If you don't already have them :
- Install ruby 2.7.3
rbenv install 2.7.3 && rbenv global 2.7.3
- Install NodeJS (version 12, you may use nvm if you have several versions)
- Install yarn
npm i -g yarn
Install redis & postgresql directly on your machine, for example with
brew install redis && brew install postgresql
on macOS.
If you don't want to install postgres & redis on your machine, or if you already have instances running that you don't want to use, you can install them through docker.
Launch redis & postgres :
docker compose up -d
Set the adequate env variables so that the application can find postgres & redis :
cat docker/dotenv.example >> .env
Setup the project's dependencies :
bin/lefthook install
This installs bundler, runs yarn and setup the database.
Create or append to the .env
echo "LOCKBOX_MASTER_KEY=0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" >> .env
- Run the migrations :
bin/rails db:migrate RAILS_ENV=development
- Run the db services according to your installation
bin/rails s
If you need Sidekiq background workers or Webpacker development server, you can
start them all using overmind
overmind s
To populate fake users
rails populate:users
In a rails console with rails c
user = User.find_by(email: <your_email>)
# user.add_role(:super_admin) # for super admin
In order for the pipeline to be successful, you must ensure that you respect the linting made using
You can either install lefthook who automate multiple commands:
bin/lefthook install
Or manually:
bin/standardrb --fix
bin/yarn prettier --write .
Both these commands fix errors if possible. They will print errors if they can't.
In rubymine, please follow this procedure to add the formatter / linter directly in the editor tabs: https://www.jetbrains.com/help/ruby/rubocop.html#prerequisites
To launch the tests locally, run:
# On macOS you can open Code Coverage results with:
# open coverage/index.html
If you want to debug System Tests in the browser, add the following Ruby line
as a debugger in your spec/system/...
Then launch the test with:
INSPECTOR=true bin/rspec spec/system/THE_FILE_spec.rb
It should automatically open Chrome and allow you to inspect the DOM,
queries, etc. You can next
and continue
in the Terminal as if you had a
debugging session.