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File metadata and controls

218 lines (170 loc) · 8.34 KB


A module and CLI Utility for managing Tableau objects, locally, and in Tableau Online.

Quick start


From pypi

Core Package
  • pip install tableau-utilities
Hyper Subpackage

This extra package depends on the tableauhyperapi which is incompatible with Apple Silicon computers. See the tableauhyperapi installation docs for workarounds to use the package on Applie Silicon.

  • pip install tableau-utilities[hyper]
  • pip install 'tableau-utilities[hyper]' if you're using zsh make sure to add quotes

Locally using pip

  • cd tableau-utilities
  • pip install ./

Confirm installation

  • which tableau_utilities
    • Describes where tableau-utilities has been installed
  • tableau_utilities --help
    • Should populate a list of available commands

Module Usage


from tableau_utilities import Datasource, TableauServer
from tableau_utilities import tableau_file_objects as tfo
from my_secrets import tableau_creds

def main():
    # The datasource identified by the ID
    datasource_id = 'abc123'

    # Create a Tableau Connection
    ts = TableauServer(**tableau_creds)
    # Download a Datasource
    datasource_path =
    # Define a Datasource object from the datasource_path
    datasource = Datasource(datasource_path)
    # Define a new folder
    folder = tfo.Folder(name='Time Dimensions')
    # Define a new Column
    column = tfo.Column(
        caption='Max Created Datetime',
        desc='The maximum Created Datetime.',
        calculation='MAX([Created Datetime])'
    # Add the new column to the new folder, as a folder-item
    folder_item = tfo.FolderItem(
    # Add the column and folder to the datasource
    # Enforce the Column, to update the Metadata
    datasource.enforce_column(column, remote_name='max_created_at')
    # Save changes to the Datasource
    # Publish & Overwrite the Datasource
    ts.publish.datasource(datasource_path, datasource_id=datasource_id)

if __name__ == '__main__':

CLI Usage


See the top level CLI arguments including the commands.

tableau_utilities --help

See the help for a command. Each command has arguments for a different grouping of actions.

tableau_utilities server_operate --help

Authentication Options

Pass your credentials into the command

tableau_utilities --token_name my_token_name --token_secret 1q2w3e4r5t6y7u8i9o --site mysitename --server 10az server_info --list_object datasource --list_format names

Use a settings YAML file

tableau_utilities  --settings_path my_settings.yaml server_info --list_object datasource --list_format names

Use environment variables

tableau_utilities server_info --list_object datasource --list_format names

Using the 1password CLI with op run

op run --env-file=.env -- tableau_utilities server_info list_--list_object datasource --list_format names

Examples for each command


Lists all datasources in your site ordered by ID

tableau_utilities --token_name my_token_name --token_secret 1q2w3e4r5t6y7u8i9o --site mysitename --server 10az server_info --list_object datasource --list_format ids_names --list_sort_field id


Download a datasource by name

tableau_utilities --token_name my_token_name --token_secret 1q2w3e4r5t6y7u8i9o --site_name mysitename --server 10az --name 'My Awesome Datasource' --project_name 'My Fabulous Project' server_operate --download datasource

Publish Datasource with embedded connection credentials

tableau_utilities -tn my_token_name -ts 1q2w3e4r5t6y7u8i9o -sn mysitename -s 10az -n 'My Awesome Datasource' -pn 'My Fabulous Project' --file_path '/Downloads/My Awesome Datasource.tdsx' --conn_user username --conn_pw abc123 server_operate --publish datasource

Embed Connection credentials for a Datasource

tableau_utilities -tn my_token_name -ts 1q2w3e4r5t6y7u8i9o -sn mysitename -s 10az -n 'My Awesome Datasource' -pn 'My Fabulous Project' --conn_user username --conn_pw abc123 server_operate --embed_connection


Save the TDS for a datasource from a local datasource to view the raw XML

tableau_utilities --location local --file_path '/Downloads/My Awesome Datasource.tdsx' --save_tds  datasource

Save the TDS for a datasource from an online datasource to view the raw XML

tableau_utilities --token_name my_token_name --token_secret 1q2w3e4r5t6y7u8i9o --site mysitename --server 10az --location online --name 'My Awesome Datasource' --project_name 'My Cool Project' --save_tds datasource

Change the folder for a column

tableau_utilities --location local --file_path '/Downloads/Metadata Alter.tdsx' datasource --column_name COLUMN_NAME --folder_name 'Folder Name'

Update/Add attributes for a column

tableau_utilities --location local --file_path '/Downloads/Metadata Alter.tdsx' datasource --column_name COLUMN_NAME --remote_name COLUMN_NAME_FROM_CONNECTION --caption 'My Pretty Column Name' --persona string_dimension --desc 'A help description for Tableau users to understand the data' 

Delete folder

tableau_utilities --location local --file_path '/Downloads/Metadata Alter.tdsx' datasource --folder_name 'Folder Name' --delete folder

Enforce Datasource connection credentials

tableau_utilities -l local -f '/Downloads/Metadata Alter.tdsx' --conn_type snowflake --conn_host --conn_user username --conn_pw password --conn_db database_name --conn_schema schema_name --conn_role role_name --conn_warehouse warehouse_name datasource --embed_connection


Generate a config from a datasource in online/server

tableau_utilities --token_name my_token_name --token_secret 1q2w3e4r5t6y7u8i9o --site mysitename --server 10az --location online --name 'My Awseome Datasource' --project_name 'My Team Project' generate_config

Generate a config from a datasource in online/server and add definitions from a csv

tableau_utilities --token_name my_token_name --token_secret 1q2w3e4r5t6y7u8i9o --site mysitename --server 10az --location online --name 'My Awseome Datasource' --project_name 'My Team Project' generate_config --definitions_csv /Desktop/new_descriptions.csv

Generate a config from a local file. Add a file prefix and print the debugging logs to the console

tableau_utilities --debugging_logs  --location local --file_path '/code/tableau-utilities/tmp_tdsx_and_config/My Awesome Datasource.tdsx' generate_config --file_prefix


Write the config to a csv with 1 row per field per datasource

 tableau_utilities csv_config --config_list /code/airflow/dags/tableau/configs/column_config.json /code/airflow/dags/tableau/configs/tableau_calc_config.json


Merge a new config into your main config

tableau_utilities merge_config --merge_with config --existing_config /code/tableau-utilities/tmp_tdsx_and_config/main__column_config.json --additional_config /code/tableau-utilities/tmp_tdsx_and_config/new__column_config.json --merged_config code/dbt-repo/tableau_datasource_configs/column_config

Merge data defintions from a csv into your main config

tableau_utilities --definitions_csv /Desktop/new_definitions.csv merge_config --merge_with csv  merge_config --existing_config code/dbt-repo/tableau_datasource_configs/column_config.json --merged_config code/dbt-repo/tableau_datasource_configs/column_config


  • pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Create settings.yaml file in the directory where tableau_utilities is called.
    • See sample_settings.yaml for an example.
  • test_tableau_utilities
    • Add tests as needed
    • Run when making changes


This project is actively maintained by the Data Platform team at @hoverinc.