🚀 Just few ideas to start you up!
Add all your preferred images to the file list
and activate the slideshow
feature. Perfect for individuals who spend long hours on IDEA. Have fun!
Turn off the slideshow
if it becomes too distracting; just enable the random
flag instead: every time the new file is edited, a random background will be used.
(In the example: images are aligned to middle-right edge and opacity is set to 20%.)
Have each file type its own background! For example, we can put little Duke in bottom-right corner for all Java files (*.java
(In this example the Duke image is a PNG image with transparent background. Therefore, opacity
of the image may be high, e.g. 80% - 100%.)
Since the right part of the editor is often unused, we can add image with most important keymaps to it:
For example, we can take default IDEA keymap reference and export an image for each column. Put these images in the file list
and turn on the slideshow