The following steps will help you set up the Zingg Development Environment. While the steps remain the same across different OS, we have provided detailed instructions for Ubuntu OS.
Step 1 : Clone the Zingg Repository
- Install and SetUp Git: sudo apt install git
- Set up Git by following the tutorial.
- Clone the Zingg Repository: git clone
Step 2** : **Install JDK 1.8 (Java Development Kit)
- Follow this tutorial to install Java8 JDK1.8 in Ubuntu.
Step 3 : Install Apache Spark - version spark-3.1.2-bin-hadoop3.2
- Download Apache Spark - version spark-3.1.2-bin-hadoop3.2 from the Apache Spark Official Website.
- Install downloaded Apache Spark - version spark-3.1.2-bin-hadoop3.2 on your Ubuntu by following this tutorial.
Step 4 : Install Apache Maven
- Install the latest maven package using the following Linux command:
sudo apt install maven
Step 5 : Set JAVA_HOME to JDK base directory
- Go to cd /etc directory in your Ubuntu system, and open the ‘profile’ file using gedit. Just run sudo gedit profile
- Paste these in the ‘profile’ file.
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64
export SPARK_HOME=~/spark-3.1.2-bin-hadoop3.2
export SPARK_MASTER=local[\*]
export ZINGG_HOME=<path_to_zingg>/assembly/target
where <path_to_zingg> will be a directory where you clone the repository of the Zingg. Similarly, if you have installed spark on a different directory you can set SPARK_HOME accordingly.
Note :- If you have already set up JAVA_HOME and SPARK_HOME in the steps before you don't need to do this again.
Step 6 : Compile the Zingg Repository
- Run the following to Compile the Zingg Repository - mvn clean compile package -Dspark=sparkVer
Step 7 : If had any issue with 'SPARK_LOCAL_IP'
- Install net-tools using sudo apt-get install -y net-tools
- Run command in the terminal ifconfig, find the IP address and paste the same in /opt/hosts IP address of your Pc-Name
Step 8 : Run Zingg to Find Training Data
- Run this Script in terminal opened in zingg clones directory - ./scripts/ --phase findTrainingData --conf examples/febrl/config.json
If everything is right, it should show Zingg Icon.