staff size changes.
  • Improved \includescore capabilities. The \includescore[f] parameter has changed to \includescore[n] compared to version 2.4.2. See doc/UserManual.pdf for full details and for instructions on how to upgrade your score from 2.4.2.
  • Clivis stem length now follow Solesmes' books conventions (see #31).
  • Windows TeXworks configuration script no longer adds deprecated greg-book and gregorio engines (see below).
  • and scripts are now used to build and install Gregorio with common options.
  • Clarified post installation options for Windows installer. What was the "Install Fonts" option is now labeled to indicate that this also adds GregorioTeX files to the texmf tree.
  • \grechangedim now checks to make sure it only operates on existing distances and doesn't create a new one.


  • \includescore not finding files for autocompile under certain circumstances. (see this thread).
  • Spacing between a syllable and a syllable with text and only a bar was too short.
  • Torculus followed by a non-liquescent note is now parsed correctly (see #284.
  • Spacing after a syllable with an flat, sharp, or natural is now correct (see #246.


  • \setstafflinethickness controls the thickness of the staff lines. See GregorioRef.pdf for full details.
  • \gre@debug. Writes messages to the log file when the debug flag is set to true (can be done manually via \debugtrue, or via the debug option when loading the gregoriotex package in LaTeX).
  • New documentation in PDF: GregorioRef.pdf. You can find it in the release files.
  • A migration guide (
  • A Windows batch file which will detect the system setup and create a report which can be useful in diagnosing installation problems. Instructions for how to use it appear under the installation instructions for Windows on the website.


  • OpusTeX writing and GregorioXML reading and writing features will disappear in next minor release
  • The old website contains instructions for old versions of Gregorio only, and will not be updated anymore.
  • the -O option
  • \includetexscore, supplanted by \includescore[n]
  • \greincludetexscore, supplanted by \includescore[n]
  • \includegabcscore, supplanted by \includescore[f]
  • \greincludegabcscore, supplanted by \includescore[f]
  • \GreSetSpaceBeforeInitial, supplanted by \setspacebeforeinitial
  • \GreSetSpaceAfterInitial, supplanted by \setspaceafterinitial
  • \GreSetAboveInitialSeparation, supplanted by \setaboveinitialseparation
  • \gresetstafflinefactor, supplanted by \setstafflinethickness
  • greg-book and greg-lily-book engines, supplanted by improved capabilities of \includescore for compiling gabc files at time of document compilation.

Mac Users

Uninstall-Gregorio.pkg is provided for troubleshooting purposes only. You do not normally need to uninstall Gregorio when upgrading to a new version.

Version 2.4.3 - YANKED

12 Mar 01:04
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This release was discovered to be too buggy for productive use and has been yanked. Please don't use it for any production product. If you're willing to bug test it, please check the issues to see what's already been reported.

For a stable version please see v2.4.2 . To get it use the command git checkout v2.4.2 after you clone the repository. You can also download it here.

Once we manage to stabilize the code we'll move forward with a new release (3.0).

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused and thank those who helped discover all the bugs.


20 Sep 20:26
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20 Sep 20:07
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tag imported from svn


20 Sep 20:00
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20 Sep 19:54
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0.9.2 Pre-release
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20 Sep 18:42
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0.9 Pre-release
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20 Sep 15:55
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0.2.1 Pre-release
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