Create your own Line bot with registering a RegExp to test against an incomming text message
npm install node-linebot-wapper --save
var LineBotWrapper = require('node-linebot-wrapper');
var lineBot = new LineBotWrapper(
'Your channel id',
'Your channel secret',
'Your channel access token',
{onlyFirstMatch: true});'/', lineBot.getParser());
app.get('/', function(req, res) {
res.send("Server is running");
lineBot.onText(/\/cal (.+)/, function(eventOrMsg, match) {
var regex = /\/cal (.+)/;
var respMsg = match[1].replace(/[^-()\d/*+.]/g, '');
respMsg = 'result: ' + eval(respMsg);
replyMessage(eventOrMsg, respMsg);