- Add CoordniatorLayout
- Windows port working
- add some losting fucntions
- add allwinner tina's porting
- Some bug fix.
- add CMS(Color Manager System).
- Cairo::Pattern add dither support.
- Apng animation supported reopened(with less memory).
- BitmapDrawable,GradientDrawable add Dither support,GradientDrawable with alpha optimized.
- RecyclerView can working on lower(default) poolsize.
- add new image-decoders,all image is decoded to RGBA32. ui layer compsition can be faster than ever.
- add GestureDetector
- some bug fixes
- RecyclerView's ItemAnimator and ItemTouchHelper is supported
- Animation's Callback has moved to Choregrapher
- Add HandlerActionQueue,View's Runnable can be post/removes while view it not attached.
- The first stable public version.
- fix many small memleak
- ColorStateList is designed to no freed(managed by map)
- Each interpolater is designed to be has a global intstance,and io free is needed;other customer instance is owned by caller
- Commemorating the Miniwin versions, do not use for commercial purposes.