InnerTube is an API used by all YouTube clients. It was created to simplify the deployment of new features and experiments across the platform 1. This library manages all low-level communication with InnerTube, providing a simple and efficient way to interact with YouTube programmatically. Its design aims to closely emulate an actual client, including the parsing of API responses.
If you have any questions or need help, feel free to reach out to us on our Discord server or open an issue here.
YouTube.js runs on Node.js, Deno, and modern browsers.
It requires a runtime with the following features:
- On Node, we use undici's fetch implementation, which requires Node.js 16.8+. If you need to use an older version, you may provide your own fetch implementation. See providing your own fetch implementation for more information.
- The
object returned by fetch must thus be spec compliant and return aReadableStream
object if you want to use theVideoInfo#download
method. (Implementations likenode-fetch
return a non-standardReadable
are required.
npm install youtubei.js@latest
# Yarn
yarn add youtubei.js@latest
# Git (edge version)
npm install github:LuanRT/YouTube.js
When using Deno, you can import YouTube.js directly from
import { Innertube } from '';
Create an InnerTube instance:
// const { Innertube } = require('youtubei.js');
import { Innertube } from 'youtubei.js';
const youtube = await Innertube.create(/* options */);
Click to expand
Option | Type | Description | Default |
lang |
string |
Language. | en |
location |
string |
Geolocation. | US |
account_index |
number |
The account index to use. This is useful if you have multiple accounts logged in. NOTE: Only works if you are signed in with cookies. | 0 |
visitor_data |
string |
Setting this to a valid and persistent visitor data string will allow YouTube to give this session tailored content even when not logged in. A good way to get a valid one is by either grabbing it from a browser or calling InnerTube's /visitor_id endpoint. |
undefined |
retrieve_player |
boolean |
Specifies whether to retrieve the JS player. Disabling this will make session creation faster. NOTE: Deciphering formats is not possible without the JS player. | true |
enable_safety_mode |
boolean |
Specifies whether to enable safety mode. This will prevent the session from loading any potentially unsafe content. | false |
generate_session_locally |
boolean |
Specifies whether to generate the session data locally or retrieve it from YouTube. This can be useful if you need more performance. NOTE: If you are using the cache option and a session has already been generated, this will be ignored. If you want to force a new session to be generated, you must clear the cache or disable session caching. | false |
enable_session_cache |
boolean |
Specifies whether to cache the session data. | true |
device_category |
DeviceCategory |
Platform to use for the session. | DESKTOP |
client_type |
ClientType |
InnerTube client type. | WEB |
timezone |
string |
The time zone. | * |
cache |
ICache |
Used to cache algorithms, session data, and OAuth2 tokens. | undefined |
cookie |
string |
YouTube cookies. | undefined |
fetch |
FetchFunction |
Fetch function to use. | fetch |
To use YouTube.js in the browser, you must proxy requests through your own server. You can see our simple reference implementation in Deno at examples/browser/proxy/deno.ts
You may provide your own fetch implementation to be used by YouTube.js, which we will use to modify and send the requests through a proxy. See examples/browser/web
for a simple example using Vite.
// Multiple exports are available for the web.
// Unbundled ESM version
import { Innertube } from 'youtubei.js/web';
// Bundled ESM version
// import { Innertube } from 'youtubei.js/web.bundle';
// Production Bundled ESM version
// import { Innertube } from 'youtubei.js/web.bundle.min';
await Innertube.create({
fetch: async (input: RequestInfo | URL, init?: RequestInit) => {
// Modify the request
// and send it to the proxy
// fetch the URL
return fetch(request, init);
YouTube.js supports streaming of videos in the browser by converting YouTube's streaming data into an MPEG-DASH manifest.
The example below uses dash.js
to play the video.
import { Innertube } from 'youtubei.js/web';
import dashjs from 'dashjs';
const youtube = await Innertube.create({ /* setup - see above */ });
// Get the video info
const videoInfo = await youtube.getInfo('videoId');
// now convert to a dash manifest
// again - to be able to stream the video in the browser - we must proxy the requests through our own server
// to do this, we provide a method to transform the URLs before writing them to the manifest
const manifest = await videoInfo.toDash(url => {
// modify the url
// and return it
return url;
const uri = "data:application/dash+xml;charset=utf-8;base64," + btoa(manifest);
const videoElement = document.getElementById('video_player');
const player = dashjs.MediaPlayer().create();
player.initialize(videoElement, uri, true);
A fully working example can be found in examples/browser/web
You may provide your own fetch implementation to be used by YouTube.js. This can be useful in some cases to modify the requests before they are sent and transform the responses before they are returned (eg. for proxies).
// provide a fetch implementation
const yt = await Innertube.create({
fetch: async (input: RequestInfo | URL, init?: RequestInit) => {
// make the request with your own fetch implementation
// and return the response
return new Response(
/* ... */
Caching the transformed player instance can greatly improve the performance. Our UniversalCache
implementation uses different caching methods depending on the environment.
In Node.js, we use the node:fs
module, Deno.writeFile()
in Deno, and indexedDB
in browsers.
By default, the cache stores data in the operating system's temporary directory (or indexedDB
in browsers). You can make this cache persistent by specifying the path to the cache directory, which will be created if it doesn't exist.
import { Innertube, UniversalCache } from 'youtubei.js';
// Create a cache that stores files in the OS temp directory (or indexedDB in browsers) by default.
const yt = await Innertube.create({
cache: new UniversalCache(false)
// You may want to create a persistent cache instead (on Node and Deno).
const yt = await Innertube.create({
cache: new UniversalCache(
// Enables persistent caching
// Path to the cache directory. The directory will be created if it doesn't exist
- .getInfo(target, client?)
- .getBasicInfo(video_id, client?)
- .search(query, filters?)
- .getSearchSuggestions(query)
- .getComments(video_id, sort_by?)
- .getHomeFeed()
- .getGuide()
- .getLibrary()
- .getHistory()
- .getTrending()
- .getSubscriptionsFeed()
- .getChannel(id)
- .getNotifications()
- .getUnseenNotificationsCount()
- .getPlaylist(id)
- .getHashtag(hashtag)
- .getStreamingData(video_id, options)
- .download(video_id, options?)
- .resolveURL(url)
- .call(endpoint, args?)
Retrieves video info.
Returns: Promise<VideoInfo>
Param | Type | Description |
target | string | NavigationEndpoint |
If string , the id of the video. If NavigationEndpoint , the endpoint of watchable elements such as Video , Mix and Playlist . To clarify, valid endpoints have payloads containing at least videoId and optionally playlistId , params and index . |
client? | InnerTubeClient |
Methods & Getters
- Likes the video.
- Dislikes the video.
- Removes like/dislike.
- Returns a LiveChat instance.
- Returns trailer info in a new
instance, ornull
if none. Typically available for non-purchased movies or films.
- Returns trailer info in a new
- Used to choose streaming data formats.
<info>#toDash(url_transformer?, format_filter?)
- Converts streaming data to an MPEG-DASH manifest.
- Downloads the video. See download.
- Retrieves the video's transcript.
- Returns filters that can be applied to the watch next feed.
- Applies the given filter to the watch next feed and returns a new instance of
- Applies the given filter to the watch next feed and returns a new instance of
- Retrieves the next batch of items for the watch next feed.
- Adds the video to the watch history.
- Returns the endpoint of the video for Autoplay.
- Checks if trailer is available.
- Returns original InnerTube response (sanitized).
Suitable for cases where you only need basic video metadata. Also, it is faster than getInfo()
Returns: Promise<VideoInfo>
Param | Type | Description |
video_id | string |
The id of the video |
client? | InnerTubeClient |
Searches the given query on YouTube.
Returns: Promise<Search>
extends theFeed
Param | Type | Description |
query | string |
The search query |
filters? | SearchFilters |
Search filters |
Search Filters
Filter | Type | Value | Description |
upload_date | string |
all | hour | today | week | month | year |
Filter by upload date |
type | string |
all | video | channel | playlist | movie |
Filter by type |
duration | string |
all | short | medium | long |
Filter by duration |
sort_by | string |
relevance | rating | upload_date | view_count |
Sort by |
features | string[] |
hd | subtitles | creative_commons | 3d | live | purchased | 4k | 360 | location | hdr | vr180 |
Filter by features |
Methods & Getters
<search>#selectRefinementCard(SearchRefinementCard | string)
- Applies given refinement card and returns a new Search instance.
- Returns available refinement cards, this is a simplified version of the
- Returns available refinement cards, this is a simplified version of the
- Retrieves next batch of results.
Retrieves search suggestions for given query.
Returns: Promise<string[]>
Param | Type | Description |
query | string |
The search query |
Retrieves comments for given video.
Returns: Promise<Comments>
Param | Type | Description |
video_id | string |
The video id |
sort_by | string |
See ./examples/comments
for examples.
Retrieves YouTube's home feed.
Returns: Promise<HomeFeed>
extends theFilterableFeed
Methods & Getters
- Returns all videos in the home feed.
- Returns all posts in the home feed.
- Returns all shelves in the home feed.
- Returns available filters.
<home_feed>#applyFilter(name | ChipCloudChip)
- Applies given filter and returns a new HomeFeed instance.
- Retrieves feed continuation.
Retrieves YouTube's content guide.
Returns: Promise<Guide>
Retrieves the account's library.
Returns: Promise<Library>
extends theFeed
Methods & Getters
Retrieves watch history.
Returns: Promise<History>
extends theFeed
Methods & Getters
- Retrieves next batch of contents.
Retrieves trending content.
Returns: Promise<TabbedFeed<IBrowseResponse>>
Retrieves the subscriptions feed.
Returns: Promise<Feed<IBrowseResponse>>
Retrieves contents for a given channel.
Returns: Promise<Channel>
extends theTabbedFeed
Param | Type | Description |
id | string |
Channel id |
Methods & Getters
See ./examples/channel
for examples.
Retrieves notifications.
Returns: Promise<NotificationsMenu>
Methods & Getter
- Retrieves next batch of notifications.
Retrieves unseen notifications count.
Returns: Promise<number>
Retrieves playlist contents.
Returns: Promise<Playlist>
extends theFeed
Param | Type | Description |
id | string |
Playlist id |
Methods & Getter
- Returns the items of the playlist.
Retrieves a given hashtag's page.
Returns: Promise<HashtagFeed>
extends theFilterableFeed
Param | Type | Description |
hashtag | string |
The hashtag |
Methods & Getter
- Applies given filter and returns a new
- Applies given filter and returns a new
- Retrieves next batch of contents.
Returns deciphered streaming data.
Note This method will be deprecated in the future. We recommend retrieving streaming data from a
object instead if you want to select formats manually. Please refer to the following example:
const info = await yt.getBasicInfo('somevideoid');
const url = info.streaming_data?.formats[0].decipher(yt.session.player);'Playback url:', url);
// or:
const format = info.chooseFormat({ type: 'audio', quality: 'best' });
const url = format?.decipher(yt.session.player);'Playback url:', url);
Returns: Promise<object>
Param | Type | Description |
video_id | string |
Video id |
options | FormatOptions |
Format options |
Downloads a given video.
Returns: Promise<ReadableStream<Uint8Array>>
Param | Type | Description |
video_id | string |
Video id |
options | DownloadOptions |
Download options |
See ./examples/download
for examples.
Resolves a given url.
Returns: Promise<NavigationEndpoint>
Param | Type | Description |
url | string |
Url to resolve |
Utility to call navigation endpoints.
Returns: Promise<T extends IParsedResponse | IParsedResponse | ApiResponse>
Param | Type | Description |
endpoint | NavigationEndpoint |
The target endpoint |
args? | object |
Additional payload arguments |
YouTube.js is modular and easy to extend. Most of the methods, classes, and utilities used internally are exposed and can be used to implement your own extensions without having to modify the library's source code.
For example, let's say we want to implement a method to retrieve video info. We can do that by using an instance of the Actions
import { Innertube } from 'youtubei.js';
(async () => {
const yt = await Innertube.create();
async function getVideoInfo(videoId: string) {
const videoInfo = await yt.actions.execute('/player', {
// You can add any additional payloads here, and they'll merge with the default payload sent to InnerTube.
client: 'YTMUSIC', // InnerTube client options: ANDROID, YTMUSIC, YTMUSIC_ANDROID, WEB, or TV_EMBEDDED.
parse: true // tells YouTube.js to parse the response (not sent to InnerTube).
return videoInfo;
const videoInfo = await getVideoInfo('jLTOuvBTLxA');;
Alternatively, suppose we locate a NavigationEndpoint
in a parsed response and want to see what happens when we call it:
import { Innertube, YTNodes } from 'youtubei.js';
(async () => {
const yt = await Innertube.create();
const artist = await'UC52ZqHVQz5OoGhvbWiRal6g');
const albums = artist.sections[1].as(YTNodes.MusicCarouselShelf);
// Let's imagine that we wish to click on the “More” button:
const button =;
if (button) {
// Having ensured that it exists, we can then call its navigation endpoint using the following code:
const page = await, { parse: true });;
YouTube.js' parser enables you to parse InnerTube responses and convert their nodes into strongly-typed objects that are simple to manipulate. Additionally, it provides numerous utility methods that make working with InnerTube a breeze.
Here's an example of its usage:
// See ./examples/parser
import { Parser, YTNodes } from 'youtubei.js';
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
// YouTube Music's artist page response
const data = readFileSync('./artist.json').toString();
const page = Parser.parseResponse(JSON.parse(data));
const header = page.header?.item().as(YTNodes.MusicImmersiveHeader, YTNodes.MusicVisualHeader);'Header:', header);
// The parser uses a proxy object to add type safety and utility methods for working with InnerTube's data arrays:
const tab = page.contents?.item().as(YTNodes.SingleColumnBrowseResults).tabs.firstOfType(YTNodes.Tab);
if (!tab)
throw new Error('Target tab not found');
if (!tab.content)
throw new Error('Target tab appears to be empty');
const sections = tab.content?.as(YTNodes.SectionList), YTNodes.MusicDescriptionShelf, YTNodes.MusicShelf);'Sections:', sections);
Documentation for the parser can be found here.
We welcome all contributions, issues and feature requests, whether small or large. If you want to contribute, feel free to check out our issues page and our guidelines.
We are immensely grateful to all the wonderful people who have contributed to this project. A special shoutout to all our contributors! 🎉
LuanRT - @thesciencephile - [email protected]
Project Link:
This project is not affiliated with, endorsed, or sponsored by YouTube or any of its affiliates or subsidiaries. All trademarks, logos, and brand names used in this project are the property of their respective owners and are used solely to describe the services provided.
As such, any usage of trademarks to refer to such services is considered nominative use. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me directly via email.
Distributed under the MIT License.