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Releases: icoretech/airbroke


20 Jul 12:35
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1.1.38 (2023-07-20)


  • db.ts: add support for excluding logging when running in a testing environment by checking the value of TESTING environment variable (6123d12)

Bug Fixes

  • Dockerfile: update COPY commands to use --link flag (00f957c)
  • route.ts: include CORS headers in error responses to allow cross-origin requests (08f997d)
  • route.ts: include CORS headers in successful responses to allow cross-origin requests (08f997d)


20 Jul 09:29
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1.1.37 (2023-07-19)

Bug Fixes

  • deps: update dependency ai to v2.1.21 (7379260)
  • deps: update dependency ai to v2.1.22 (#133) (5032204)
  • deps: update dependency next-auth to v4.22.3 (19c8961)
  • deps: update dependency superjson to v1.13.1 (#132) (a823e8a)


15 Jul 15:16
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1.1.36 (2023-07-15)


  • SparkLine.tsx: add Sparkline component to render a line chart based on provided data, to be used later (859fb84)

Bug Fixes

  • airbrakeActions.ts: change revalidatePath calls to revalidateTag (71b819d)
  • deps: update dependency @tailwindcss/forms to v0.5.4 (0dfd302)
  • deps: update dependency ai to v2.1.20 (#123) (6efd275)
  • deps: update dependency postcss to v8.4.26 (#124) (60dfa5c)
  • deps: update dependency sharp to v0.32.3 (#111) (6bb08df)
  • deps: update dependency tailwindcss to v3.3.3 (#125) (67569b0)
  • OccurrenceChartWrapper.tsx: update the OccurrencesChartWrapper components to generate a complete list of hourly intervals for the past 14 days and fill in the occurrence counts. If there were no occurrences for a certain hour, it now displays zero on the chart, rather than skipping that hour (0b42ae2)
  • route.ts: change the URL in the responseJSON to remove "/notices" from the URL (e9f4ec6)


09 Jul 17:25
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1.1.35 (2023-07-09)


  • AI.tsx: add buttons to toggle between regular and detailed completion requests (d5f7968)
  • AI.tsx: add support for 'isDetailMode' state to determine whether to include extra data in the completion request, closes #74 (d5f7968)
  • completion/route.ts: use vercel/ai instead of chatgpt, closes #101 (b7c487b)
  • route.ts: add support for 'sendExtraData' query parameter to include extra data in the prompt for error handling (d5f7968)
  • route.ts: truncate the prompt to fit within the OpenAI token limit of 4096 tokens (d5f7968)
  • route.ts: use configurable OpenAI engine from environment variable AIRBROKE_OPENAI_ENGINE (a3a695f)

Bug Fixes

  • AI.tsx: scroll textarea to bottom when completion or error changes (a3a695f)
  • route.ts: remove unused code related to notice data (a3a695f)
  • route.ts: simplify error response message when user is not logged in (a3a695f)


09 Jul 13:30
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1.1.34 (2023-07-09)


  • switch to fork of react-icons (64b8d49)

Bug Fixes

  • hide open sidebar button when not necessary (64b8d49)


09 Jul 11:25
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1.1.33 (2023-07-09)


  • .drone.jsonnet: add support for building and pushing Docker images only when on the main branch (adf3d4a)
  • .drone.jsonnet: add support for building Docker images without pushing when on any branch other than main (adf3d4a)
  • .env.dist: add AIRBROKE_CACHE environment variable to enable resource caching (experimental) (9daf70b)
  • db.ts: refactor prisma initialization (a513e31)
  • db.ts: update PrismaClient initialization to include query logging in development environment (6e0c4d7)
  • disable caching on individual pages, make use of our customCache (2e17c20)
  • lib/cache.ts: add customCache function to enable caching of function results (9daf70b)
  • notices.ts: add _fetchNoticeIdsByProjectId and _fetchNoticeEnvs helper functions to encapsulate database queries for fetching notice IDs and environments by project ID (334dfee)
  • projects.ts: add caching to the getProjectById function (6e0c4d7)
  • projects.ts: add caching to the getProjects function (6e0c4d7)
  • projects.ts: add caching to the getProjectsGroupedByOrganization function (6e0c4d7)
  • queries/notices.ts: add caching to fetchNotices and fetchNoticeById functions (6e0c4d7)
  • queries/occurrenceBookmarks.ts: add caching to fetchOccurrenceBookmarks function (6e0c4d7)
  • queries/occurrences.ts: add caching to fetchOccurrences function (6e0c4d7)

Bug Fixes

  • api/ai/route.ts: change import statement for prisma to use default import (0e14177)
  • api/hc/route.ts: change import statement for prisma to use default import (0e14177)
  • api/v3/notices/route.ts: change import statement for prisma to use default import (0e14177)
  • auth.ts: update import statement for prisma from "./db" to "@/lib/db" (930dbc0)
  • components/OccurrenceChartWrapper.tsx: change import statement for prisma to use default import (0e14177)
  • components/project/OccurrencesChartWrapper.tsx: change import statement for prisma to use default import (0e14177)
  • db.ts: update PrismaClient initialization to conditionally log queries and warnings based on NODE_ENV environment variable (7bd6e6d)
  • deps: update dependency postcss to v8.4.25 (4dacb8d)
  • deps: update dependency prettier to v3 (#98) (7e31a4c)
  • Form.tsx: resolves warning: Cannot specify a "name" prop for a button that specifies a function as a formAction (9711a11)
  • lib/actions/occurrenceActions.ts: change import statement for prisma to use default import (0e14177)
  • lib/actions/projectActions.ts: change import statement for prisma to use default import (0e14177)
  • lib/processError.ts: change import statement for prisma to use default import (0e14177)
  • lib/queries/notices.ts: change import statement for prisma to use default import (0e14177)
  • lib/queries/occurrenceBookmarks.ts: change import statement for prisma to use default import (0e14177)
  • lib/queries/occurrences.ts: change import statement for prisma to use default import (0e14177)
  • lib/queries/projects.ts: change import statement for prisma to use default import (0e14177)
  • middleware.ts: update the matcher regular expression to exclude the _vercel directory from being matched (e8cbcaa)
  • projects/page.tsx: change import statement for prisma to use default import (0e14177)
  • testSetup.ts: change import statement for prisma to use default import (0e14177)


26 Jun 11:50
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1.1.32 (2023-06-26)


  • notices.ts: add support for limiting the number of notices returned by getNotices function (8d09776)

Bug Fixes

  • occurrences.ts: unlimited data can crash prisma, default to 100 for now (9d25777)


12 Jun 14:00
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1.1.31 (2023-06-12)


  • package.json: update next.js and related packages to stable version 13.4.5 (ace107a)


08 Jun 18:59
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1.1.30 (2023-06-08)


resolve buttons


07 Jun 10:21
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1.1.29 (2023-06-06)


  • page.tsx: responsive tabs in project edit, closes #24 (8c24e9a)