The minimum libMesh git hash for this release is 8be0a4e.
This is the last release that will not require a C++11 compliant compiler. Expect following this release to require a fully compliant C++11 compiler.
Summary of changes:
- Minimum libMesh git hash for this release is: 8be0a4e
- Substantial internal refactoring of Variables handling
- Updated parsing of Variables
- Now support subdomain-restricted variables; includes conjugate
heat transfer example illustrating usage - Add SPGSM stabilization Physics for reacting low Mach Navier-Stokes
Include Ozone flame example illustrating usage - Add RayfireMesh class
- New constraint functionality to supply simple constraints on variables
from input file - Can now override input file options from the command line
- Added GRINS::Runner and initializer classes to simplify construction
of standalone GRINS-based programs - Removed GRVY
- Moved CachedValues interface to Physics
- Refactor Antioch interface to increase Antioch thermo, transport
feature usage - New QoIs include:
- IntegratedFunction
- SpectroscopicAbsorption
- Specialization of IntegratedFunction. Uses new HITRAN
data structures
- Specialization of IntegratedFunction. Uses new HITRAN