diff --git a/local-dev-index.html b/local-dev-index.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d99bb7d --- /dev/null +++ b/local-dev-index.html @@ -0,0 +1,202 @@ + + + + + Internet in a Box - HOME + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + +
+ + + + + + + + + diff --git a/menu-files/html/credits.html b/menu-files/html/credits.html index 29fea14..993f52c 100644 --- a/menu-files/html/credits.html +++ b/menu-files/html/credits.html @@ -2,48 +2,73 @@ - - -Credits + + Credits +

Internet-in-a-Box Credits

- Internet-in-a-Box (formerly known as XSCE School Server) includes a variety of educational and other content and applications which are attributed as follows:

- - All Wikipedia content is available for free at www.wikipedia.org.
- All other Wikimedia content is available for free via links at www.wikimedia.org.
- All Khan Academy content is available for free at www.khanacademy.org.
- All CK-12 content is available for free at www.ck12.org.
- All PhET Interactive Simulations content is available for free at phet.colorado.edu.
- All MedLine content is available for free at medlineplus.gov.
- All Hesperian content is available for free at hesperian.org.
- Arabic translations of Hesperian content were done by Arab Resource Collective and are available for free at mawared.org.
- All Gutenberg content is available for free at www.gutenberg.org.
- All OLPC content is available for free at wiki.laptop.org.
- All MIT Scratch content is available for free at scratch.mit.edu.
- All UNESCO's IICBA content is available for free at www.iicba.unesco.org.
- All Math Expression content is available for free at www.mathexpression.com.
- All Music Theory content is available for free at www.musictheory.net.
- All HealthPhone content is available for free at www.healthphone.org.
- All Centers for Disease Control content is available for free at www.cdc.gov.
- All Global Emergency Medicine Wiki content is available for free at wikem.org/wiki/Main_Page.

- - Internet-in-a-Box also includes the work of content aggregators which we gratefully acknowledge:

- - RACHEL is a curation of selected offline content at rachel.worldpossible.org.
- Kiwix is a ZIM server and repository of Wikimedia and other content in a compressed ZIM file format at www.kiwix.org.
- KA Lite is a server and repository of Khan Academy content in various languages at learningequality.org/ka-lite.

- - Internet-in-a-Box also contains a number of applications each of which has its own attribution information which is included.

- - This Internet-in-a-Box distribution resides at github.com/iiab.

- - It is licensed under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

- - Licensing information may be found at github.com/iiab/iiab/blob/master/LICENSE.
+ Internet-in-a-Box (formerly known as XSCE School Server) includes a variety of educational and other content and applications + which are attributed as follows: +
All Wikipedia content is available for free at + www.wikipedia.org. +
All other Wikimedia content is available for free via links at + www.wikimedia.org. +
All Khan Academy content is available for free at + www.khanacademy.org. +
All CK-12 content is available for free at + www.ck12.org. +
All PhET Interactive Simulations content is available for free at + phet.colorado.edu. +
All MedLine content is available for free at + medlineplus.gov. +
All Hesperian content is available for free at + hesperian.org. +
Arabic translations of Hesperian content were done by Arab Resource Collective and are available for free at + mawared.org. +
All Gutenberg content is available for free at + www.gutenberg.org. +
All OLPC content is available for free at + wiki.laptop.org. +
All MIT Scratch content is available for free at + scratch.mit.edu. +
All UNESCO's IICBA content is available for free at + www.iicba.unesco.org. +
All Math Expression content is available for free at + www.mathexpression.com. +
All Music Theory content is available for free at + www.musictheory.net. +
All HealthPhone content is available for free at + www.healthphone.org. +
All Centers for Disease Control content is available for free at + www.cdc.gov. +
All Global Emergency Medicine Wiki content is available for free at + wikem.org/wiki/Main_Page. +
Internet-in-a-Box also includes the work of content aggregators which we gratefully acknowledge: +
RACHEL is a curation of selected offline content at + rachel.worldpossible.org. +
Kiwix is a ZIM server and repository of Wikimedia and other content in a compressed ZIM file format at + www.kiwix.org. +
KA Lite is a server and repository of Khan Academy content in various languages at + learningequality.org/ka-lite. +
Internet-in-a-Box also contains a number of applications each of which has its own attribution information which is included. +
This Internet-in-a-Box distribution resides at + github.com/iiab. +
It is licensed under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; + either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. +
Licensing information may be found at + github.com/iiab/iiab/blob/master/LICENSE. +
+ - diff --git a/menu-files/js/iiab-menu.js b/menu-files/js/iiab-menu.js index 6379cad..14fd227 100644 --- a/menu-files/js/iiab-menu.js +++ b/menu-files/js/iiab-menu.js @@ -1,422 +1,414 @@ // iiab-menu.js // copyright 2017 Tim Moody +(function() { + // debug + var debug, forceFullDisplay, dynamicHtml; + if (typeof debug == 'undefined') { debug = false; } + if (typeof forceFullDisplay == 'undefined') { forceFullDisplay = false; } // allow override in index.html + if (typeof dynamicHtml == 'undefined') { dynamicHtml = true; } // allow override in index.html + + // Ports used by services - not currently tied to iiab ansible + var menuConfig = { + // 'kiwixPort': '3000', + // 'kalitePort': '8008', + // 'calibrePort': '8010' + }; + + // constants + var zimVersionIdx = '/common/assets/zim_version_idx.json'; + var htmlBaseUrl = '/modules/'; + var webrootBaseUrl = '/'; + var apkBaseUrl = '/content/apk/'; + var menuUrl = '/iiab-menu/menu-files/'; + var configJson = '/iiab-menu/config.json'; + var defUrl = menuUrl + 'menu-defs/'; + var imageUrl = menuUrl + 'images/'; + var menuServicesUrl = menuUrl + 'services/'; + var iiabMeterUrl = '/iiab_meter.php'; + + var host = 'http://' + window.location.hostname; + var isMobile = (function(a) { + if (/(android|bb\d+|meego).+mobile|avantgo|bada\/|blackberry|blazer|compal|elaine|fennec|hiptop|iemobile|ip(hone|od)|iris|kindle|lge |maemo|midp|mmp|mobile.+firefox|netfront|opera m(ob|in)i|palm( os)?|phone|p(ixi|re)\/|plucker|pocket|psp|series(4|6)0|symbian|treo|up\.(browser|link)|vodafone|wap|windows ce|xda|xiino|android|ipad|playbook|silk/i.test(a) + || /1207|6310|6590|3gso|4thp|50[1-6]i|770s|802s|a wa|abac|ac(er|oo|s\-)|ai(ko|rn)|al(av|ca|co)|amoi|an(ex|ny|yw)|aptu|ar(ch|go)|as(te|us)|attw|au(di|\-m|r |s )|avan|be(ck|ll|nq)|bi(lb|rd)|bl(ac|az)|br(e|v)w|bumb|bw\-(n|u)|c55\/|capi|ccwa|cdm\-|cell|chtm|cldc|cmd\-|co(mp|nd)|craw|da(it|ll|ng)|dbte|dc\-s|devi|dica|dmob|do(c|p)o|ds(12|\-d)|el(49|ai)|em(l2|ul)|er(ic|k0)|esl8|ez([4-7]0|os|wa|ze)|fetc|fly(\-|_)|g1 u|g560|gene|gf\-5|g\-mo|go(\.w|od)|gr(ad|un)|haie|hcit|hd\-(m|p|t)|hei\-|hi(pt|ta)|hp( i|ip)|hs\-c|ht(c(\-| |_|a|g|p|s|t)|tp)|hu(aw|tc)|i\-(20|go|ma)|i230|iac( |\-|\/)|ibro|idea|ig01|ikom|im1k|inno|ipaq|iris|ja(t|v)a|jbro|jemu|jigs|kddi|keji|kgt( |\/)|klon|kpt |kwc\-|kyo(c|k)|le(no|xi)|lg( g|\/(k|l|u)|50|54|\-[a-w])|libw|lynx|m1\-w|m3ga|m50\/|ma(te|ui|xo)|mc(01|21|ca)|m\-cr|me(rc|ri)|mi(o8|oa|ts)|mmef|mo(01|02|bi|de|do|t(\-| |o|v)|zz)|mt(50|p1|v )|mwbp|mywa|n10[0-2]|n20[2-3]|n30(0|2)|n50(0|2|5)|n7(0(0|1)|10)|ne((c|m)\-|on|tf|wf|wg|wt)|nok(6|i)|nzph|o2im|op(ti|wv)|oran|owg1|p800|pan(a|d|t)|pdxg|pg(13|\-([1-8]|c))|phil|pire|pl(ay|uc)|pn\-2|po(ck|rt|se)|prox|psio|pt\-g|qa\-a|qc(07|12|21|32|60|\-[2-7]|i\-)|qtek|r380|r600|raks|rim9|ro(ve|zo)|s55\/|sa(ge|ma|mm|ms|ny|va)|sc(01|h\-|oo|p\-)|sdk\/|se(c(\-|0|1)|47|mc|nd|ri)|sgh\-|shar|sie(\-|m)|sk\-0|sl(45|id)|sm(al|ar|b3|it|t5)|so(ft|ny)|sp(01|h\-|v\-|v )|sy(01|mb)|t2(18|50)|t6(00|10|18)|ta(gt|lk)|tcl\-|tdg\-|tel(i|m)|tim\-|t\-mo|to(pl|sh)|ts(70|m\-|m3|m5)|tx\-9|up(\.b|g1|si)|utst|v400|v750|veri|vi(rg|te)|vk(40|5[0-3]|\-v)|vm40|voda|vulc|vx(52|53|60|61|70|80|81|83|85|98)|w3c(\-| )|webc|whit|wi(g |nc|nw)|wmlb|wonu|x700|yas\-|your|zeto|zte\-/i.test(a.substr(0, 4))) { + return true; + } else { + return false; + } + } + )(navigator.userAgent || navigator.vendor || window.opera); + var showFullDisplay = true; // show full display if not mobile device or if force Full Display + if (isMobile && !forceFullDisplay) showFullDisplay = false; + var baseFontSize = 16; // for non-mobile in px + var mobilePortraitSize = baseFontSize + 'px'; + var mobileLscapeSize = baseFontSize / 2 + 'px'; + var menuDefs = {}; + var zimVersions = {}; + + var scaffold = $.Deferred(); + var ajaxCallCount = 0; + var i; + + + function procMenu() { + resizeHandler(); // if a mobile device set font-size for portrait or landscape + for (var i = 0; i < menuItems.length; i++) { // where is menuItems coming from?? + consoleLog(menuItems[i]); + getMenuDef(menuItems[i]); + } + } -// debug - -if(typeof debug == 'undefined') { - debug = false; -} - -if(typeof forceFullDisplay == 'undefined') { // allow override in index.html - forceFullDisplay = false; -} - -if(typeof dynamicHtml == 'undefined') { // allow override in index.html - dynamicHtml = true; -} - -// Ports used by services - not currently tied to iiab ansible -var menuConfig = {}; -//menuConfig['kiwixPort'] = "3000"; -//menuConfig['kalitePort'] = "8008"; -//menuConfig['calibrePort'] = "8010"; - -// constants -var zimVersionIdx = "/common/assets/zim_version_idx.json"; -var htmlBaseUrl = "/modules/"; -var webrootBaseUrl = "/"; -var apkBaseUrl = "/content/apk/"; -var menuUrl = '/iiab-menu/menu-files/'; -var configJson = '/iiab-menu/config.json'; -var defUrl = menuUrl + 'menu-defs/'; -var imageUrl = menuUrl + 'images/'; -var menuServicesUrl = menuUrl + 'services/'; -var iiabMeterUrl = "/iiab_meter.php" - -var host = 'http://' + window.location.hostname; -var isMobile = detectMob(); -var showFullDisplay = true; // show full display if not mobile device or if force Full Display -if (isMobile && !forceFullDisplay) - showFullDisplay = false; -var baseFontSize = 16; // for non-mobile in px -var mobilePortraitSize = baseFontSize + "px"; -var mobileLscapeSize = baseFontSize / 2 + "px"; -var menuHtml = ""; -var menuDefs = {}; -var zimVersions = {}; - -var scaffold = $.Deferred(); -var ajaxCallCount = 0; -var i; - -// get config -var getConfigJson = $.getJSON(configJson) -.done(function( data ) { - consoleLog(data); - menuConfig = data; - apkBaseUrl = menuConfig['apkBaseUrl']; - if (isMobile){ - baseFontSize = menuConfig['mobilePortraitSize'].split("px")[0]; - mobilePortraitSize = baseFontSize + "px"; - mobileLscapeSize = baseFontSize / 2 + "px"; - window.addEventListener("resize", resizeHandler); + function getMenuDef(menuItem) { + var module; + var menuId = menuDefs[menuItem]['menu_id']; // save this value + ajaxCallCount += 1; + + var resp = $.ajax({ + type: 'GET', + async: true, + url: defUrl + menuItem + '.json', + dataType: 'json' + }) + .done(function(data) { + menuDefs[menuItem] = data; + menuDefs[menuItem]['menu_item_name'] = menuItem; + menuDefs[menuItem]['add_html'] = ''; + menuDefs[menuItem]['menu_id'] = menuId; + module = menuDefs[menuItem]; + procMenuItem(module); + checkMenuDone(); + }) + .fail(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { + var menuHtml = + '
' + + menuItem + + ' - file not found or improperly formatted
'; + $('#' + menuId).html(menuHtml); + checkMenuDone(); + jsonErrhandler(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown); // probably a json error + }); + return resp; } - }) -.fail(jsonErrhandler); - -// get name to instance index for zim files -var getZimVersions = $.getJSON(zimVersionIdx) -.done(function( data ) { - //consoleLog(data); -zimVersions = data;}) -.fail(jsonErrhandler); - -// This is the main processing -if (dynamicHtml){ - $.when(scaffold, getZimVersions, getConfigJson).then(procMenu); - // create scaffolding for menu items - var html = ""; - for (i = 0; i < menuItems.length; i++) { - var menu_item_name = menuItems[i]; - menuDefs[menu_item_name] = {} - menuItemDivId = i.toString() + "-" + menu_item_name; - menuDefs[menu_item_name]['menu_id'] = menuItemDivId; - - html += ''; + + function procMenuItem(module) { + var menuHtml = ''; + var langClass = ''; + var calcZimLink = function(module) { + // if kiwix_url is defined use it otherwise use port + var href = zimVersions[module.zim_name] + '/'; + if (menuConfig.hasOwnProperty('kiwixUrl')) href = menuConfig.kiwixUrl + href; + else href = host + ':' + menuConfig.kiwixPort + '/' + href; + + var html = calcLink(href, module); + return html; + } + var calcHtmlLink = function(module) { + var href = htmlBaseUrl + module.moddir; + var html = calcLink(href, module); + return html; + } + var calcWebrootLink = function(module) { + var href = webrootBaseUrl + module.moddir; + var html = calcLink(href, module); + return html; + } + var calcKaliteLink = function(module) { + var portRef = module.lang + '-kalitePort'; + var href = host + ':'; + if (menuConfig.hasOwnProperty(portRef)) href += menuConfig[portRef]; + else href += menuConfig['en-kalitePort']; + + var html = calcLink(href, module); + return html; + } + var calcCalibreLink = function(module) { + var href = host + ':' + menuConfig.calibrePort; + var html = calcLink(href, module); + return html; + } + var calcOsmLink = function(module) { + var href = '/iiab/static/map.html'; + var html = calcLink(href, module); + return html; + } + var calcInfoLink = function(module) { + var href = null; + var html = calcLink(href, module); + return html; + } + var getExtraHtml = function(module) { + if (module.hasOwnProperty('extra_html') && module['extra_html'] != '') { + consoleLog('starting get extra'); + consoleLog(module.extra_html); + ajaxCallCount += 1; + var resp = $.ajax({ + type: 'GET', + async: true, + url: defUrl + module.extra_html, + dataType: 'html' + }) + .done(function(data) { + //menuDefs[module.menu_item_name]['add_html'] = data; + consoleLog('in get extra done'); + var add_html = data; + var re = new RegExp('##HREF-BASE##', 'g'); + var menuItemHtmlfDivId = '#' + module.menu_id + '-htmlf'; + add_html = add_html.replace(re, module.href); + + consoleLog(menuItemHtmlfDivId); + $('.toggleExtraHtml').toggle(showFullDisplay); + $(menuItemHtmlfDivId).html(add_html); + checkMenuDone(); + }) + .fail(checkMenuDone); + return resp; + } + } + + var menuItemDivId = '#' + module['menu_id']; + consoleLog(module); + if (module['intended_use'] == 'zim') { menuHtml += calcZimLink(module); } + else if (module['intended_use'] == 'html') { menuHtml += calcHtmlLink(module); } + else if (module['intended_use'] == 'webroot') { menuHtml += calcWebrootLink(module); } + else if (module['intended_use'] == 'kalite') { menuHtml += calcKaliteLink(module); } + else if (module['intended_use'] == 'calibre') { menuHtml += calcCalibreLink(module); } + else if (module['intended_use'] == 'osm') { menuHtml += calcOsmLink(module); } + else if (module['intended_use'] == 'info') { menuHtml += calcInfoLink(module); } + else { + menuHtml += + '
' + + module['menu_item_name'] + + ' - unknown module type
'; + } + + langClass = 'lang_' + module.lang; + $(menuItemDivId).addClass(langClass); + $(menuItemDivId).html(menuHtml); + getExtraHtml(module); } - $("#content").html(html); - $(".toggleExtraHtml").toggle(showFullDisplay); - scaffold.resolve(); -} -else { - $.when(getConfigJson).then(procStatic); -} - -// click function for full display toggle -$( "#toggleFullDisplay" ).click(function() { - $(".toggleExtraHtml").toggle(); -}); - -function procStatic(){ - $('a[href*="##HOST##"]') - .each(function () { - hrefStr = $(this).attr('href'); - hrefStr = hrefStr.replace(/##HOST##/g, window.location.host); - this.href = hrefStr; - }); - resizeHandler (); // if a mobile device set font-size for portrait or landscape - $('a').click(iiabMeter); -} - -function procMenu() { - resizeHandler (); // if a mobile device set font-size for portrait or landscape - for (var i = 0; i < menuItems.length; i++) { - consoleLog(menuItems[i]); - getMenuDef(menuItems[i]) - } -} - -function getMenuDef(menuItem) { - var module; - var menuId = menuDefs[menuItem]['menu_id']; // save this value - ajaxCallCount += 1; - - var resp = $.ajax({ - type: 'GET', - async: true, - url: defUrl + menuItem + '.json', - dataType: 'json' - }) - .done(function( data ) { - menuDefs[menuItem] = data; - menuDefs[menuItem]['menu_item_name'] = menuItem; - menuDefs[menuItem]['add_html'] = ""; - menuDefs[menuItem]['menu_id'] = menuId; - module = menuDefs[menuItem]; - procMenuItem(module); - checkMenuDone(); - }) - .fail(function (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){ - var menuHtml = '
' + menuItem + ' - file not found or improperly formatted
'; - $("#" + menuId).html(menuHtml); - checkMenuDone(); - jsonErrhandler (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown); // probably a json error - }); - return resp; -} - -function procMenuItem(module) { - var menuHtml = ""; - var langClass = ""; - - var menuItemDivId = "#" + module['menu_id']; - consoleLog(module); - if (module['intended_use'] == "zim") - menuHtml += calcZimLink(module); - else if (module['intended_use'] == "html") - menuHtml += calcHtmlLink(module); - else if (module['intended_use'] == "webroot") - menuHtml += calcWebrootLink(module); - else if (module['intended_use'] == "kalite") - menuHtml += calcKaliteLink(module); - else if (module['intended_use'] == "calibre") - menuHtml += calcCalibreLink(module); - else if (module['intended_use'] == "osm") - menuHtml += calcOsmLink(module); - else if (module['intended_use'] == "info") - menuHtml += calcInfoLink(module); - else - menuHtml += '
' + module['menu_item_name'] + ' - unknown module type
'; - - langClass = 'lang_' + module.lang; - $(menuItemDivId).addClass(langClass); - $(menuItemDivId).html(menuHtml); - getExtraHtml(module); -} - -function calcZimLink(module){ - // if kiwix_url is defined use it otherwise use port - var href = zimVersions[module.zim_name] + '/'; - if ( menuConfig.hasOwnProperty('kiwixUrl')) - href = menuConfig.kiwixUrl + href; - else - href = host + ':' + menuConfig.kiwixPort + '/' + href; - - var html = calcLink(href,module); - return html -} - -function calcHtmlLink(module){ - var href = htmlBaseUrl + module.moddir; - - var html = calcLink(href,module); - return html -} - -function calcWebrootLink(module){ - var href = webrootBaseUrl + module.moddir; - - var html = calcLink(href,module); - return html -} - -function calcKaliteLink(module){ - var portRef = module.lang + '-kalitePort'; - var href = host + ':' - if (menuConfig.hasOwnProperty(portRef)) - href += menuConfig[portRef]; - else - href += menuConfig['en-kalitePort']; - - var html = calcLink(href,module); - return html -} - -function calcCalibreLink(module){ - var href = host + ':' + menuConfig.calibrePort; - - var html = calcLink(href,module); - return html -} - -function calcOsmLink(module){ - var href = '/iiab/static/map.html'; - - var html = calcLink(href,module); - return html -} - -function calcInfoLink(module){ - var href = null; - - var html = calcLink(href,module); - return html -} - -function calcLink(href,module){ - var startPage = href; - - // record href for extra html - menuDefs[module.menu_item_name]['href'] = href; - - if (module.hasOwnProperty("start_url")) - startPage = href + '/' + module['start_url']; - - var html = '
'; - html+='
'; - if (href != null) - html+='' + module.title + '
'; - else - html+='' + module.title + '
'; - html+='

'; - if (href != null) - html+='' + module.title + ''; - else - html+=module.title; - html+='

' + module.description + '

'; - if (module.hasOwnProperty("apk_file")){ - var sizeClause = ''; - if (module.hasOwnProperty("apk_file_size")) - sizeClause = ' (' + module.apk_file_size + ')'; - if (menuConfig['apkLinkPhrase'].hasOwnProperty(module.lang)) - html+='

' + menuConfig['apkLinkPhrase'][module.lang] + ' ' + module.apk_file + sizeClause + '

'; - else - html+='

Click here to download ' + module.apk_file + '

'; + + function calcLink(href, module) { + var startPage = href; + + // record href for extra html + menuDefs[module.menu_item_name]['href'] = href; + + if (module.hasOwnProperty('start_url')) startPage = href + '/' + module['start_url']; + + var html = '
'; + html += '
'; + + if (href != null) { + html += '' + module.title + '
'; + } else { + html += '' + module.title + '
'; + } + + html += '

'; + + if (href != null) { html += '' + module.title + ''; } + else { html += module.title; } + + html += '

' + module.description + '

'; + + if (module.hasOwnProperty('apk_file')) { + var sizeClause = ''; + if (module.hasOwnProperty('apk_file_size')) { sizeClause = ' (' + module.apk_file_size + ')'; } + if (menuConfig['apkLinkPhrase'].hasOwnProperty(module.lang)) { + html += + '

' + + menuConfig['apkLinkPhrase'][module.lang] + + ' ' + + module.apk_file + + sizeClause + + '

'; + } else { + html += '

Click here to download ' + module.apk_file + '

'; + } + } + + consoleLog('href = ' + href); + html += '
'; // scaffold for extra html + html += '
'; + + return html; + } + + function resizeHandler() { + if (isMobile) { + if (screen.height > screen.width) { $(':root').css('font-size', mobilePortraitSize); } + else { $(':root').css('font-size', mobileLscapeSize); } + } } - consoleLog('href = ' + href); - html += '
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- return check; -} - -function resizeHandler (){ - if (isMobile){ - if (screen.height > screen.width) - $(":root").css("font-size", mobilePortraitSize); - else - $(":root").css("font-size", mobileLscapeSize); + + function checkMenuDone() { + ajaxCallCount -= 1; + consoleLog(ajaxCallCount); + if (ajaxCallCount == 0) { + $('a').click(iiabMeter); + //alert ("menu done"); + } + } + + function iiabMeter(event) { + event.preventDefault(); + //alert("in iiab meter"); + var url = $(this).attr('href'); + consoleLog(url); + $.ajax({ + method: 'GET', + async: true, + url: iiabMeterUrl, + dataType: 'html', + data: { link_clicked: url } + }).always(function(data) { + window.location = url; + }); + } + + function jsonErrhandler(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { + // only handle json parse errors here, others in ajaxErrHandler + // if (textStatus == "parserror") { + // //alert ("Json Errhandler: " + textStatus + ", " + errorThrown); + // displayServerCommandStatus("Json Errhandler: " + textStatus + ", " + errorThrown); + // } + consoleLog('In Error Handler logging jqXHR'); + consoleLog(textStatus); + consoleLog(errorThrown); + consoleLog(jqXHR); + + return false; + } + + function consoleLog(msg) { + if (debug == true) { console.log(msg); } // for IE there can be no console messages unless in tools mode } -} - -function getExtraHtml(module) { - if (module.hasOwnProperty("extra_html") && (module['extra_html'] != "")){ - consoleLog('starting get extra'); - consoleLog(module.extra_html); - ajaxCallCount += 1; - var resp = $.ajax({ - type: 'GET', - async: true, - url: defUrl + module.extra_html, - dataType: 'html' - }) - .done(function( data ) { - //menuDefs[module.menu_item_name]['add_html'] = data; - consoleLog('in get extra done'); - var add_html = data; - var re = new RegExp('##HREF-BASE##', 'g'); - add_html = add_html.replace(re, module.href); - menuItemHtmlfDivId = "#" + module.menu_id + '-htmlf'; - consoleLog(menuItemHtmlfDivId); - $(".toggleExtraHtml").toggle(showFullDisplay); - $(menuItemHtmlfDivId).html(add_html); - checkMenuDone(); - }) - .fail(checkMenuDone); - return resp; - } -} - -function checkMenuDone(){ - ajaxCallCount -= 1; - consoleLog (ajaxCallCount); - if (ajaxCallCount == 0){ - $('a').click(iiabMeter); - //alert ("menu done"); - } -} - -function iiabMeter(event){ - event.preventDefault(); - //alert("in iiab meter"); - var url = $(this).attr('href'); - consoleLog (url); - $.ajax({ - method: "GET", - async: true, - url: iiabMeterUrl, - dataType: 'html', - data: { link_clicked: url } - }) - .always(function( data ) { - window.location = url; - }); -} - -$('#btn-rating-input').on('click', function() { - $('#rating-input').rating('refresh', { - showClear:true, - disabled: !$('#rating-input').attr('disabled') - }); -}); - -$('#btn-feedback').click(function(){ - $('#feedbackModal').modal('show'); -}); - -$('#btn-submitFeedback').click(function(){ - if (validateFeedback()) - sendFeedback(); -}); - -// clear feedback message and enable button for showing modal -$('#feedbackModal').on('show.bs.modal', function () { - $('#feedbackMessageModal').html(""); - $("#btn-submitFeedback").prop("disabled",false); - -}); - -// we need something in comments and a name would be nice -function validateFeedback (){ - if ($("#comments-text").val() == ""){ - $('#feedbackMessageModal').html("Please give us some feedback."); - return false; - } - if ($("#feedback-name").val() == ""){ - $('#feedbackMessageModal').html("Please tell us your name."); - return false; - } - return true; -} - -function sendFeedback(){ - $("#btn-submitFeedback").prop("disabled",true); - var resp = $.ajax({ - url: menuServicesUrl + 'record_feedback.php', - type: 'post', - dataType: 'json', - data: $('form#feedbackForm').serialize()}) - .success (function(data) { - console.log(data); - if (data == "SUCCESS"){ - //alert ("Thanks for submitting your feedback"); - $('#feedbackMessageModal').html("Thanks for submitting your feedback"); - setTimeout(function() {$('#feedbackModal').modal('hide');}, 3000); - } - else{ - $('#feedbackMessageModal').html(data); - //alert (data); - } - }) - .fail (function(dataResp, textStatus, jqXHR) { - console.log(jqXHR); - $('#feedbackMessageModal').html(dataResp); - }); - return resp; -} -function jsonErrhandler (jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) -{ - // only handle json parse errors here, others in ajaxErrHandler - // if (textStatus == "parserror") { - // //alert ("Json Errhandler: " + textStatus + ", " + errorThrown); - // displayServerCommandStatus("Json Errhandler: " + textStatus + ", " + errorThrown); - // } - consoleLog("In Error Handler logging jqXHR"); - consoleLog(textStatus); - consoleLog(errorThrown); - consoleLog(jqXHR); - - return false; -} - -function consoleLog (msg) -{ - if (debug == true) - console.log(msg); // for IE there can be no console messages unless in tools mode -} + + // get config + var getConfigJson = $.getJSON(configJson) + .done(function(data) { + consoleLog(data); + menuConfig = data; + apkBaseUrl = menuConfig['apkBaseUrl']; + if (isMobile) { + baseFontSize = menuConfig['mobilePortraitSize'].split('px')[0]; + mobilePortraitSize = baseFontSize + 'px'; + mobileLscapeSize = baseFontSize / 2 + 'px'; + window.addEventListener('resize', resizeHandler); + } + }) + .fail(jsonErrhandler); + + // get name to instance index for zim files + var getZimVersions = $.getJSON(zimVersionIdx) + .done(function(data) { + zimVersions = data; + }) + .fail(jsonErrhandler); + + // This is the main processing + if (dynamicHtml) { + var html = ''; + $.when(scaffold, getZimVersions, getConfigJson).then(procMenu); + + // create scaffolding for menu items + for (i = 0; i < menuItems.length; i++) { + var menu_item_name = menuItems[i]; + menuDefs[menu_item_name] = {}; + var menuItemDivId = i.toString() + '-' + menu_item_name; + menuDefs[menu_item_name]['menu_id'] = menuItemDivId; + + html += + ''; + } + + $('#content').html(html); + $('.toggleExtraHtml').toggle(showFullDisplay); + scaffold.resolve(); + } else { + var procStatic= function() { + $('a[href*="##HOST##"]').each(function() { + var hrefStr = $(this).attr('href'); + hrefStr = hrefStr.replace(/##HOST##/g, window.location.host); + this.href = hrefStr; + }); + resizeHandler(); // if a mobile device set font-size for portrait or landscape + $('a').click(iiabMeter); + }; + + $.when(getConfigJson).then(procStatic); + } + + // click function for full display toggle + $('#toggleFullDisplay').click(function() { + $('.toggleExtraHtml').toggle(); + }); + + $('#btn-rating-input').on('click', function() { + $('#rating-input').rating('refresh', { + showClear: true, + disabled: !$('#rating-input').attr('disabled') + }); + }); + + $('#btn-feedback').click(function() { + $('#feedbackModal').modal('show'); + }); + + $('#btn-submitFeedback').click(function() { + // we need something in comments and a name would be nice + var validateFeedback = function() { + if ($('#comments-text').val() == '') { + $('#feedbackMessageModal').html('Please give us some feedback.'); + return false; + } + if ($('#feedback-name').val() == '') { + $('#feedbackMessageModal').html('Please tell us your name.'); + return false; + } + return true; + } + var sendFeedback = function() { + $('#btn-submitFeedback').prop('disabled', true); + var resp = $.ajax({ + url: menuServicesUrl + 'record_feedback.php', + type: 'post', + dataType: 'json', + data: $('form#feedbackForm').serialize() + }) + .success(function(data) { + consoleLog(data); + if (data == 'SUCCESS') { + //alert ("Thanks for submitting your feedback"); + $('#feedbackMessageModal').html('Thanks for submitting your feedback'); + setTimeout(function() { + $('#feedbackModal').modal('hide'); + }, 3000); + } else { + $('#feedbackMessageModal').html(data); + //alert (data); + } + }) + .fail(function(dataResp, textStatus, jqXHR) { + consoleLog(jqXHR); + $('#feedbackMessageModal').html(dataResp); + }); + return resp; + } + + if (validateFeedback()) sendFeedback(); + }); + + // clear feedback message and enable button for showing modal + $('#feedbackModal').on('show.bs.modal', function() { + $('#feedbackMessageModal').html(''); + $('#btn-submitFeedback').prop('disabled', false); + }); + +})();