Table of Contents
Intel® In-Band Manageability command-line utility, INBC, is a software utility running on a host managing an Edge IoT Device. It allows the user to perform Device Management operations like firmware update or system update from the command-line. This may be used in lieu of using the cloud update mechanism.
Intel® In-Band Manageability needs to be installed and running. INBC can be working even without provisioning to the cloud by running the following command:
sudo NO_CLOUD=x provision-tc
- INBC has to be run as root or with sudo.
- INBC supports FOTA, SOTA, POTA and Config Updates(Get, Set) on an Edge device. This requires downloading from a remote source.
- Use the query command to find system information needed to fill in FOTA and SOTA update parameters.
Uses MQTT for communication with INBM agents
The agent publishes to the following topics:
- INBM command request:
The agent subscribes to the following topics:
- Telemetry Response to check if update successful:
- Searches for keywords in the telemetry events. Keywords are dependent on command:
Performs a Firmware Over The Air (FOTA) update.
Ensure trusted repository in intel_manageability.conf is to be configured with the URL for inbc fota to download from that specified URL.
inbc fota {--uri, -u=URI}
[--releasedate, -r RELEASE_DATE; default="2026-12-31"]
[--signature, -s SIGNATURE_STRING; default=None]
[--tooloptions, -to TOOL_OPTIONS]
[--username, -un USERNAME]
[--reboot, -rb; default=yes]
inbc fota
--uri <URI to TAR package>/BIOSUPDATE.tar
--releasedate 2022-11-3
--username <username>
inbc fota
--uri <URI to TAR package>/BIOSUPDATE.tar
--releasedate 2022-11-3
--signature <hash string of signature>
Performs a Software Over The Air (SOTA) update.
There are two possible software updates on an edge device depending on the Operating System on the device. If the OS is Yocto, then a Mender file will be required. If the OS is Ubuntu, then the update will be performed using the Ubuntu update mechanism.
System update flow can be broken into two parts:
- Pre-reboot: The pre-boot part is when a system update is triggered.
- Post-reboot: The post-boot checks the health of critical manageability services and takes corrective action.
SOTA on Ubuntu is supported in 3 modes:
- Update/Full - Performs the software update.
- No download - Retrieves and installs packages.
- Download only - Retrieve packages (will not unpack or install).
By default, when SOTA is performing an installation, it will upgrade all eligible packages. The user can optionally specify a list of packages to upgrade (or install if not present) via the [--package-list, -p=PACKAGES] option.
inbc sota {--uri, -u=URI}
[--releasedate, -r RELEASE_DATE; default="2026-12-31"]
[--username, -un USERNAME]
[--mode, -m MODE; default="full", choices=["full","no-download", "download-only"] ]
[--reboot, -rb; default=yes]
[--package-list, -p=PACKAGES]
inbc sota
--uri <URI to mender file>/update_file.mender
--releasedate 2022-02-22
--username <username>
inbc sota
inbc sota --package-list less,git
This will install (or upgrade) the less and git packages and any necessary dependencies.
inbc sota --mode download-only
inbc sota --mode download-only --package-list less,git
This will download the latest versions of less and git and any necessary dependencies.
inbc sota --mode no-download
inbc sota --mode no-download --package-list less,git
This will upgrade or install the packages less and git and any necessary dependencies, as long as all packages needed to do this have already been downloaded. (see download-only mode)
Performs a Platform Over The Air update (POTA)
A platform update is the equivalent of performing both a SOTA and FOTA with the same command. This is useful when there is a hard dependency between the software and firmware updates. Please review the information above regarding SOTA and FOTA for determining the correct values to supply.
inbc pota {--fotauri, -fu=FOTA_URI}
[--sotauri, -su=SOTA_URI] - N/A for Ubuntu based
[--releasedate, -r FOTA_RELEASE_DATE; default="2026-12-31"]
[--release_date, -sr SOTA_RELEASE_DATE; default="2026-12-31"]
[--fotasignature, -fs SIGNATURE_STRING]
[--username, -u USERNAME]
[--reboot, -rb; default=yes]
inbc pota
--fotauri <remote URI to FOTA file>/bios.bin
-r 2021-02-22
--sotauri <remote URI to mender file>/update.mender
-sr 2021-11-12
inbc pota
--fotauri <remote URI to FOTA file>/bios.bin
-r 2021-02-22
Performs an Application Over The Air update (AOTA)
INBC is only supporting the application update portion of AOTA.
inbc aota {--app, -a APP_TYPE} {--command, -c COMMAND}
[--uri, -u URI]
[--version, -v VERSION]
[--containertag, -ct CONTAINERTAG]
[--file, -f FILE]
[--reboot, -rb REBOOT; default="no"]
[--username, -un USERNAME]
[--signature, -s SIGNATURE]
[--dockerusername, -du DOCKERUSERNAME]
[--dockerregistry, -dr DOCKERREGISTRY]
Note: when the arguments --username/--dockerusername are used, passwords need to be entered after the prompt "Enter Password".
inbc aota
--uri <remote URI to AOTA file>/update.deb -a application -c update
inbc aota
--uri <remote URI to AOTA file>/update.deb --signature HASH_SIGNATURE_VALUE -a application -c update
inbc aota --app docker --command pull --version 1.0 --containertag name
inbc aota --app docker --command load --uri <remote URI to AOTA file>/name.tgz --version 1.0 --containertag name
inbc aota --app docker --command import --uri <remote URI to AOTA file>/name.tgz --version 1.0 --containertag name
inbc aota --app docker --command remove --version 1.0 --containertag name
inbc aota --app compose --command up --uri <remote URI to AOTA file>/compose-up.tar.gz --version 1.0 --containertag compose-up --dockerusername xxx --dockerregistry xxxxx
inbc aota --app compose --command up --uri <remote URI to AOTA file>/compose-up-multiple-yml.tar.gz --version 1.0 --containertag compose-up-multiple-yml --file docker-compose-2.yml
inbc aota --app compose --command pull --uri <remote URI to AOTA file>/compose-pull.tar.gz --version 1.0 --containertag compose-pull
inbc aota --app compose --command up --uri <remote URI to AOTA file>/compose-pull-multiple-yml.tar.gz --version 1.0 --containertag compose-pull-multiple-yml --file docker-compose-2.yml
inbc aota --app compose --command down --version 1.0 --containertag compose-up
Load a new configuration file. This will replace the existing configuration file with the new file.
📝 The configuration file you provide needs to be named intel_manageability.conf.
inbc load
[--uri, -u URI]
{--signature, -s SIGNATURE}
inbc load --uri <URI to config file>/config.file
Get key/value pairs from configuration file
inbc get
{--path, -p KEY_PATH;...}
inbc get --path publishIntervalSeconds
Set key/value pairs in configuration file
inbc set
{--path, -p KEY_PATH;...}
inbc set --path maxCacheSize:100
Append is only applicable to two config tags, which are trustedRepositories and sotaSW
inbc append
{--path, -p KEY_PATH;...}
inbc append --path trustedRepositories:
Remove is only applicable to two config tags, which are trustedRepositories and sotaSW
inbc remove
{--path, -p KEY_PATH;...}
inbc remove --path trustedRepositories:
inbc restart
inbc restart
Query device(s) for attributes
inbc query
[--option, -o=[all | hw | fw | os | swbom | version ]; default='all']
inbc query
inbc query --option hw
inbc query --option sw
Optionally Downloads and encrypts GPG key and stores it on the system under /usr/share/keyrings. Creates a file under /etc/apt/sources.list.d to store the update source information. This list file is used during 'sudo apt update' to update the application. Deb882 format may be used instead of downloading a GPG key.
NOTE: Make sure to add gpgKeyUri to trustedrepositories using INBC Config Append command before using Inbc source application add command Step 1: Refer to Inbc Config Append command to set gpgKeyUri to trustedRepositories in intel-manageability.conf file Example: inbc append --path trustedRepositories: Step 2: Use Inbc source appplication add command
inbc source application add
{--sources, -s SOURCES}
{--filename, -f=FILENAME}
[--gpgKeyUri, -gku=GPG_KEY_URI]
[--gpgKeyName, -gkn=GPG_KEY_NAME]
inbc source application add
--gpgKeyName google-chrome.gpg
--sources "deb [arch=amd64] stable main"
--filename google-chrome.list
NOTE: In the Signed-By: Section, use the following guidelines.
- Each blank line has a period in it. -> " ."
- Each line after the Signed-By: starts with a space -> " gibberish"
inbc source application add
"Enabled: yes"
"Types: deb"
"Suites: stable"
"Components: main"
" Version: GnuPG v1.4.2.2 (GNU/Linux)"
" ."
" mQGiBEXwb0YRBADQva2NLpYXxgjNkbuP0LnPoEXruGmvi3XMIxjEUFuGNCP4Rj/a"
" kv2E5VixBP1vcQFDRJ+p1puh8NU0XERlhpyZrVMzzS/RdWdyXf7E5S8oqNXsoD1z"
" fvmI+i9b2EhHAA19Kgw7ifV8vMa4tkwslEmcTiwiw8lyUl28Wh4Et8SxzwCggDcA"
" feGqtn3PP5YAdD0km4S4XeMEAJjlrqPoPv2Gf//tfznY2UyS9PUqFCPLHgFLe80u"
" QhI2U5jt6jUKN4fHauvR6z3seSAsh1YyzyZCKxJFEKXCCqnrFSoh4WSJsbFNc4PN"
" b0V0SqiTCkWADZyLT5wll8sWuQ5ylTf3z1ENoHf+G3um3/wk/+xmEHvj9HCTBEXP"
" 78X0A/0Tqlhc2RBnEf+AqxWvM8sk8LzJI/XGjwBvKfXe+l3rnSR2kEAvGzj5Sg0X"
" 4XmfTg4Jl8BNjWyvm2Wmjfet41LPmYJKsux3g0b8yzQxeOA4pQKKAU3Z4+rgzGmf"
" HdwCG5MNT2A5XxD/eDd+L4fRx0HbFkIQoAi1J3YWQSiTk15fw7RMR29vZ2xlLCBJ"
" bmMuIExpbnV4IFBhY2thZ2UgU2lnbmluZyBLZXkgPGxpbnV4LXBhY2thZ2VzLWtl"
" eW1hc3RlckBnb29nbGUuY29tPohjBBMRAgAjAhsDBgsJCAcDAgQVAggDBBYCAwEC"
" AJEAniSFbuv8V5FSHxeRimHx25671az+uQINBEXwb0sQCACuA8HT2nr+FM5y/kzI"
" A51ZcC46KFtIDgjQJ31Q3OrkYP8LbxOpKMRIzvOZrsjOlFmDVqitiVc7qj3lYp6U"
" rgNVaFv6Qu4bo2/ctjNHDDBdv6nufmusJUWq/9TwieepM/cwnXd+HMxu1XBKRVk9"
" XyAZ9SvfcW4EtxVgysI+XlptKFa5JCqFM3qJllVohMmr7lMwO8+sxTWTXqxsptJo"
" pZeKz+UBEEqPyw7CUIVYGC9ENEtIMFvAvPqnhj1GS96REMpry+5s9WKuLEaclWpd"
" K3krttbDlY1NaeQUCRvBYZ8iAG9YSLHUHMTuI2oea07Rh4dtIAqPwAX8xn36JAYG"
" 2vgLAAMFB/wKqaycjWAZwIe98Yt0qHsdkpmIbarD9fGiA6kfkK/UxjL/k7tmS4Vm"
" CljrrDZkPSQ/19mpdRcGXtb0NI9+nyM5trweTvtPw+HPkDiJlTaiCcx+izg79Fj9"
" KcofuNb3lPdXZb9tzf5oDnmm/B+4vkeTuEZJ//IFty8cmvCpzvY+DAz1Vo9rA+Zn"
" cpWY1n6z6oSS9AsyT/IFlWWBZZ17SpMHu+h4Bxy62+AbPHKGSujEGQhWq8ZRoJAT"
" G0KSObnmZ7FwFWu1e9XFoUCt0bSjiJWTIyaObMrWu/LvJ3e9I87HseSJStfw6fki"
" D3+sWZF/WACfeNAu1/1hwZtUo1bR+MWiCjpvHtwAnA1R3IHqFLQ2X3xJ40XPuAyY"
" /FJG"
" %20=Quqp"
--filename google-chrome.sources
Removes the source file from under /etc/apt/sources.list.d/. Optionally removes the GPG key file from under /usr/share/keyrings.
inbc source application remove
{--filename, -f=FILE_NAME}
[--gpgKeyName, -gkn=GPG_KEY_NAME]
inbc source application remove
--gpgKeyName google-chrome.gpg
--filename google-chrome.list
inbc source application remove
--filename google-chrome.sources
Updates Application sources that are used to update the system NOTE: Currently this only works on Ubuntu
inbc source application update
{--filename, -f=FILEPATH}
{--sources, -s SOURCES}
inbc source application update
--filename google-chrome.list
--sources "deb [arch=amd64] stable test" "debsrc [arch=amd64] stable test2"
Lists Application sources
inbc source application list
inbc source application list
Appends new source(s) to the /etc/apt/sources.list file
inbc source os add
{--sources, -s SOURCES}
inbc source os add
--sources "deb jammy-security main restricted" "deb jammy-security universe"
Removes the provided source(s) from the /etc/apt/sources.list file, if they are present.
inbc source os remove
{--sources, -s SOURCES}
inbc source os remove
--sources "deb jammy-security main restricted" "deb jammy-security universe"
Creates a new /etc/apt/sources.list file with only the sources provided
inbc source os update
{--sources, -s SOURCES}
inbc source os update
--sources "deb jammy-security main restricted" "deb jammy-security universe"
Lists OS sources
inbc source os list
inbc source os list
Message | Description | Result |
COMMAND_SUCCESS | Post and pre-install check go through | {'status': 200, 'message': 'COMMAND SUCCESS'} |
FILE_NOT_FOUND | File to be fetched is not found | {'status': 404, 'message': 'FILE NOT FOUND'} |
COMMAND_FAILURE | Update did not go through | {'status': 400, 'message': 'COMMAND FAILURE'} |
Return Code | Exit Code | Description |
0 | 0 | SUCCESS |
-1 | 1 | FAIL |
-6 | 6 | HOST BUSY |